I have heard whispers behind the scenes that Mayor Randall actually paid for this trip out of her own personal funds. I found that so surprising that I asked the mayor herself if these rumors were true and she has confirmed that it is true.
I am stunned! I have never heard of such a selfless act on the part of an elected official on behalf of their constituents. Clearly the typical powers-that-be have failed to instruct Mayor Randall in the art of conventional behavior for politicians. Or else she just ignored them. Bravo and Thank You Toni! I know this may look like a small thing, but it is in the small things that one's true character is revealed. Only an ordinary citizen who has accepted the call for public service as a leader would act in such a selfless fashion. A typical politician seeking positions of power for personal gain would never do such a thing as this.
I have not had the opportunity to attend a council meeting for some time, but I have heard that there is considerable friction between the mayor and certain elements of city council. Well, now I can see why! Obviously those members of council who are conventional political animals just don't know how to understand and respond to true selfless leadership when they see it.
Too bad Toni couldn't stay in DC and show those clowns a thing or two about how to be a real representative of the people.
Jeff Hagen
Ditto, Jeff!
Mayor Randall is working hard on behalf of ALL residents of League City.
It is time that people show respect due the office, regardless of whether or not Toni was their choice for mayor.
This brings to mind my favorite quote from Dr. MLK, Jr: The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands in moments of challenge and controversy.
I hope Phylis enjoys the 50 votes she gets from GC for voting no to the rezone of 1 acres from Open Space to Single Family. She is taking her order from MS. Kosty. When you roll with dogs you get flees Phylis.
mallios,can you give us an update on candidates who have filed. Has any heard if PH is filing to run for mayor again? we know it's 2 years away, but no city mayoral race is fun without him!
Pat / jcleague,
How much do you get paid to shill for developers like that anyway?
And how can you defend as adequate public notice on that issue the fact that the only public notice was a small sign posted over 100 feet behind the development's fence (with 'No Trespassing' signs) such that it could only be read with binoculars?
Jeff Hagen
Mr. Hagen,
Excellent post, well said and so true.
Would you like some cheese with that whine? And I am sure you speak from experience when you discuss fleas.
Council member Sanborn has filed, Mr. Mike Lee has filed (against Mr. Samulson, who I hear will not be running) and Mr. Mic Phalen has filed against Mr. Cones (who has yet to file.)
To the best of my knowledge Mr. Hallsey has yet to file for Mayor as of this date.
cm, thanks for info. please let us know when tc and ph file. i think everyone on this blog will be campaigning against scotto and co. Gee, i wonder if tc has already cashed the developers' check? Do you think he'll wait until after the election to cash in?
After this blog received many emails and several phone calls (none from anyone involved in the discussion) this blog has chosen to remove a term that is derogatory, demeaning, insolent and downright inflammatory. The blog has reposted those thoughts without the word in question. Please note that this blog is not trying to hinder the freedom of speech of anyone but this blog will not tolerate the use of such terms used specifically to demean, degrade and or intimidate ANYONE. This blog believes that anyone’s thoughts about a situation in our city can be conveyed without the use of such words.
JCLEAGUE said...
This morning at the doughnut shop, Phylis was the talk. She is losing more people than she is gaining, if somoene files against her they could win.
February 11, 2009 8:13 AM
Chris John Mallios said...
JC (junior Class) LEAGUE,
I would say your assumption is incorrect. Councilmember Sanborn will have the support of many of our citizens and has done an excellent job (while I have not agreed with all her votes) of representing the mainstream citizen. To continue to move our city forward we must get involved in the upcoming election and help those that are willing to stick their necks out and run for office for the betterment of our city. When I say help I mean working on a campaign, talking with your neighbors, stuffing and addressing envelopes, putting up signs throughout the city, placing them in your yard, even contributing funds (even if it is 10 or 20 bucks) and most importantly getting out TO VOTE! Every dollar counts and will help the massive cost it takes to run an election in a city of 72,000 citizens.
February 11, 2009 8:52 AM
Hmm Mr. Mallios what happened to this?
Freedom of Speech
Good Morning League City,
I have started this blog because Mr. Edelman has bent over for Mr. Cones and has shut down the blog our citizens used for information. (just like the internet radio show) Unlike Mr. Edelman I am not influenced by anyone (except my wife) and therefore I am willing to let the voice of ALL the people be heard. (Freedom of speech)
If you wish to be a contributor (by placing a thread for discussion) please feel free to email me and you will be added on to the list.
Thanks for reading.
Chris Mallios
LC Con,
Please note that the blog has only omitted a word. The content of the post has not been changed and still reflects the original thought. Understand that the voice of ALL the citizens will be posted. Please also note that the post left by JCLEAGUE has not been removed. So if you are comfortable with the use of such a word I suggest that you tattoo it on your forehead and go about your daily routine.
One last thought…
If you will notice in the heading of this blog under the name you will see “Open and free discussion, without profanity, about the city of League City.”
News Flash, the word hor is not profane.
LC Con,
As we all know that is not the word in question and the usage of the word used does not reflect the definition of the word you have used. The word you used is "hor" and is defined as follows.
mountain. (1.) One of the mountains of the chain of Seir or Edom, on the confines of Idumea (Num. 20:22-29; 33:37). It was one of the stations of the Israelites in the wilderness (33:37), which they reached in the circuitous route they were obliged to take because the Edomites refused them a passage through their territory. It was during the encampment here that Aaron died (Num. 33:37-41). (See AARON.) The Israelites passed this mountain several times in their wanderings. It bears the modern name of Jebel Harun, and is the highest and most conspicious of the whole range. It stands about midway between the Dead Sea and the Elanitic gulf. It has two summits, in the hallow between which it is supposed that Aaron died. Others, however, suppose that this mountain is the modern Jebel Madurah, on the opposite, i.e., the western, side of the Arabah. (2.) One of the marks of the northern boundary of Palestine (Num. 34:7, 8). Nowhere else mentioned. Perhaps it is one of the peaks of Lebanon.
if the mayor is doing such a great job for all the people why are there 2 signs on walker street across from the catholic church demanding that she apologize and resign?
across from St. Mary's, where the Knights of Columbus are all but sure to see. How unlikely could that be?
So Pat stuck out a couple signs for his buddies at the KoC to see. Why should anyone care?
Jeff Hagen
Bill, I'm told that a certain Neil Baron was the stimulus for those signs, and incited the lady of the house to do the poison signpainting...and all because Mayor Toni is resistant to letting him take over as Mayor.
can someone give us an update on candidates who have file?
Why should the mayor apologize or resign?
Why shouldn't Cones, Nelson and Baron apologize and resign?
I understand the importance of free speech, and I am very happy to hear that the city department handles this issue so very well, but is this really news worthy? With all the important issues that face League City such as falling appraisals on single family residential real estate, the city trying to contend with a surge in proposed apartments, etc. couldn’t the GDN have found a more important issue to cover than a sign on Antoinette Perkins fence. Cheese-O-Pete’s where do we live Hooter Ville?
Candidate sign in update. Nothing has changed as of 10:10 AM Feb. 18th, 2009. Council member Sanborn has filed for re-election in position 5 , Mick Phalen has filed for Position 3 and Mike Lee has filed for position 4.
Well said.
Marc Edelman,
You are correct about other situations that need attention in our city. I feel as though Mr. Stelly did a fine job on researching the law and I thought that the story was positive in that it showed that the process in our town is fair and working to safe guard all the citizens individual rights to speak their mind under our present administration. Even our Mayor believes Ms. Perkins has the right to place her sign on her fence and voice her opinion.
It is my thought that because we, as a nation, are experiencing the falling appraisals the Daily News may not think that it is unique to our city. I think your opinion is well spoken and worthwhile just as I feel that everyone’s opinion should be listened to. I guess the bottom line here is that newsworthiness is in the eye of the newspaper editor.
Thank you for your contribution and honest thought.
cm, WOW !. where's tc/ph? are they busy recruiting developers? Wonder if it's going to be a slow election year?
Chris I am glad to see those new meds are working out. Their affect is obvious. They only work if you take them as prescribed. Please take them regularly.
Tommy and Neil are trying to get someone ….. anyone to run against Mick Phalen. Neil knows he cannot continue to waste the citizens time and try to act like Perry Mason without Tommy and the boys support. And Tommy knows he will be soundly defeated and will try to get out of running if he can leaving his buddies Neil and Jim high and dry. The good ship lolly pop is sinking and the rats can’t swim so they are trying to grab hold of anything adrift. As for Mr. Samulson I believe he has had enough. I think this gig was far more than he signed up for. But don’t think for a minute that they will all go unopposed. Many a deal is made in desperation and last minute bargaining. Just the fact that Tommy has not signed up yet should tell the citizens he knows the people understand what he is all about.
LC Con,
Seems to me you have a vast knowledge about "meds” and what happens when you do not take them. Are you a doctor or are you speaking from personal experience? The last person who tried the “meds” line to discredit me was Onzelo Markum and we have not seen hide nor hair of him for quite some time. For the record I do not take any type of “meds” and I wake up every day glad to be alive and looking forward to the time the lord gives me to help my community and my fellow man.
You should try it some time because together we can move our city forward.
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