Monday, April 6, 2009

Forum set for April 9th

The League City Chamber of Commerce will hold their annual forum in the council chambers. This year they will start at 6PM with the Council Candidates and include the race for school board. The candidates for School Board will start around 7:30. I understand that the forum will be televised on channel 16. What questions would you like answered at the forum?


dustingooding said...

My invitation said the council candidate forum will be between 6:00-7:15, with the school board forum following.

Chris John Mallios said...

Thank you for the correction Dustin. I will make that change

Maureen B. said...

I would like to know how the candidates would feel about voluntarily abstaining from voting on issues that come before City Council where a conflict of interest arises such as in the case of development for developers who have contributed significant funds to a candidates campaign? Or in the case of a close personal relationship existing which may cloud a member's objectivity.

Also would like to know what it will take to implement single member districts instead of all City Council positions being at large positions? It seems like for at least the last nine years every candidate has said that they favor single member districts, but no progress has been made towards this. I am not sure what has prevented this from happening.

Unknown said...

Great questions Maureen.

Hasn't Tommy recently said his vote was only one of four on some rather significant issues?

Suppose he had abstained on those issues where there was linkage between his campaign finances and the party with business before council. Of course the mayor at the time might have cast that fourth vote, but the whole process might have looked better. The cry for ethics reform would have been muffled as well.

Insert into the equation that Tommy was not the only recipient of special interest funding. If they all had abstained things would really be different.

Instead we are left to wonder whether there was something for something or quid pro quo.At the very least it looked bad and it has all helped destroy the public trust.

I never thought it was all about breaking the law. It was all about doing things the right way.

In seven years Tommy has never cared about appearances and it shows. Just look at the things that are bothering people today. If poor decisions created today's woes, consider that Tommy has been on the "Aye" side for seven years.

Isn't the census impacting the timing for the single member district initiative? That, and public hearings?


P. Moratto said...

They should be required to recuse themselves, and there should be a process for overruling them when they don't.

Costello said...

dustingooding said...

According to our City Charter, "Each Councilman present at any meeting... shall announce his vote... except on matters... where his financial interests are involved, or for other good and valid reasons."

To me, this means that conflicts of interest arising from personal financial gain, or potential conflicts arising from the financial gain of associates, automatically force the council member to be excused from voting. It would be best if Council members were ethical and excused themselves from voting when conflicts of interest arise, but in the event they are not, the City Charter also calls for "the power to inquire into the official conduct of an office, officer or employee of the City".

Remember, keeping honest people honest is easy.

Maureen B. said...

Dustin: thanks for the information.... nice to see a candidate for office doing his homework. It is also nice to see someone as young as you interested in City Politics. Unfortunately, you don't see that often enough.

Hopefully, and judging from what was said at the forum last night, we will have city council districts within the next few years. That has been a big issue with me, and is something that I feel is long overdue.

And, by the way, you did a fine job last night at the forum! Best of luck to you.

Babs said...

Thank you JCLeague for helping spread the TRUTH.

Of course I reference the site:

EVERYONE needs to go to this site, and then send the link to their friends and neighbors.

There is ALOT of good information.

Just say NO to CaSH. (That's Cones and Station Hallisey)

Marc Edelman said...

Good work on you research in the Charter. However, a conflict of interest doesn not arise unless the vote at hand is about a matter that you derive 10% of your total income from.
Understand Conflicts of Interest from The OAG
What is considered a “substantial interest” in a business entity (such that
it would amount to a potential conflict of interest)?
There are four ways that a person could be deemed to have a “substantial interest” in a business entity
that would raise a potential conflict of interest. A person has a substantial interest in a business entity
if the person has a(n):
1) Stock interest: If the official owns 10 percent or more of the total voting stock or
shares of the business entity;14
2) Other ownership interest: If the official owns either 10 percent or more, or $15,000
or more, of the fair market value of the business entity;15
3) Income interest: If the official received more than 10 percent of his or her gross
income for the previous year from the business entity;16
4) Close family member with any of the above interests: If a close relative of the local
official has any of the above types of interest in a business entity. A local official
is considered to have the same interest in a business entity that his close relatives
have in that business entity. In this context, close relatives of an official would
include persons who are related to the official within the first degree by
consanguinity (blood) or affinity (marriage).17 Such relatives would include an
official’s father, father-in-law, mother, mother-in-law, daughter, daughter-in-law,
son, son-in-law and the spouse of the official.
7. Is the fact that a local official is employed by a business entity sufficient to
create a potential conflict?
Being employed by a business entity will prevent a local official from discussing or voting on his
governmental unit’s contract involving that business, provided more than 10 percent of the official’s
previous year’s income came from his employment with that business.

Well done Dustin, your off ot a good start.

dustingooding said...

The term "conflict of interest" and what it means intrigues me.

Notice, the OAG report also says, "Yes, a home rule city (a city with a population of 5,000 or more that has adopted a city charter) may
provide further and more restrictive conflict of interest limitations on its officials and employees. Such restrictions may be contained in a city ordinance, city policy or within the city charter. For example, some cities have ethics ordinances or city charter provisions that prevent their city officials
from discussing or voting on items if the official has any financial interest in the item." (emphasis mine)

Seems like if the folks of League City want to, they can expand the (local) definition of "conflict of interest" to include things like voting on issues where campaign contributors have a business interest.

Chris John Mallios said...

Good Friday & morning all!!!,

My Goodness what a great forum last night. Council member Sanborn did the best job. Showing her knowledge, independence of her voting record and her continuing battle to do what is best for our city. Mayor Pro-Tem Sandborn is very deserving of a 2nd term as our representative, her leadership and availablility to the citizens as Mayor pro-tem has given her the knowledge and experience needed to move our city forward. Mr. Gooding was refreshing and definite about his opinions and did quite well. Mr. Station only reflected the statements of his running buddies Mr. Cones and Mr. Hallisey. A continuation of the same” old good old boy” ways of doing business and not any new ideas.

Mr. Lee did very well showing the people why it is important to elect him to move our city forward. He will listen to the people and does not allow his personal opinions to overrule the will of the people. His opponent only dwelled on the old days and how his position on the issues is far more important than the will of the people. He has all the answers and will not listen to what anyone else has to say. He is far to entrenched in the good old boy ways (that got him a brief job in the city under Jerry Shults) of doing business to provide any change what so ever to our city. Mr. Halliesy’s attempt at humor fell faster than a Led Zeppelin.

Mr. Phalen did well and spoke from the heart. Mr. Phalin, a veteran who served his country honorably, wishes to continue to serve his country and city as a council member. Being retired he will have the time to devote to our city that his opponent does not, and Mr. Pkalin will look at each issue independently. Because he has not taken any developer dollars Mr. Phalin will be able to make decisions that are in the best interest of all the citizens instead of a special group that has provided thousands of dollars to his opponent. His opponent has been there 8 years and has failed to do anything about traffic. He claims projects that would have been done without his input or involvement, and has voted for over 95% of the residential growth that has been brought before him. Yet he has done nothing to improve the infrastructure over those last 8 years. Holding down three government jobs maybe it’s time to put someone into office that has the time and energy to do what is best for our city instead of one that votes to increase the rooftops but does nothing to ease the problem of traffic, overcrowded schools, strained infrastructure and gives $377,000 dollars of city fees that could and should be used to develop neighborhood sports fields instead of a dog park. For the record the dog park was ranked 23rd on the list of amenities needed in a city wide survey. So much for listening to the will of the people.

League city x files is the truth that every voter should know !!!

That’s all you have to say ?? Oh My goodness. You wish to give a civics lesson to Mr. Gooding on the charter and conflict of interest? LOL !! It’s no wonder why you left the room and failed to vote on the warehouse that a supporter of Mr. Cones wanted a variance on during a P & Z Meeting . If that is all you got out of last night’s forum then I see understand why you have a Hallisey, Cones and Staition sign in your front yard. LOL !!

You tell ‘em !!!

Marc Edelman said...

Yes they can, and yes they should. That way everyone will know the rules.

Just imagine playing a baseball game where the rules are made up as you go.

Paul Smith said...

Mr. Mallios

Well said about the forum. My thoughts exactly.

You failed to mention Mick Phalen's comment on Ethics. That was priceless!!! He is an independent thinker that will speak his mind.

Well done Mrs. Sanborn, Mr. Gooding, Mr.Lee and Mr. Phalen.

Interesting stuff at:

Campaign finance, ethics violations, and a bit of League City history.

Thanks JCLEAGUE for the email link.

Chris John Mallios said...

a few last thoughts,
In no way did I wish to infer that Mr. Edelman left the room for any reason. I am not a mind reader and cannot speak to his actual intent. I only stated the fact that he left the room before the vote and that he failed to vote on an issue that was brought before the P & Z by an individual who is a supporter of Mr. Cones. I believe the reader is intelligent enough to make up their own mind. If there is a misstatement of facts then please tell me, so it may be corrected. Verifiable information is very important and holds much more credibility than unsubstantiated rumors.

Mr. Edelman,
You just described how the present city administrator runs our city. ‘The rules are made up as you go.“ I guess lunch today is out?

You are correct. The ethics board should be in our charter so that 4 voters on council cannot do away with the will of the people as has been the case in other circumstances. The Baron Cones ethics ordinance is nothing more than a bunch of words designed to do nothing more than what we have now. We now know that the connection between Mr. Cones and Mr. Baron is a fact. We also know that Mr. Cones never mentioned a dog park before Mr. Baron became a voting member of Council. These are facts. I will let the reader draw their own conclusion.

Marc Edelman said...

Mallios, the only way to descibe you is you are just a piece of work. If the reader is intelligent, he will know what word I meant instead of the word work.

Chris John Mallios said...

What are you whining about now?? You got your disclaimer so what’s up?

Chris John Mallios said...


Chris John Mallios said...

BBQ Pizza ?

Chris John Mallios said...

Oh wait we must do that on another day It’s Good Friday !

Chris John Mallios said...

By the way Marc I still believe you’re a great man !! ;-D

Chris John Mallios said...

After I get back in town and go and get a new house phone I will put up a Forum poll on so that we may get the readers thoughts on the subject. Till then you can email me with your rankings 0-10, 10 being the best. So much for playing Super Mario 3 today !!!

lcpd said...

is it a coincidence that after 7 years, Mr. cones is NOW in favor of ethic reform? must be an election year. I would also like to know how and why was jim nelson allowed to sit in for mr. station during the forum? I also loved it when every time the word "ethic" was mentioned, ph and tc, smiled and turned away. love it !

good job sanborn, lee and phalin.

BHL said...

Lunch sounds good. It'll be about two weekds before I can shake free.

As for rules, sure. But that doesn't mean someone can't rise above them in order to take an even higher road. Let's see Tommy give back the 5K and sign a pledge. Then he can talk.

lcpd said...

Is what they mean when they say the pot calling the kettle black: GDD June 2005:

Bizarre To Know Ethics Rules Without Help From Friends

Tom McKenzie stated (The Daily News, June 8) he was not influenced by Jerry Shults regarding his recent filing of a minor rule violation that was overlooked by Pat Hallisey.

I find it bizarre that you knew the ethics rules without a little help from your friends. Even to a seasoned politician, the word “for” could be left out unintentionally very easily.

You stated the voters needed to see the candidates’ violations. Do you mean candidate? Let’s look at the records of each candidate.

In 2003, Shults had ethics violations filed against him. The Texas Ethics Commission assessed Shults a civil penalty in the amount of $2,000. Even though the fine was due almost two years ago, Shults paid it in February 2005.

He failed to follow the rules not once, but on several dates. Look for yourself, the truth is on the Web site located at cityofleague

Let’s see now! One small minor infraction or oversight from Mr. Hallisey or several major ethical violations from Mr. Shults?

Tommy Cones
League City

The Daily News
Published June 7, 2005

I am confused at the recent column (The Daily News, June 3) that Keith Dill is endorsing Jerry Shults because he is the most conservative and will be a voice for the citizens, not special interests.

The part I am confused by was that Jerry Shults has bragged about how he brought bigger government to League City with zoning. The very zoning that has created a nightmare with traffic and a total disregard for any of us who live here has not worked.

Now he takes the endorsement of one who has aided in the problems we are talking about solving today. Mr. Dill, along with Rusty Tidwell, John Keeney, Barbara Meeks and Katie Benoit, is endorsing Mr. Shults.

The point of this is if you want change, take a look at the present and past council members endorsing Mr. Shults and ask yourself “Do I want more of the same?”

The facts about campaign contributions are that I have run a very effective campaign and part of a successful campaign consists of raising funds to pay for the distribution of my message of stability, civility and open government to the citizens of League City.

The idea that the donations to my campaign give someone control over my vision for League City is insulting and is incorrect!

When politics becomes about what’s wrong with the other guy instead of what you are going to do for League City, my opponents have lost sight of the objectives.

When Mr. Dill and his council friends talk conservative, I don’t have to remind you about the $40 million in new debt over the past couple of years. I certainly don’t have to talk about Big League Dreams and deplorable traffic, with no plan in sight.

They can talk conservative all they want, but the record reflects the opposite. I certainly don’t have to tell you about the incivility to citizens, Clear Creek Independent School District and the highway department as well as to each other!

This group would not tell you that I gave this city the largest single tax decrease in its history 10 years ago. They don’t want to talk about my fiscally conservative and productive approach to government during the past 25 years.

The people of League City are not going to be swayed by the rhetoric of these ineffective characters who just want to maintain a “business as usual” climate in League City.

League City is a growing, vibrant community whose future is bright and dynamic. Growth must work to our advantage; it has to provide us with the roads and highways and other infrastructure to accommodate not only those who will be moving here but those of us that live here as well.

This is the first challenge of community leadership and city hall! This is my highest priority and my commitment to each voter.

My guess is they are fearful of the change that is staring them in the face. The only question is “why”?

Good government is expensive; bad government is outrageously expensive!


Pat Hallisey is a candidate for mayor in League City.

Is this the same pat, who endorsed jerry last time around? So it is true that pat is losing his mind.

Chris John Mallios said...

It is the same Pat Hallisey that was given a job by Jerry Shults (who he coincidentally supported) and was fired by Mayor Randall. Is he running for the people or is he running to make life as tough as he can for the mayor? I believe that had it been for the people it would have not been a last minute decision to file and run. Mr. Hallisey has an axe to grind. It is my opinion and experience that he will tell anyone whatever they wish to hear to be elected. But please do not take my word for it check it out on The truth is out there.

P. Moratto said...

Okay, folks. You can wake up now. Two Tone and Patty Melt are through rehashing stories from years ago. At least for the moment.
If we can fast-forward to the present once again, let me add another link to the one for (except that I can't hyperlink it here, so you'll have to cut and paste).
Y'all will want to see the editorial about the council race published on the front page of the current SeaBreeze. Gator never fails to deliver. There is also a related letter inside the cover.
Here's the link:

P. Moratto said...

Have others noticed that Pond's school board campaign signs appear to have been designed by the same person who did Hallisey's? Are there other connections?

Paul Smith said...

JCLEAGUE / GlenCove Resident/ Pat

Thanks for your email. OK???

Sent: Saturday, April 11, 2009 5:28 PM
Subject: LeaguecityXfiles

dont think I need to say more!!!

lcpd said...

PM, have you also noticed the developer 3 signs have been posted on property owned by developers?

Jeff Hagen said...

Marc & Dustin,

Thanks for the interesting thoughts on conflict of interest. I don't know that there is any accusation or suspicion of a violation of law or charter here. What is important to note though is that each voter has the right to decide for themselves what standard of conduct to expect their elected officials to adhere to when deciding for whom to cast their vote.

The situation we have here in League City with vast amounts of developer money flowing around is that it becomes very difficult for the voters to discern how much influence that money is really buying even if the letter of the law has been followed with said donations. Nobody besides the recipient themselves can really know if a favorable action by a councilman for a particular donor was done with a clear conscience or was tainted by gratitude for a donation. Although the law provides for a separation between the individual and the individual's campaign, it is impossible for the voters to know if that separation actually remains true in the mind of the elected official. That is why my votes will be cast for candidates that openly spurn the large donations of special interest money as opposed to those who follow a lesser standard of ethics that merely requires minimal adherence to the law.

Remember, in theory no candidate should have violated any campaign finance rules. Simply proving minimally legal conduct is not a sufficient discriminator in determining which candidates will provide the most ethical stewardship of the city.


Thanks for the interesting LeagueCityXFiles link. We can certainly see why the public has justifiable concerns about all the money flowing around behind the scenes and how much influence it may have on the conduct of city government for the benefit of prominent donors. (But was that really you posting it, Pat? That would be a spasm of honesty uncharacteristic of your usual style.)


JCLEAGUE said...

Glen Cove bridge suit dismissed

Lets set the record straight. The JCLEAGUE that posted the Xfiles web site is an imposter. Now for those of you that quest for the truth, here is a little tidbit that the many posters here do not want you to know. What are there reasons for not mentioning this. Legal advice of council. Maybe. Embarrassment. No, they have no shame. Well I am not sure what this is all about, but I was not able to get with the help from some of my genius computer friends so I was unable able to get this article in a hyperlink.


P. Moratto said...

Flashbacks to distracting if not irrelevant stories from the past, and now posting a link to evidence that damns him...
No, I don't suspect a spasm of honesty. I suspect he's simply lost grip on reality.
Moreover, the slate he's part of -- the CaSH Boys, and the special interests who own the trio -- plod on as if no one notices or cares how tainted they are. As LCPD points out, look whose properties their signs are planted on.

Paul Smith said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Costello said...

League City's own imposter mayor crying foul about somebody else hijacking one of his false identities?
Too funny!

Paul Smith said...


Thanks for this mornings update on the

That’s amazing stuff about Pat Hallisey and Glen Cove Resident and I can see why much was deleted from Marc’s blog. It’s most fortunate the record of these events were archived and are becoming available to the public thru the Xfiles website.

Don’t worry about the people in Glen Cove. The statements made by City Attorney Helfand and Chris Reed to Galveston Daily were truly priceless. Stay tuned as I am sure the Glen Cove folks will respond.

Chris John Mallios said...

Identity theft on the League City Blog? Oh No !!! Or could it be yet another case of having his computer hijacked by unsavory individuals who wish to tarnish his sterling reputation? Taking a beating while merely trying to tell his truth in his own creative fashion. Who could do such a thing and more importantly why? In either case this calls for another thrilling episode of “It really wasn’t me !!! Someone has high jacked my computer again !!!” .

JCLEAGUE said...

It is just very interesting that this story was published in the Galveston Daily News April 7. Yet not a word about it from you. This is vindication of the lies and mud slinging that has been going on here for months. This has been your rallying cry. I was certain you wanted the truth to be told. or do they only want there version of the truth. Now it is being called a distraction

JCLEAGUE said...

And you could not be more wrong about my identity.

Babs said...

Hmmm, no one has mentioned the Judge's name in the Glen Cove bridge matter. I read that it was the daughter of the chair of the Galveston County democrat party. Interesting.....

Let's see, first there was going to be a decision in a week or two, and now it has been decided just before elections. Interesting.....

Probably just a coincidence, but it is still interesting.....

P. Moratto said...

The UNreal JCL's link above, to the GDN story of 4/7, is incomplete or defective. The correct URL follows (cut and paste, and do not break it apart as I must do here):

The judge was identified therein as Susan Criss of 212 district and her ruling was because that court doesn't have "subject matter jurisdiction," not necessarily on the merits (or lack thereof) the case.
Regardless of where it all goes next, such inopportune timing can't help but bring even more victims' wrath down upon the CaSH Boys, come May 9th.
Of all the dumb luck, even if the toxic trio "win," they still lose.

BHL said...

unstraight talk, why the double posting telling us why we shouldn't vote for Meeks?

Ok thanks. I'll be sure not to vote for Meeks in addition to yourself aka JCLeague aka GCres aka the profanity speaking Hallisey, of course with the other two CaSH boys.

P. Moratto said...

Yeah. Are you watching this, Jimmy? I'm telling you, the guy's got a screw loose.

Costello said...

your all peice of $#!+

Chris John Mallios said...

JC Little League,
Now now, just take a deep breath. Why get upset over facts? There is no doubt who said it and a person should be held accountable for what they say. Can't you handle the truth? Don’t forget confession is on Wednesday.

BHL said...

JCLeague - if you are not PH, then why cuss out folks who have noted some of the things PH has said?

Chris John Mallios said...

I could be someone who is trying to deflect attention from Tommy ”Tax and Spend” Cones. Tommy “two tone” has been very silent this go around and has his good old boys trying to defend him. Of course he cannot defend his position because there is no excuse for his actions so he must duck and run. Another duck bites the dust.

Chris John Mallios said...

(sung to the tune of “Another one bites the dust”)
Tommy Cones is on the run
keeping his head down low
Taking money from developer friends
Making them rooftops grow

He’s unsteady
He’s unsteady to play
Can’t stand on his own two feet

Must have friends defend his stance
‘cuz he knows that he will be beat

Another duck bites the dust
Another duck bites the dust
And another ones gone
another ones gone
Tommy Cones bites the dust.

Hey, the voters won’t select you
As Tommy Cones bites the dust.

lcpd said...

okay TC JN and NB defenders, here's one for you to debate. Last night tc wanted to spend 68K to renovate the ghirardi house (agenda item 12 C). How can you justify spending 68K on a project when the first project (butler museum) has yet to be completed? Furthermore, if the bow wow park had not been approved in the first place, could that money have been used on the ghirardi house? HMMMMMMMMMMM, do you think tc is pandering to the italian population in LC?

TC i'll ask you, why approve a bow wow park before approving the ghirardi house?

Also when the issue regarding the regional park was being discussed, did anyone hear tc's smart ass remark just prior to the vote? In his smart ass remark he could not understand why the pool was being approved while the house was not even though the house issue has been around longer.

I also loved puppet jim nelson who indicated he would NOT approve a 50 meter pool. Final vote in favor a 50 meter: 7-0 to approve. jimbo, you're a piece of art and you remind me a wind storm-always changing directions. you should borrow some cojones sometime and stick with your convictions.

Maureen B. said...

LCPD: all very good food for thought! I was pleased to see the vote against funding the renovations for the Ghirardi house at this time, and I couldn't agree more with Phyllis Sanborn that we need to get one museum up and running before we begin on another one! Thanks Phyllis, Tim, Mike and Chris for keeping an eye on spending.

Maureen B. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Costello said...

Did anybody go to the Tea Party today? I wonder if Obama Delegate Hallisey and the CaSH Boys let their cheer-poodle Marc go or did they make him stay home like a good Obama pet?

Unknown said...

@ J C
You're such a ckatz.

I realized last night, as we all sat around watching council, that I really like Toasted Head Merlot and really despise Tommy Cones. Not because he's a democrat; and not because he always seems to be on the shady side of things; but because he is a liar. Not a private liar (sometimes I can almost understand the private ones), but a public one.

I felt flushed when I heard him talk about the Ghirardi house while chastising other members of council for their ignorance. I believe he said that it was obvious some members had not been out to see the place. Then he gave his description of the house and reassurances that his plan was spot on.

What was obvious to those of us that have a stake in, or special sympathy for, the Italians and their Heritage project, is that we had all been scammed. Tommy had not done his homework. He had pretended to be our champion, but was less familiar with the project than others who had only read the agenda item material.

I would urge that anyone reading this go see the house interior to fully understand Tommy’s deception. Call the city and demand to take a tour. It’s your property. Compare what you see to what he said last night. A lie is a lie and a public lie is an issue of public trust.

All the Italian community wanted; what all the citizens wanted; was fair and honest representation. What everyone received was a lesson on the darker aspects of political pandering. Maybe it doesn’t break the law, but it is still morally corrupt.

Voting for Tommy this year will turn last year’s rather large statement into a whimper. Ethics reform begins with the election of ethical candidates.

@ J C
You're still such a ckatz


Striaght Talk said...

Pool proposal goes down in flames

By Alicia Gooden
The Daily News
Published February 3, 2002
LEAGUE CITY — When all the votes were counted Saturday, residents said in a loud voice that they did not want a $12.8 million community center built in the city.

The measure was defeated, with almost 70 percent of the voters saying no.

The wide margin was no surprise to those that worked to get the measure defeated.

“I think this sends a loud message to this administration that people do read and had a clear understanding of what was going on here,” said Elaine Kosty. “The administration couldn’t pull the wool over the eyes of the voters. What’s really sad is that the city has spent more than $100,000 on this already when all they had to do was be honest in the first place.”

The road to Saturday’s election was long, starting in the early 1990s when the city first voted on a quarter-cent sales tax to help build the Sportsplex.

The swim leagues said that they were promised then that the city would build a natatorium for their events. Some even voiced concerns that the city already had put the issue before voters.

Mayor Tommy Frankovich, who supported the community center and swimming pool, said he had not expected the margin to be so wide.

The community center was defeated in each of the city’s five precincts. In Precinct 3, it was defeated by a 3 to 1 margin — 66 for to 213 against.

“The people have clearly spoken,” he said. “I’m just glad we took it to them before we spent any more money on it.”

Much of the opposition to the community center came from residents who did not believe that League City residents should be paying for a facility that would primarily be used by swim leagues whose members did not live in League City or Galveston County.

The city had proposed to issue $9.4 million in certificate of obligation to help underwrite the costs of the center.

Teresa Toungate, a staunch supporter of the center, said she was unsure if she would rally for the center again. “I just don’t know,” she said.

Tammy Gonzales said she voted against the proposition because there were too many unanswered questions about the center.

“I don’t buy a house without knowing what the bottom line is going to be,” she said. “The city wanted us to hand them over a blank check.”

Council members Katie Benoit and Barbara Meeks wore buttons on their jackets Saturday at Ferguson Elementary that urged voters to support the project.

They said they were there as private citizens.

But opponents like Karl Silverman questioned the ethics of the city and accused it of electioneering. Colored graphics supported on a tripod were placed a stone’s throw away from the ballot box and polling booths.

Debbie O’Briant, election judge of Precinct 5, said that she questioned whether that was proper and was told it was approved by the city attorney.

Unknown said...

@str. talk

You really don't get it do you hon?

The caca del toro approach you and your buds use every year to distract the voting public from the real issues represents the larger part of what is wrong with League City.

If the people say no, you retreat into the shadows to push agendas that cannot survive in the light of day.

You present yourself as someone that cares about ethics and good government and all the while you plot and scheme to manipulate and subvert.

You're a schmuck, Tommy's a liar, and Ed is a lost cause!


Jimmy Trojanowski said...

Sorry Paul but just got caught up on reading through this. They all have screws loose if you ask me.

Unknown said...

@J T
Actually, darling, nobody did ask.
But since you brought it up, please don't keep things all pent- up. Give us a few hints as to why being fed up with lies and deception is indicative of a loose screw.

Seven years is a long time. Certainly it's enough time to establish a political legacy one way or the other.

Do you believe yesterday's mistakes have something to do with today's reality? Is it that difficult for you to see common denominators with at least a shared responsibility for our plight?

Do you believe in accountability?

Do you believe there could ever be a justification for intentionally being deceptive, as a councilman, in a public forum?

You've taken the lid off J T, now look inside and tell us what you really see.


Unknown said...

If you ran into Ray Charles would you nod or speak, J T?


lcpd said...

chelsea, enjoyed your comments. unfortunately there are too many kool aid drinkers like ME and JT to see what's inside. Have you noticed how silent CSH supporters have been? In fact by this same time in 2006, we would have received at least 1 or 2 high gloss developer flyers in support of TC. Here were are 3 weeks to go and not a single flyer. This year WILL be different ! With individuals like TP, MB and PS, we can move forward and bring dignity to our city. We must finish what was started in 2008.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

There was one person in our group that felt "obligated" to Tommy. She was struggling with why he would run with "Crazy" Pat and "Cheeky" Ed. Tuesday night answered that question.

We've all sat down with Mick and Mike at different times and found it refreshing to find two guys without all the baggage and "connections".

Of course you have to have a woman up there too. :)


Jimmy Trojanowski said...
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Jimmy Trojanowski said...

Actually darling, they did. If you lack the cerebral fortitude to absorb what’s written on this blog then why should anyone acknowledge you here. I’ve disappointed myself by replying to you. As for the Ray Charles comment, I wouldn’t do either. I’d shut my mouth and listen. Listening doesn’t make you a bad person so don’t be afraid to try it.

Swing by the shop when you get a chance.

Jeff Hagen said...

@ Chelsea,

I have to stick up for Jimmy here a little bit. If you read this thread carefully, Paul Moratto directly asked Jimmy for his opinion, and after some delay Jimmy answered Paul in his own style. I appreciate that you are frustrated with his absence of publicly committing himself for or against specific candidates, but that is his way and I respect his position.
I have no other quibbles with you and please don't take this as anything other than a clarification of a minor point in this thread.

Jeff Hagen

Unknown said...

@ J T (Comment)

“Yeah. Are you watching this, Jimmy? I'm telling you, the guy's got a screw loose.”

(Response 12 posts later)

“Sorry Paul but just got caught up on reading through this. They all have screws loose if you ask me.”

I do know how to read J T. I even know how to tell a question from a statement, hon. Amazing as it may seem to you, I can also discern the difference between “the guy’s” and “all”. I also have an appreciation for well placed sarcasm.

I believe “all” is inclusive.

Maybe you need to pay more attention.

@ Jeff

Paul did not solicit the inclusive response from J T. He merely asked if he was watching.
If I am one part of the all, then I think it is fair to ask for more details on the loose screw issue. Incidentally, I’m not frustrated with his lack of commitment. I know where his sympathies lie. Let’s just say I’m not fond of his “style”, and move on. Shall we?


The Critic said...

Chelsea, did anyone ask for your opinion before you started posting here? I'm pretty sure it is ok to post if you are not asked....... BTW I happen to like Jimmy's "style" most folks with a sense of humor like it too.........

JCLEAGUE said...

Lies, Deception, Personal Destruction
This blog is a den of lies, deception and personal destruction. Someone has made a username that displays JCLEAGUE. This user displays bad language and a website he wants to promote. Now do you believe there lies and deception, or are you going to fall for there deceptive tricks. This is the way the run there blog and there campaigns of disinformation. What is this all about. Why do you think they use lies and deception. They have nothing else. I know how to spell piece.

JCLEAGUE said...

if you want to see what I am talking about click on my name. See my profile then click on the imposter in the earlier post. Chris Mallios responds right away. Coincidence or setup, you decide

charles meyer said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Morgan_Campbell said...

Don't worry Pat (the real JCLEAGUE); those of us who pay attention know when it's you posting vs. your impostor. You reveal yourself through consistent syntax and pronoun errors.

Unknown said...

Thanks so much! Certainly there is a time and place for humor.

Unknown said...

Hello,please let me introduce myself,
my name is Ida Mae.I moved to little
League City from West Texas with a
smile on my face and hope in my heart.
I am just a Texas girl who was raised
to love the land.I was taught to ride
a horse and shoot a gun.
"Miss Bradshaw Nursery" was my only
claim to fame in the local pageant
competitions,but I was not afraid
of getting messy. I love sweet tea
and cornbread,they are just for
Southern Girls.

Becoming a Southern Belle is a
lifetime of work,I am always working
on social graces and paying constant
attention to manners.

Please remember dearest Chelsea, be sweet.

Unknown said...

As I said, a time and place, my dear Ida.


Unknown said...

By the way, stop by the Chelsea the second week in November for some New York Hospitality.

Maureen B. said...

Chelsea said: There was one person in our group that felt "obligated" to Tommy.

That is a scary statement... almost sounds like "our group" vs. "their group". I guess "our group" are the good guys, and "their group" are the bad guys. Or maybe it depends on your perspective according to which group you are in. If you disagree with someone in "our group" does that make you part of "their group"?

Is the city really divided into two groups?

Whatever happened to independent thinking?

Maureen B. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Maureen B. said...

JC LEAGUE said: I know how to spell piece.

Very good. But now.... and this may be a stumper.... do you know the difference between the word "there" and "their"?

Sorry, couldn't pass that up...

and darn it.... there's that "us" and "them" again!

Chris John Mallios said...

JC little league,
C’mon what a cop out. Always placing the blame somewhere else? Could you tell us what on the x files is untrue? I noticed you did not comment on that. Who ever put that up is only trying to educate the voter. I do not doubt that there will be more education to come. League City has grown in leaps and bounds and it would be a shame if the new voters did not understand the situations in the past that brought us to this point. Or would you prefer to rewrite League City history?

Maureen B.
Fair enough. The us vs. them mentality MUST stop. The city is growing up ….what a shame some refuse to grow with it.

This is only politics y’all it’s nothing personal. Some of y’all take this too personally. The truth is the truth whether you wish to admit it or not. Just like the last council meeting. Mr. Cones omitted a few facts regarding the house. C’mon y’all this is not good for our city. We must all work together and see the big picture in order to place League City First !

lcpd said...

Jimmy, i'll stop by the shop for a visit and i'll provide the drinks. Do you prefer beer or kool aid?

Unknown said...

@ Maureen
"Our group" refers to a group of us, couples mostly, that have been getting together for years.It was supposed to be a night out, but now, not so much. Most of us only started voting in the last couple of elections.

The "obligated" person is a "friend" of Tommy's that had his sign in the yard. Most of us don't do signs. Until recently she thought he was genuinely concerned about the city, but some things are difficult to ignore.

Incidentally, half of the group voted Obama, so it's not the us versus them thing you imagine. But locally we pretty much all agree there is a problem with how some people interpret ethics.

I don't think the ethics issue is a party issue or an us versus them issue. If there is a consensus that we share it is that if something looks bad it usually is and we all feel things look pretty bad just now.

There is no excuse for not telling the truth when you know what the truth is. Our politics need to grow as the community grows. Maybe the old school needs to step aside.

The majority of the candidates today are not taking developer money and that's a good thing.


Unknown said...

A few weeks ago Tommy was corrected after he misstated his attendance record for a board.

This week he chastised other members of council while incorrectly presenting his "facts" about the current condition of the Italian Museum.

Watch the replay then go to the museum.

Are these us versus them issues, or should we only be concerned with large lies?

To the Italian community Tommy's performance was huge as was the disappointment.


Jeff Hagen said...

Chelsea, you are exactly right. On this blog and elsewhere we have heard the CaSH Boys try to run with Democrats and try to run with Republicans. Whichever the case, League City can no longer afford their do-it-for-the-money mentality. As you said, we need council member who fairly represent all of the citizens and who refuse the special interest money. The good news is this year we have such candidates in all the races. I am very encouraged to hear that your group of friends are uniting across their partisan divides for the common good of our city.

Jeff Hagen

Costello said...

JCLEAGUE said...
"if you want to see what I am talking about click on my name. See my profile"

Industry: Consulting

Or as they used to say, no visible means of support.

JCLEAGUE said...

Well Mr. Muldoon, a very funny choice of a moniker name I must say. I happen to be in Germany consulting. I bet I am made more in the last 30 days, than you have made in the last 3 years. Consulting, you should try it.

Chris John Mallios said...

JC little league,
There is NO DOUBT in my mind you have made more in the last 30 days consulting. But I also have no DOUBT it wasn’t money it was manure that you feed your mushroom friends. LOL !! You are TOO funny. As dirty Harry would say “you’re a legend in your own mind”

P. Moratto said...

Whoever is trying to discredit Patty Melt with bogus postings under other names, please stop. He doesn't need your help.

charles meyer said...

I agree with you, Paul.