Tuesday, March 17, 2009


I have received these emails and thought you might want to comment on them.

The election in May is crucial to Leauge City's future and how our money is spent.

We need people on council who will support our Mayor and the views of the people that live here. In this day and age things are changing fast locally, state and worldwide. We need conservative leaders that have moral and ethical values. We don’t need more of the good ole boy system. That is what you will get if you elect Pat Hallisey, Tommy Cones and Ed Station. If you want change you need to vote for Mike Lee, Mick Phalen and Phylis Sanborn. Mr. Hallisey, thank you for your prior years of service to League City. This is a different town and a different place from 20 years ago. Mr. Hallisey, it’s time to leave your service in the past. Mr. Cones, we thank you for your interesting service. Voting for $390K to be spent on a dog track is not using my money wisely! Your time is up; you need to move into the past. Mr. Station, I am sorry that you associate with these two candidates but your time will never come. League City citizens I urge you to get out vote and make a difference.
Submitted to Galveston Daily News.

Can League City afford 3 more years of poor decision making?

Incumbent Tommy Cones has voted for over 10 housing developments. More houses more traffic.

Incumbent Tommy Cones was investigated by the DA and Grand Jury regarding the new trash contract. He voted in favor of the new trash contract, costing the taxpayers more money.

Incumbent Tommy Cones voted in favor to pay $72,000.00 additional fees to the new trash company for trash collections during Hurricane Ike. This collection was not listed in their contract. FEMA will not reimburse the city for this money.

Incumbent Tommy Cones is involved in a lawsuit over the Glen Cove Bridge

Incumbent Tommy Cones received $5000.00 from the developer who purchased the Glen Cove Bridge. The contribution was made in a non-election year.

Incumbent Tommy Cones has received over $20,000.00 in campaign contributions from Developers, Home Builders Political Action groups; and outside interests.

Incumbent Tommy Cones has spent over $5000.00 of taxpayer’s money traveling to Colorado (where he went skiing); Florida to watch a space launch; and tour Washington D.C.

Incumbent Tommy Cones was given an all expense free trip to California to view a Big League Dream complex. Cones voted for the LC Big League Dreams Project, costing the taxpayers over $22 million dollars. League City has not received revenue from the project.

Incumbent Tommy Cones voted in favor of the $379.000.00 Dog Park, costing the taxpayers the cost of up keep, personnel, etc.
In a time of a soft economy, the Dog Park should not have been a priority.

Incumbent Tommy Cones stated at the February24,2009 council workshop that he “had attended about 90% of the HGAC meetings”. His attendance record indicated that he had attended less than 40% of the meetings.

Incumbent Tommy Cones has been notified by the Texas Ethics Commission regarding numerous alleged campaign filing violations.

Incumbent Tommy Cones demanded and voted for $5000.00 (of taxpayer’s dollars) be spent on soda to be provided at council meetings.

Can League City really afford 3 more years of poor decisions?

VOTE to continue the change

Vote for Mick Phalen

The Top Ten Reasons Why to Vote for Pat Hallisey:

1.)Pat needs a job.
His consulting gigs and his developer money from the last campaigns are all gone.

2.)Pat needs to be in a position where he can feel important.
He has never won an election and his appointed positions that made him feel important have all ended very abruptly.

3.)Pat needs credibility.
After spending tens of thousands of everyone else’s money on losing campaigns no one listens to what he has to say.

4.)Pat needs Developer money.
His friends are tired of paying for his lunches at the country club. And when Pat pays for lunch they all know they will be ordering off Taco Bell’s dollar menu.

5.)Pat needs more friends on his facebook account.
Face book monitors emailed him to say that he needs to have more than 2 people to continue to keep that sight up. (and they do not count multiple email addresses going to the same IP address as legitimate friends)

6.)Pat needs to buy a home.
He needs more room for all the files he will have when he takes those that have wronged him to court.

7.)Pat needs to have someone listen to him.
The help line at dell has blocked his phone number.

8.)Pat needs to buy a new sharpening stone.
He has many more axes to grind.

9.)Pat’s friends need some down time from him.
If you had to listen to him all the time wouldn’t you?

10.)Pat needs to buy anti hacking software
To keep everyone from taking over his computer and posting nasty, hateful thoughts on the web and blaming him.

Any commets?