This tragedy has touched the lives of four young children in the most terrible way. In an attempt to bring some relief to these unfortunate kids, the neighborhood has started a benefit fund at Moody bank to make donations to their aid. The children are being cared for in the custody of family members who will receive 100% of the funds donated to be used exclusively on behalf of the children. The details of this benefit were printed in the GDN Friday edition:
This tragedy happened here in League City, so please consider making a donation.
The official announcement of this fund from GCPHOA President Scott Freudenberg follows:
Glen Cove Park HOA and the homeowners of Glen Cove have opened an account at Moody Bank to benefit the children of Wanda Belle. " Although they lived in our neighborhood for a short time, they were still residents, and the recent tragedy has touched the hearts of our neighborhood and the City of League City." " The HOA has been swamped with requests to help the children in some way and we decided this would be the best way to make sure they at least have a chance to carry on with the loss of their mother." "We would ask that anyone who has a $1 or more to spare donate to this fund and help these children." " Moody National Bank has generously reached out to be a part of this and help us in our effort." (SF QUOTE)
The children are as follows
Jackie , girl, age 13
Mateo , boy, age 8
Claudia , girl, age 6
J.J. , boy, age 3
Donations can be made in person at any of the Moody National Banks in Galveston County and other branchs in the area.
Donations should be made out to the "Wanda Belle Childrens Fund" and can also be mailed to
Moody National Bank
South Shore Branch
2901 South Shore Blvd
League City, Texas 77573
The children are as follows
Jackie , girl, age 13
Mateo , boy, age 8
Claudia , girl, age 6
J.J. , boy, age 3
Donations can be made in person at any of the Moody National Banks in Galveston County and other branchs in the area.
Donations should be made out to the "Wanda Belle Childrens Fund" and can also be mailed to
Moody National Bank
South Shore Branch
2901 South Shore Blvd
League City, Texas 77573