Notice of Public Hearing
Re: HDC-09-01 (21.5 acres, zoned RSF-7-RNC, Township, 600 N. Kansas Avenue, LC) -
Change acceptable elevations for conformity to section 56-4(8) of Historic District ordinance and Architectural guidelines.
Notice does not state if flood abatement, environmental impact or other concerns of any other jurisdictions apply. The HDC of the city will hold a public hearing "to provide all interested parties the right to appear and request information."
Does not state that these hearings have preset agendas that do NOT include recognizing persons on the floor who may wish to ask questions or submit concerns. Prepare to be muzzled. Notice was sent to property owners within 200 feet of the subject development.
Hearing date: February 19, 2009, 6PM, Council Chambers, 200 W.Walker, LC.
For more, contact P&Z at 281-554-1080 or; reference case no. HDC-09-01.
P. Moratto