Sunday, July 29, 2012

Opinion needed

The city has about 3 million dollars that has been deemed as a surplus. There has been several suggestions on how to use those taxpayer dollars. Should we give it back to the taxpayer? Should we pay down our city debt? Should we use it for infrastructure needs? Should we use it on the Water smart park? How about a tourist attraction like a wave pool? Would it be possible to raffle it off? Should we have a statue of all the Mayors of our city placed by the gazebo at League Park? Maybe we should have an official Mayor’s residence? What about a city owned radio station? Or better yet let’s invest it in GOLD !!! So what do you think we should do with it?


Morgan_Campbell said...

Pay down the debt that Council seems to be obligating us to at an exponential rate.

Unknown said...

Can we please turn off the 1990's geocities theme, and use one of the basic Blogger templates?

Chris John Mallios said...

Any better ?

Unknown said...

A little, but it makes me want some True Blood. :)

Unknown said...

On a more serious note, some ideas:

- Invest in a water desalination plant for the city's water supply issues, maybe work with Galveston and other local cities to see if there can be shared effort?

- Invest in municipal fiber optic broadband, and then lease lines to Verizon and other ISPs for possible profit, maybe then Verizon can actually compete with Comcast across the city with FIOS.

- Invest in repairing and replacing water lines in older neighborhoods, this could cut down on wasted water due to leaks/breaks. If I remember, I heard this had saved San Antonio millions and gave them a surplus.

- Donate to local college scholarship programs

- A new animal shelter

Chuck DiFalco said...

If we can pay down municipal debt evenly over the next few years of payments, then that could reduce our otherwise high debt service payments. Last I checked, League City was at roughly one third of property tax (just over 20 cents per $100 vs. just over 60 cents per $100) going to debt. Alternatively, we still have infrastructure problems. For example, Shellside and the Landing flooding problems linger. Also, traffic on 518 west has only improved from horrible to bad, and League City Parkway is moving from bad to horrible.