Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Councilman Baron Barks

During last night's council meeting Neil Baron made a number of interesting comments during the dog park debate.

He proclaimed:
"The hundreds of petition signers I got"

I am hopeful someone will post a text of Baron's most memorable "dog park" comments.

Nonetheless, I applaud the citizens that spoke on both sides of the issue. In some cases the fuzzy logic was most entertaining. A gentleman spoke connecting the need for a dog park, pet waste, and Clear Lake clean water issues. I am glad someone else cares about Clear Lake water quality.

Does anyone else find it odd that a councilman would be a leader of a special interest group and use his elected position to advocate the group's special-use park?

Some have raised the question of a possible ethics issue. What do you think?


I did hear a good idea. A private organization could lease city land (or get private land donation) and operate the dog park by volunteer activities and donations. Why not?