Friday, August 27, 2010

CC Baron's Executive Session

Councilman Attorney Baron’s Special City Council Executive Session
Tuesday August 31, 2010

“Discussion concerning possible amendments to Interlocal Easement Agreement between League City and MB Harbour, LTD” (Council Member Baron)

Also Discussions with City Attorney regarding pending and threatened or contemplated litigation. (Council Member Baron)

OK - So now Attorney Baron wants modify the easement agreement rather than rescinding.

What possible amendments could you have with an easement agreement on property the city can not prove it owns? The only amendment I can see is a termination date of yesterday rather than 96 years in the future.

Mr. Baron how about sharing your ideas with the citizens.
Please tell us what you are thinking.

As far as council's decision to release the title opinion, I have heard Helfand is NOT going to approve the release.

Here's my prediction: MB Harbor will not sue the city over the 99 year lease. It had little value. Suit will likely be over the developer's agreement that was approved by council in February 2006 under the supervision of City Attorney Polanco.

Scott Freudenburg - Glen Cove HOA Presidents Speaks: