Tuesday, March 17, 2009


I have received these emails and thought you might want to comment on them.

The election in May is crucial to Leauge City's future and how our money is spent.

We need people on council who will support our Mayor and the views of the people that live here. In this day and age things are changing fast locally, state and worldwide. We need conservative leaders that have moral and ethical values. We don’t need more of the good ole boy system. That is what you will get if you elect Pat Hallisey, Tommy Cones and Ed Station. If you want change you need to vote for Mike Lee, Mick Phalen and Phylis Sanborn. Mr. Hallisey, thank you for your prior years of service to League City. This is a different town and a different place from 20 years ago. Mr. Hallisey, it’s time to leave your service in the past. Mr. Cones, we thank you for your interesting service. Voting for $390K to be spent on a dog track is not using my money wisely! Your time is up; you need to move into the past. Mr. Station, I am sorry that you associate with these two candidates but your time will never come. League City citizens I urge you to get out vote and make a difference.
Submitted to Galveston Daily News.

Can League City afford 3 more years of poor decision making?

Incumbent Tommy Cones has voted for over 10 housing developments. More houses more traffic.

Incumbent Tommy Cones was investigated by the DA and Grand Jury regarding the new trash contract. He voted in favor of the new trash contract, costing the taxpayers more money.

Incumbent Tommy Cones voted in favor to pay $72,000.00 additional fees to the new trash company for trash collections during Hurricane Ike. This collection was not listed in their contract. FEMA will not reimburse the city for this money.

Incumbent Tommy Cones is involved in a lawsuit over the Glen Cove Bridge

Incumbent Tommy Cones received $5000.00 from the developer who purchased the Glen Cove Bridge. The contribution was made in a non-election year.

Incumbent Tommy Cones has received over $20,000.00 in campaign contributions from Developers, Home Builders Political Action groups; and outside interests.

Incumbent Tommy Cones has spent over $5000.00 of taxpayer’s money traveling to Colorado (where he went skiing); Florida to watch a space launch; and tour Washington D.C.

Incumbent Tommy Cones was given an all expense free trip to California to view a Big League Dream complex. Cones voted for the LC Big League Dreams Project, costing the taxpayers over $22 million dollars. League City has not received revenue from the project.

Incumbent Tommy Cones voted in favor of the $379.000.00 Dog Park, costing the taxpayers the cost of up keep, personnel, etc.
In a time of a soft economy, the Dog Park should not have been a priority.

Incumbent Tommy Cones stated at the February24,2009 council workshop that he “had attended about 90% of the HGAC meetings”. His attendance record indicated that he had attended less than 40% of the meetings.

Incumbent Tommy Cones has been notified by the Texas Ethics Commission regarding numerous alleged campaign filing violations.

Incumbent Tommy Cones demanded and voted for $5000.00 (of taxpayer’s dollars) be spent on soda to be provided at council meetings.

Can League City really afford 3 more years of poor decisions?

VOTE to continue the change

Vote for Mick Phalen

The Top Ten Reasons Why to Vote for Pat Hallisey:

1.)Pat needs a job.
His consulting gigs and his developer money from the last campaigns are all gone.

2.)Pat needs to be in a position where he can feel important.
He has never won an election and his appointed positions that made him feel important have all ended very abruptly.

3.)Pat needs credibility.
After spending tens of thousands of everyone else’s money on losing campaigns no one listens to what he has to say.

4.)Pat needs Developer money.
His friends are tired of paying for his lunches at the country club. And when Pat pays for lunch they all know they will be ordering off Taco Bell’s dollar menu.

5.)Pat needs more friends on his facebook account.
Face book monitors emailed him to say that he needs to have more than 2 people to continue to keep that sight up. (and they do not count multiple email addresses going to the same IP address as legitimate friends)

6.)Pat needs to buy a home.
He needs more room for all the files he will have when he takes those that have wronged him to court.

7.)Pat needs to have someone listen to him.
The help line at dell has blocked his phone number.

8.)Pat needs to buy a new sharpening stone.
He has many more axes to grind.

9.)Pat’s friends need some down time from him.
If you had to listen to him all the time wouldn’t you?

10.)Pat needs to buy anti hacking software
To keep everyone from taking over his computer and posting nasty, hateful thoughts on the web and blaming him.

Any commets?


Rick Vaughn said...

thanks chris for the insightful information on tommy cones. There already a few houses in my neighborhood that have his sign in their yard. I feel like printing that information and distributing it..

Mrs. Glen Cove Resident said...

Thank you Chris for the info on Tommy Cones. Others are attempting to distract from the real candidates in the May election.
Cones and Developers: Cones' campaign filings list over $15,000.00 from Developers, HomeBuilders PAC, Houston attorneys, etc.

Cones has supported boondoogle city spending. He championed Big League Dreams (Developer Randy Hall owned the land. Randy Hall has contributed thousands of dollars to Cones' campaigns). To date, League City has spent about $22 million dollars on this private enterprise; and approximately $4 million on PI. The city has not collected 1 dime in return.
Cones continues to promote the Butler Long Horn Museum. Great idea, 7 years behind schedule, costing the taxpayers over $1 million dollars. A recreational dog park, novel idea, but in the time of a soft recession?

Cones has a track record supporting special interests. Follow the money, and see where it leads you. More rooftops, more traffic,more developement, etc.

Chris John Mallios said...

Good Morning Strange talk, (AKA Pat Hallisey)
It sure does scare you and your good old boys, Tommy Clones…er Cones and Mr. ED.. Stations, that a coalition of citizens that cover the whole spectrum of political thought has unified together to insure that the city elects responsive, reasonable thinking candidates to move our city forward. So what do you try to do? Divide and conquer. LOL Well my friend City politics is non partisan and we have all made our peace with one another. We understand it's about our city not ourselves. It’s time for you to grow up and encourage your playmates Tommy “More rooftops means more money for me” Clones and Mr. Stations to see the light and get out of the race. The 19th is the last day to withdraw. You still have an opportunity to walk away with some dignity. But I surmise that you are so arrogant, vengeful and full of hate that you will take Tommy Clones and Mr.ED… Stations down with you before you would get out of the race. As you continue to post about everyone except a candidate for office it is obvious to many of us that you would never put League City first. So go back to you archive and keep digging. (maybe you can get Neil "Mr. Ethics" Baron to help you)Mean while we will pray for you and continue to shake our heads in disappointment and amazement at what you and Tommy have become.
The difference between you and me pat is I sign my name to my actions and take responsibility for them. You never have and you never will. Instead you cower from fear and hide in the dark cover of anonymity. So go back and invent another personality (try to spell the name right this time) and keep up the dirty work. Just remember it was a burned legless bitter man who allowed hate and anger to consume him that was saved only to become a servant to the evil master. And we all know pat that Darth Vader dies in the end and good always triumphs over evil……. So if you really want to push it I say let the Tommy Clone wars begin.

Anonymous said...

I fail to see how the comments of "Striaght Talk" aid Pat or Tommy in any way. By the way, it actually hurts to misspell the word "Straight".

It's fairly obvious that the individual is Pat (history likes to repeat itself after all), and I must wonder why he spends so much time digging up crap instead of actually discussing the issues or arguing his points to win an election. Honestly, the weight of these turds he's been mining is null at best, and just oozes desperation for a win.

It also makes me wonder just how dirty his hands are in this election... (Eww)

Anyways... Instead of flooding the comments with these long copy/pasted articles, can we instead start providing direct links to public records when possible, or at least the steps taken to locate and access them? I feel this practice would keep things cleaner, and we can actually discuss the information instead of presenting it. :)

Chris John Mallios said...

Nobody’s playing with you Pat, but it appears to me you are having a good time playing with yourself but, we are still waiting to find out how much money you collected as well as Tommy “Two tones” Clones from the developers. Can’t find that out? LOL I know you have just about run your course on articles about me so who’s next? LOL !! You know pat It is sad to see what a nasty, bitter and hateful person you have become. It reminds me of the old saying that it is not the situations in our life that make us who we are, it is how we work through them that makes us the person that we are. I guess you never got though some of them. Just remember in the end we all have to answer to a higher authority. I’m just glad I’m not you. But I do pray for you.

Richard M,
Agreed from this time forward such lengthy pieces of information will be removed by me and if the person wishes to replace them they may provide a link to such documents. The administrator of this blog will determine if an article is too long. The decision of the administrator is final however can be appealed with open discussion, in short version, on the blog in an open and fair manner.The only exempt article is the mayor’s report.

Chris John Mallios said...

Also any double postings have been and will be removed.

P. Moratto said...

Thanks Chris (and others). The first e-mail pretty much says it all. The ten reasons to vote for Patty Melt are a riot, and are quite compelling. David Letterman should use it in one of his Ten Top Reasons countdowns. Pat's (aka Striaght [sic] Talk) reply makes it sound almost like Chris is the candidate, and not Pat. Pat, need to change your latest alias to "Groping For Straws." Come May, you can change it again -- to "Shot Down In Flames."

Unknown said...

Rich, darling,it helps Tommy and Ed by preventing or obstructing any open discussion of relevant issues. It helps Pat vent. He blames others for his many failings. Tommy supports this tactic because he knows a close examination of his record and Ed's ties to developer interests will lead to certain defeat.

The voters said yes to change last year. The more of this turd mining they see the more they will realize the job is not yet finished.

Desperate people do desperate things.

Striaght Talk said...

Date: THU 04/11/1996
Section: A
Page: 20
Edition: 3 STAR
Store's demand for light comes for vote tonight

LEAGUE CITY - A grocery chain's demand for a signal light near a major intersection on a road built to cut traffic congestion is drawing controversy here.
Albertson's officials indicate they probably will back out of plans for a new store unless the city installs a traffic light on FM 270 about 600 feet south of FM 518.
City Council is to vote on the request tonight.
Galveston County and city officials opened the $7.2 million, 2.7-mile extension of FM 270 with great fanfare in February. They said the road, connecting FM 518 in League City to FM 646 in Dickinson, would relieve traffic in this much traveled northern section of the county.
By a 4-3 vote, the council last month approved on first reading a resolution calling for the light. The final reading is set for tonight.
Council members Chester Davis, Debbie McFadden, Tommy Parr and Rudy Reyes cited economic development in voting for the light. McFadden and Reyes voted for the measure after Albertson's representatives agreed to meet with them before tonight's meeting to answer some questions.
The other council members -Linda Isbell, Elaine Kosty and Chuck Kelly - said the light would defeat the city's purpose in spending millions of dollars to lessen traffic with the road extension.
Selwin Thint, an attorney for Albertson's, told the council that a traffic light is on the grocery chain's list of criteria it must meet before it begins construction at the southwest corner of FM 270 at FM 518.
""Albertson's upper management has indicated that they feel extremely strong about the signal at this site as being an issue," he said.
Some council members have questioned why Albertson's needs a traffic light when other major food stores at busy intersections - including Food Lion at the northeast corner of FM 518 at FM 270 - do not have such lights.
Albertson's argued that the highway department has given its approval and that a traffic study conducted for the store indicated a traffic light was warranted.
The chain turned down McFadden's suggestion that Albertson's compromise and wait until six months after the store opens to see if traffic necessitates a signal light.
Although she voted for the measure, McFadden agrees with fellow council members that the light would cause traffic congestion.
Parr disagreed about the purpose of FM 270.
""It's not very farsighted to think that with that much undeveloped land it was intended to be a thoroughfare," he said. ""It was intended to open up that land for development.""

Paul Smith said...

Why not address how much developer's money will be driving this upcoming election? I suggest you be careful in filing your Campaign Finance Reports.

Nobody cares about your old articles about Kosty and Chris. Why don't you google yourself and review all YOUR old trash. After all, you are the one running for office. (I think)

You have my vote to pull the plug on Striaght Talk. It is just space-wasting clutter.
Loved you 10 Reasons to Vote of Pat. That was priceless.

Mrs. Glen Cove Resident:
Don’t forget to look at Hallisey's old campaign contributions. It's much the same developers as supported Cones.

For any developers reading this blog I have a bit of advice. The front door to city hall is NOW open and there is no need for campaign contributions for favors. Campaign contributions are being closely watched. Citizens are paying attention to P & Z and development isues coming before council.

Striaght Talk said...

Censorship is the suppression of speech or deletion of communicative material which may be considered objectionable, harmful or sensitive, as determined by a censor. The rationale for censorship is different for various types of information censored:

Moral censorship, is the removal of materials that censor deems, or thinks, to be obscene or otherwise morally questionable. Pornography, for example, is often censored under this rationale, especially child pornography, which is censored in most jurisdictions in the world.
Military censorship is the process of keeping military intelligence and tactics confidential and away from the enemy. This is used to counter espionage, which is the process of gleaning military information. Very often, militaries will also attempt to suppress politically inconvenient information even if that information has no actual intelligence value.
Political censorship occurs when governments hold back information from their citizens. The logic is to exert control over the populace and prevent free expression that might foment rebellion.
Religious censorship is the means by which any material objectionable to a certain faith is removed. This often involves a dominant religion forcing limitations on less prevalent ones. Alternatively, one religion may shun the works of another when they believe the content is not appropriate for their faith. Although this rule for censorship has since been abolished and is not a reason for media to be censored.
Corporate censorship is the process by which editors in corporate media outlets intervene to halt the publishing of information that portrays their business or business partners in a negative light. Privately owned corporations in the business of reporting the news also sometimes refuse to distribute information due to the potential loss of advertiser revenue or shareholder value which adverse publicity may bring. See media bias. Trade secret law may be used by corporations as a censorship device. For example, trade secret law may help keep company-sponsored research confidential, when revealing it would reveal negative health effects of the product researched.

Definitions of Censorship

The term "censorship" comes from The Latin, censere "to give as one's opinion, to assess." The Roman censors were magistrates who took the census count and served as assessors and inspectors of morals and conduct.

In contrast to that straightforward definition from Roman times, contemporary usage offers no agreed-upon definition of the term or when to use it. Indeed, even whether the word itself applies to a given controversy in the arts is often vigorously contested.

Here are excerpts of definitions of "censorship" from U.S. organizations and publications with varying views. They are not intended as any composite mega-definition of the term, only as indications of the variety of approaches to this concept.

Censor: One who supervises conduct and morals: as a) an official who examines materials (as publications or films) for objectionable matter; b) an official (as in time of war) who reads communications (as letters) and deletes material considered harmful to the interests of his organization. Censorship: The institution, system or practice of censoring; the actions or practices of censors; esp : censorial control exercised repressively.
--Merriam Webster's Collegiate Dictionary
Censorship: The use of the state and other legal or official

Babs said...

From the spelling of whom I believe to be "straight talk" and from your ramblings about censorship, one can only wonder about your current state (not referring to where you live) at this late hour! But I can only laugh, because I have better things to do! But it is hilarious!

Striaght Talk said...

Critics: Meeks uses newsletter to slam foes

By Alicia Gooden
The Daily News
Published June 2, 2002

LEAGUE CITY — It’s called the Bay Area Facts, but the daily faxed newsletter is being hailed as a work of fiction by at least one League City council member who says it is filled with slanted news and represents a severe conflict of interest.

League City council member Barbara Meeks started the two-page publication last fall.

It covers the Clear Creek Independent School District, cities in the Clear Lake area and commercial businesses.

Meeks is the publisher, editor and sometimes reporter for the journal. She charges $324 a year for the publication. “This is filling a void,” she said.

But the kind of void the newsletter fills is what concerns council member Hamid Kantara. He said the Bay Area Facts is Meeks’ personal tool to bash fellow council members that disagree with her.

“She goes way beyond reporting the votes,” said Kantara. “She slants the reports and tries to make anyone who disagrees with her look bad.”

Meeks said she was gaining new subscribers every week but did not know how many subscribers she had.

Kantara questions how Meeks got some of her subscribers. He said he was concerned she abused her position as an officeholder to obtain a membership list from officials with the Clear Lake Area Economic Development Foundation.

As an individual, Meeks should not have been given the list for her personal financial gain, Kantara said.

“The city is a member of CLAEDF, not Barbara Meeks,” he said. Jim Reinhartsen, president of CLAEDF, could not be reached for comment.

Meeks said Reinhartsen mailed her a copy of the membership list to make sure she had it.

She said she was told there was a need to for a daily fax newsletter in the Clear Lake area, and that she was looking for a business to start.

“The idea was very intriguing,” said Meeks, who said she had been self-employed her entire life.

But Kantara said Meeks’ publication poses a severe conflict of interest, raising the question of how she could hold an elected office and report news at the same time.

He said with her access to private information given in executive sessions, she should not publish a news periodical.

“If this was her job before, I could understand that,” he said. “But this is not something that she should be doing in the middle of serving on the city council.”

Meeks said she resented Kantara’s assault on her character. “I have never and never will compromise my honesty and integrity,” she said. “I would never compromise executive session material. What I do in my career and what I do on council are two entirely different roles.”

Meeks said that she reports only on agenda items — not on council comments. She said there is no advertising involved in the Bay Area Facts. “I can be the most objective person,” she said.

Kantara said publishing a newsletter while serving in public office “ might be perfectly legal, but it’s unethical.”

Meeks’ May 29 edition is one of the latest to come under fire. The previous day’s city council meeting was covered in the edition.

That meeting, which was Tommy Frankovich’s last as mayor, became heated shortly after Kantara voiced his concern with Meeks’ publication.

It was also the same meeting that council member Tommy Cones and Mike Clawson, the director of general services, got into a verbal contest about an energy company’s two-year request to remove a 90-year-old live oak tree.

Meeks characterized Clawson’s behavior as “defending his staff” against Cones’ claims of extortion led by city staffers.

Cones described Clawson’s actions as disrespectful towards city council members.

Meeks reported that Cones “angrily ordered” Clawson to sit down even though Clawson was at the podium to answer questions. She also wrote that Frankovich restored order.

Kantara said Meeks’ facts were purposefully wrong and slanted. He said no council member asked Clawson to come to the podium, and though Frankovich tried to stop ongoing, heated discussion between council members, he did not restore order of the meeting.

Good stuff k thank you