Monday, June 1, 2009

Reed Runs

With all the fight being put up by Mr. Reed in the past, why has he decided to run away now? I understand that a new interim has been selected and it will be all done on June 9th. Is there more to this than just meets the eye? Or has Mr. Reed just decided to move on. Who could be the next interim and what experiance do they have in the workings of our city? What do you think?


Unknown said...

Do you see what you did BHL?
You asked them to clean out
your storm drain and now CR
is going to be canned.That
is so sad,what have you done?

Now,now,you boys play nice.

Tim Holloway said...

The city has been crippled today even more than what it was! People who have shortcomings and are clearly inadequate, hide behind their insecurity as if they are something and use Mayor Randall as a puppet. Use and push the buttons of a person who has no business being mayor! We have a mayor who only has a GED and never thought it was important to finish high school. Great that she did finally get a GED if thats the case, but what is she teaching our kids in the school district! She gets into a road rage with a kid from Clear Creek High school. She says she is a "victim" when she followed this kid into the parking lot and threw a drink on him! Then she can't recall if she used the "N" word! If she cant recall that, then what can she recall about our city government? Mallios... you now ask after Chris has resigned who is going to run the city and are they going to be qualified?? Are you kidding? That makes alot of sense. Sorry to bust your bubble, but we are in League City Texas! Not Austin or D.C. Whats sad is the majority of the people in League city really dont give a flip about our city politics! I asked my neighbors the name of our Mayor and they could not even tell me! They couldnt even tell me one city council memeber. Im in South shore harbour by the way! So i think it shows the lack of IQ here when you get rid of someone and then ask the question of who is going to be the next City Manager and if they are going to be qualified or not!? You had a perfectly good city manager way beyond qualified. All I can say is good for Chris Reed. If I was him I would not want my name attached to this administration either. I hear this junk about cleaning house and once again we're in a worse position than we we're before! Its going to take a long time to clean up the mess that has now been created!!!
I think Chris Reed has done a great job putting up with this administration and all the hateful things said about him and his family. deserve better. Thank you for your service to League City!

Jeff Hagen said...

Mr. Holloway,

How ironic that you criticize the mayor for alleged educational short comings while composing your post with so many glaring grammatical errors as to border on inarticulate. After a quick glance, I count at least 15 fundamental errors of grammar and spelling. I'm sure you've heard it said that one should not throw rocks when living in a glass house.

Why do you and your friends (& alternate personalities) insist on concocting arcane theories of how the recent road rage assault on the mayor should be regarded as a condemnation of her character? Do you not realize that your are succeeding only at increasing the public perception of yourself as a fool blinded by bitterness to the point of insanity? I'm sure you've also heard it said that one should not cut off one's nose to spite one's face. (To recap, what we do know is that the suspect was seen driving in a manner that recklessly endangered the mayor and that he was seen striking the mayor in an unjustified manor and causing her serious injury. There is sufficient evidence of these facts to have caused the police to make an arrest. On the other hand, no evidence has come to light supporting the allegations that you repeat and it is questionable that even if true these allegations would warrant any legal action. You, I, and the countless other commenters about this matter weren't there. It is a matter for the police and the courts.)

I have not and will not express an opinion about whether or not Chris Reed should be city manager. (Nor regarding any other city employee, save the matter of the incurable conflict of interest of the past city attorney. A matter which is now history.) Such determinations are the prerogative and responsibility of our elected officials. However, the disingenuousness of some of Mr. Reed's present supporters is rather glaring given that not but three years ago some of them were his most bitter attackers. Regardless of Mr. Reed's effectiveness in the job (about which I have no opinion), you are exaggerating more than a trifle in some of your praise. Contrary to your claims of great qualification, it is widely known, and acknowledged by Mr. Reed himself, that he had no prior education or experience which would have specifically prepared him for this job. It will not be a problem to find a replacement who, on paper at least, can match his qualifications. You should also recall that Mr. Reed was hired on an interim basis by a previous mayor in the midst of an ethical crisis. You should also note that in democratic institutions it is commonly accepted practice for elected executives to routinely replace senior appointed executive personnel who were hired by the previous administration. I'm not saying that such changes must happen, just that it is not unusual for such to occur. I can say that I have first hand knowledge of significant mistakes made by Mr. Reed, but I don't know whether or not those issues were considered relevant by the mayor in her apparent decision to replace him. I say it only to make the point that it is plausible that the mayor may have good reasons for this supposed action.

(Continuation follows due to technical problems with the blog.)

Jeff Hagen said...

(continued from above due to blog technical difficulties.)

It is unfortunate that you are surrounded by neighbors whom you hold in such low esteem. Whether this reflects true civic shortcomings of your neighbors or unreasonable condemnation by yourself I can not say. On the other hand, I can say that I am fortunate to be surrounded by neighbors and to have many friends throughout the city who are quite versed in the affairs of local government and exercise their civic duties. Most, if not all of the people who I know in League City are well aware of who the current mayor is and who most if not all of council are. Most also know the last occupants of these offices, who the recent electoral contenders were, and understand the key issues in recent campaigns. Most even know who the key senior city employees are. Best of all, these people vote. I can't claim such was always the case because it clearly was not, but it is now and I consider that a great success. You should try educating your neighbors instead of cursing them.

Jeff Hagen

Tim Holloway said...


Sounds like I hit a nerve? You must live in Glenn Cove and A puppeteer that I was talking about. I want to thank you for your response. I needed a good laugh! I am going to take the high road. Something you may want to try some time in life.You would be a much Happier person!. I would love to be a good example for ya! Life is way too short to be bitter!

Unknown said...

Chris Reed will return as
Assistant Chief of Police
under Chief of Police Jez.

I.E.S.I will return as our
trash service,we have
much garbage to pick-up.

League City Underground said...

Chris's brother may become interum city manager.

Chris John Mallios said...

Mr. Holloway,
You are not bursting my bubble. There is always opportunity. That is why I ask the question. For the record my neighbors are well aware who the mayor is and can name our city council. They know a few of the names of the department heads in our town. It’s because they care. One person does not a city make. We must all work together to be able to achieve a far greater goal for our city and our part of the county in the coming years. It is time for our city to take its rightful place as the leader of Galveston County. We stay divided because it makes it much easier for the powers that be to control our situation. While some are looking at the leaves on the tree some of us are looking not only at the forest but at the landscape behind it .

BHL said...

Mr Holloway,
CR was not qualified. He did not have the experience of administrating over several different functional areas with each having it's own unique challenges.

He may have been qualified to serve as Police Chief, but there's a big diff going from running different departments within a organziation with a primary defined goal of "to protect and serve" to running a city where each organization has different goals and strategies and has different departments within.

CR was learning, and I believe that he was learning well once he was out under the Shults thumb. But it is the Mayor's right.

Now, I'd still like LH to some under fire and based upon what I see, the job was only partially done.

Tim Holloway said...

LOL... and you voted and suport a mayor who is qualified?? she has never had a true job! She has a GED and she clearly has anger issues. Thanks but no thanks, I dont think you are a good judge of qualifications!!! Listen I have no problem with Glenn Cove at all! I actually enjoy every time I drive by with my windows down, I can hear the Banjo's playin!!!

Tim Holloway said...

oh sorry for the people that dont know..LOL mean laugh out loud..

Paul Smith said...

Tim Holloways (October 2008) website: Recall Mayor Randall

Number of followers = One

Unknown said...

Good luck to Chris and his family and I hope he finds a city nearby who treats him well. After all of the loyalty and dedication to League City, it is definitely a shame. I can't imagine anyone wanting to come in and fill his shoes knowing they won't be treated with the common respect and dignity that every person deserves.

The city leaders, starting at the top, need to get back to the basics and learn to show honor and respect to each other, the City employees and the constituents. Once that happens, we will no longer have a City divided.

BHL said...

"she has never had a true job"

" Listen I have no problem with Glenn Cove at all! I actually enjoy every time I drive by with my windows down, I can hear the Banjo's playin!!!."

Toni may be "rough" and very much sterotypical "blue-collar" but to say that someone who runs a H/W store doesn't have a real job, or to make casual jokes that suggests your neighbors are hillbillies falls way short of any standard of decency that I expect of myself or those that work for me.

You remind me of the priests in all their robes who think they are better than everyone else.

Maureen B. said...

BHL: your last statement may be a little judgmental, don't ya think? (I know a lot of preists in robes who are the most humble people you will ever meet.)

"The city leaders, starting at the top, need to get back to the basics and learn to show honor and respect to each other, the City employees and the constituents. Once that happens, we will no longer have a City divided".

The Mayor could well start this by recommending someone for City Administrator who has the educational qualifications and experience required to fill that spot. Just putting another "good old boy" in there would command no respect. (No offense to Chris Reed, but I'm wondering how he got that position without meeting those requirements?) I believe this choice will speak volumes about the Mayor's vision for our City.

Tim Holloway said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tim Holloway said...

I am sorry I hurt your feelings!

Thank for pointing out a site I never got up and running! But its good advertisment!!! Dont ya think??

P. Moratto said...

Thanks Jeff, BHL and Paul S. TH places a lot of value on government schooling for somebody who hasn't achieved the bare basics himself, and too little on real jobs and real work and getting the important things done. The agenda is just cover for his real motive, which is "get Toni."
I have to wonder what Marc and Casey and the rest of the Argyle socks golf crowd at SSH have to say about this gem:
"my neighbors [can't] name our Mayor... [or] even tell me one city council memeber. Im in South shore harbour by the way! So i think it shows the lack of IQ here..."
Lack of IQ? GED? Timmy, boy, your literary excellence puts you in remedial class with Pat Hallisey. Stop embarrassing yourself.

Unknown said...

Webster City Manager Michael Jez

League City Assistant Police Chief Chris Reed

Swap these two spots,problem solved.

Jez would make a great city manager and

Reed would make a good chief of police.

BHL said...

Tim, you didn't hurt my feelings. I don't live in GC. I'm a westsider. I just wanted you to reflect on some of what you said, and how it reflects on you as to whether or not you can be seen as fair and balanced person. The way we talk about our neighbors says much about us.

Maureen - judgemental, no. Discerning, yes. My comment was not about priests today, but about those who claimed to know but knew not. It's a simple Bible lesson. I fully agree with you regarding a new admin.

Ida Mae - Nice idea, don't know if it will happen since Jez is reportedly connected to Clawson.

Tim Holloway said...

P Moratto,

You Clearly dont know who I am! Im sorry I hurt your feelings too! But I would be glad to give you my resume! But i wouldnt want to hurt your feelings again!!! Is it raining over in Genn Cove today??

P. Moratto said...

If the resume ever landed you a job other than flipping burgers, there can be no question it was written for you by someone else.

Tim Holloway said...

flippin burgers must be paying a junk load of money baby!!!....thats awesome!!

If everyone is up in arms about how I talked about our so called neighbors? Isnt Chris Reed and his family our neighbors??? Just sayin! Isnt the Old administration our neighbors aswell??? Is it just good for the goose! I need to take some of you guys out for ice cream! Some of ya are just bitter!

BHL said...

perhaps some are bitter.

For the record, I supported Mr Mallios for Mayor even though we tossled over a number of things as evidenced in Marc's old blog.

For the record, I did not approve of the method by which TR's fired PH or Mary Chambers.

For the record, I was against the lack of transparancy shown in how the Ameriwaste deal was done, the behind-the scenes communication regarding the gun range (I have no connection with any of the involved parties), the lack of justification in firing Polanco, the lack of communications regarding Seminole Bridge.

If it can happen in some parts to some citizens, then it could happen to me. And that is why I was against Jerry and his cronies.

Now let me ask you some questions:
- Are you in anyway affiliated with St. Mary's and Knights of Columbus?
- You've read my specifics as to why I wanted change, what are your specific reasons as to why you started a "remove Toni" blog?
- Since your neighbors are not aware of LC politics, what is your motivation?
- What would you do differently?

Jeff Hagen said...

Mr. Hollowhead,
(we all know you are just using another psuedonym.)

I do wish you'd left your deleted rant up for others to enjoy.

If, as you claimed, you are so much more skilled than the rest of us at getting along with everyone, then why do you not learn how to get along with Mayor Randall instead of latching onto every deranged theory you can conjure up to demonize her?

Why do you continue to attack her formal education record despite years of demonstrated success and experience on her part and continued demonstration of appalling illiteracy on your part? Lack of formal education does not preclude intelligence and wisdom, especially in the area of leadership skills.

With all those LOL's coming from you, I have to wonder if it really means Laughter Of a Lunatic in this case. And just who is it that pays your 'consulting' fees for ranting on the Internet? Are you paid per word or per insult?

Just to be clear, I realize that you lack the mental capacity and stability to be persueded by argumnets of logic or fact to change your mind. My only wish is to make clear the record of your folly for those casual readers not yet familiar with your habits on this blog.

Tim Holloway said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tim Holloway said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tim Holloway said...

I dont go to either St. Mary's Or belong to knights...Jeff you need some Ice Cream too?? lol

Tim Holloway said...

Jeff, Seriously Mr, Hollowhead? lmao..I havnt heard that since I was 12 years old!!!..bro leave the jokes to me!!

Jeff Hagen said...

I always need ice cream, but since I can find no record of a Tim Holloway in League City I am inclined to think the offer is as ficticious as your name.


BHL said...

I've verified with GCAD that Mr & Mrs Holloway do exist.

I understand what he is saying. Or what he said in the post that got deleted. I'm still not getting the in-depth why as to why he's so anti-Toni.

Perhaps his first post is a clue "The city has been crippled today even more than what it was! People who have shortcomings and are clearly inadequate, hide behind their insecurity as if they are something and use Mayor Randall as a puppet." Sounds like his problem isn't so much Toni, but the way in which he perceives that others are manipulating.

There's something in the past that isn't being mentioned.

Come Watson, the game's afoot!

Tim Holloway said...

Now that is Funny! I promise my name is Tim Holloway! And I will meet you and take you to get ice cream. Chris knows me cause he and I are friends on Facebook together along with everyone else and there dog! now i see why your information you get is screwed up! I you ever need help with information that is true give me a call! I use to be Clyde Wilsons Cheif investigator! See now arent you glad we are friends now?

Tim Holloway said...

Thank you!
You are right! and Let me help! I am very glad to see Tommy cones is GONE.. But im not going to bash on a guy who served our city.I didnt see any of us jumpin up and trying to run for his position! BHL, I think you understand since you read my post on where i am coming from! I think you even understand why I deleted it aswell!

BHL said...

Matter of fact I was asked to run last year in the slot that now belongs to the dogs. Such decisions can not be made unilaterally, as there's a wife and kids involved.

Kids are older this year, it would've been easier except for a new job which is essentially a promotion and more responsibility, consequently more time. Like Casey, I was determined that if I couldn't do the job right I wouldn't do it at all.

Tim Holloway said...

Family always needs to come first no matter what! you just jumped up in my rating for ya!

Did you get ahold of Chris Mallios's Facebook yet If you are his friend you can see my good looking face aswell and know i truly exist!!!

Tim Holloway said...

FYI...Public Is the best in trying to look someone up! Its the closest thing you can get to TCIC and NCIC data base. Plus whats really cool it give you all the peoples assets!!

Jeff Hagen said...

I know BHL's word to be good. I'll accept that he has convinced me you are not using a psuedonym.

Tim has written a great deal of personal criticism of the mayor in this thread that is unrelated to the issue of people trying to manipulate her. Not to mention unjustified and hypocritical.


Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
pretender said...

The need for single member districts and council-manager form of government is abundantly clear. Our elected officials are too busy politicking to govern.

Unknown said...

Mr. Tim Holloway,
I am glad that you had a wonderful
time during your stay in high school.
Now that you are a young adult and
have told us that "civic duties" are
on your list of fun things to do,
I have two questions for you.

First,because you are a heathy young
male you will be placed in the city
planning and scheduling department.
You will be required to receive
request,evaluate the request for
job priority and maybe even view the
situation,before you go about doing
your planning and scheduling.

BHL is an honest man that you have
grown to know.He is not in the habit
of causing trouble or making
unwarranted statements.

BHL calls you with a statement and
request.He says that his home was
flooded by a recent heavy rain and
to make the situation even worse,
there is tree debris that is blocking
the flow of stormwater down through
the floodway that would drain a large
portion of his subdivision.BHL kindly
request that you remove this
tree debris.

It is a beautiful sunshine day in
good old League City and you wanted
to take a road trip,so what the heck,
you are going to take a look at
BHL's request.You find that there are
three (3) separate piles of
tree debris.The piles of debris are
separated by one hundred yards

A pile of debris at spot #1.

It is separated by one hundred yards

A pile of debris at spot #2.

It is separated by one hundred yards

A pile of debris at spot #3.

You take pictures of the three piles
of debris and the distance between
them as proof.

Here are your two questions:

1. Would you schedule three separate
trips to clean one pile of debris
at a time?


2. Would you schedule one trip to
clean all three piles of
tree debris at once?

pretender said...

This cureent group of elected officials has succeeded in creating a divisive group of municipal employees who are more focused on job retention and not angering elected officials instead of serving our citizens.

I am tired of arrogant and pompous elected officials who claim a mandate based upon less than 3000 votes in a community of near 70000.
If they have a mandate it is one derived from apathy.

But we get what we deserve and we will continue to have narrow minded, single issue elected officials until more people engage in the electoral process.

This blog could, however, be more balanced. If the prior City Administration had done some of the same things this one has done your regulars would have been screaming for their heads.

Right is right..defend it! Wrong is it!

Unknown said...

05-26-2009 Council Meeting


A.Discuss options to enlist or enhance
cooperation from other entities
regarding their responsibilities to
maintain adequate drainage related
to League City drainage outflows
(Council Member Barber)

B.Consider and take action to direct
staff to initiate an update to the
1990 League City Master Drainage Plan
as per Policy 4.5-3 of the League City
Comprehensive Plan 2025
(Council Member Barber)

Mike Barber is doing a great job
for ALL of League City.

Tim Holloway said...

Ida Mae,
Is that a trick question?
I dont know why you asked me that question, Cause I only flip hamburgers!!!..(according to P.Marotto) But I like a challenge..So I am going to take a crack at this! Lets go the Cheapest way and get it all in one load!!....Did i get it right?

Unknown said...

Great answer Mr. Tim Holloway!
This is just one more step you have made in being a productive member of this blog.

get it all in one load!!....

Civic Duty ----- Yes!

P. Moratto said...

But we DID scream for their heads, and we GOT them. It's not clear what exactly you are belly-aching about, so I am trying to ignore you.

Did Chris say it was okay for you to call him your friend in public? I am going to have to talk to him about this, before I think about showing up with you at any ice cream stand. Have you cleaned up that debris yet?

Unknown said...

There is one department head
that might think about getting
a job in Iraq,Afganistan or
Kuwait.In Kuwait he would not
have to write work orders for

BHL said...

If I get out of work at a reasonable time, I just might have to bring some pictures to the next council meeting, as well as give some folks a lesson on Supplier Management and Oversight for Dummies.

pretender said...


I am talking about the double standard that is prevalent on this blog. The regulars blasted the prior administration and as you said got their heads. But with the current group most of the regulars blindly support both the Mayor and other eelected officials when :
(1) the Mayor's hiring of Jerry Grooms was certainly questionable as it was not a budgeted position.

(2) She was involved in an incident where it was alleged that she provoked the incident, used racial slurs and then said "I can not remember" or refused to comment.

(3) The elected officials appear to be intent upon leasing the Butler Museum to a non-profit so an employee that was caught destroying public documents and resigned prior to being terminated can be reinstated.

(4) the old group was criticized for their overrepresentation of developers. Yet it appears that this group is making policy based upon vocal minorities and not governing in the best interest of the other 70000 people.

This group would do well to read John Locke's treatise where he descibes "minority tyranny".

I respect your compulsion to be a watchdog but lets bark at all possible intruders not just the ones we dislike.

League City Underground said...

Do you know the difference between us and trouble makers?

League City Underground said...

We don't like them!!! LOL

P. Moratto said...

#1. Not familiar so I cannot comment.
#2. Personal matter irrelevant to the running of the city. Yawn.
#3. I disagree that that's what they want to do. They are responding to our loss of patience with the never-ending and going-nowhere expense, and just want to get it off their/our hands. For reasons you point out, many think that Jennifer should be the last person to take over BLM now.
#4. LC is no different from the rest of the country in that respect. Government is run by those who show up. Do you claim to know what the "other 70,000" want? I don't.
#5. There is no #5.

I don't agree that our support for or opposition to some politicians is blind. Most of us here are quite ready to say if we like or don't like the way things are handled by public servants. When special interests get served, the rest of us will rightly feel short-changed, and you'll hear it.

Unknown said...

Soul Classics

Power to the People

Power to the People

Power to the People

Yes,that would be the cult chant of TLCB.

Unknown said...

June 02, 2009

League City's public works director resigns

League City public works director
Larry Herbert has resigned to accept a job
as a navy consultant to the
government of Kuwait.

Herbert, 60, has held his position in
League City since September 2006.
He said he tendered his resignation
to the city yesterday morning.

His last day will be June 12.
He said he did not know who the city's
interim public works director would be.

The posting for his job went on the
city's Web site on Tuesday afternoon.
It can be viewed here.

Herbert denied City Councilman Jim Nelson's
account that an unnamed city director,
which Herbert believes was referring to him,
attempted to resign yesterday morning after
being asked by City Administrator
Chris Reed to clean out the city's
storm drains. Herbert said he and Reed
didn't have a dispute yesterday morning.

The city started talks yesterday afternoon
with Reed to terminate his contract.

Herbert said he received a letter of
intent for his new job on Saturday.

"With that, I submitted my resignation
Monday," Herbert said. "There was no
confrontation with Chris or anybody else."

Herbert said he retired from the U.S. Navy
in 1990 as a Lieutenant Commander after 23
years of service. He said he has previously
been a navy consultant to the governments
of Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Bahrain.

Herbert said that Kuwait is currently
purchasing its first naval vessels,
like high-speed patrol warfare craft.
He said he will leave for Kuwait after
Fourth of July weekend and live in
Kuwait City.

"This is an opportunity that came to
my doorstep," Herbert said.
"I have passion for it."

Yet Herbert also said he will miss
League City immensely.

"This is where I wanted to be,"
he said.

Posted by Thayer Evans at 05:15 PM

Tim Holloway said...


Yo! Get with the times! I said I am Chris Mallios friend on facebook! Along with tons of others peeps! Now for you to try to disrespect me! you can apoligize to me! Remember.. I am not running for public office! And I am not the guy you want to play with! If you dont know me! you clearly are not anything in this community! I will send you home crying to your momma!!!

Unknown said...

Mr. Tim Holloway,
There is no need for black eyes or
bloody noses....Just think of all of
your old buddies back in Seabrook
and all of the pranks that you pulled.
Wasn't that fun!!!

Think of Mr. Moratto in that same manner.
Now turn it around,(ask Mr. Moratto who
his best friend might be).If Mr. Moratto's
answer is M.E. ,you can have a very
good laugh.

Chris - Tim - Paul - Marc

All of these guys have been known
to pull pranks.

Unknown said...

In that same vain of thinking,Old Larry
will not have to worry about DRAINAGE
work orders in KUWAIT.

Adios mi amigo,
Ida Mae

RBoone77573 said...

Tim Holloway said...

Yo! Get with the times! I said I am Chris Mallios friend on facebook! Along with tons of others peeps! Now for you to try to disrespect me! you can apoligize to me! Remember.. I am not running for public office! And I am not the guy you want to play with! If you dont know me! you clearly are not anything in this community! I will send you home crying to your momma!!!

Tim has made it clear, he will not play and you don't screw with him. He is well known in the community. I feel I should know him by his comments but I do not. But then again, I am just an old worker bee that likes to follow LC politics.

Unknown said...

Dearest Chelsea,
Are you reading this?

Chris John Mallios said...

Ida Mae,
How telling is it that the people you talk about “pulling pranks” all use their real names on this blog while you do not. I am aware of whom you are but the others may not be. Shall we discuss your “pranks” ? So please tell us, sweetheart, why is that?

For the record Mr. Holloway is a friend on my facebook. I cannot vouch for anything else he last posted. All I can say is I am just an average citizens trying to make this city better. Those who know me understand that I do not “blindly” follow anyone and I believe in open and honest government. My father once told me that it is not the problems a person faces in their life that defines them. It is how they deal with and work through those situations that define them.

Unknown said...

Getting punched hard in the face
is a singular experience.I highly
recommend it to anyone who is too
cocky,obnoxious,or insensitive.
I also recommend it to people who
think they're smart enough to
avoid getting punched in the face
by the likes of Henry Stagg.

I was all those things the day Shin
(real name: Peter Stephen Schinner)
and I ran into Henry beneath the
water tower. Henry was in the
company of three lesser juvenile
delinquents-Mitch Cosmo, Marsh
Andrews, and Bobby Something-or-Other.
None of the four were particularly
dangerous one-on-one, but in a pack?
That was different.


Tim Holloway said...

I am laughing so hard! Yall are way to easy to mess with!!I just proved a great point on here! Do yall relize in just the little nonsense, no information, arragant words i wrote? Everyone on here kept it going.. Fuel the fire! ad stuff that had nothing to do with what i said! Yall just took it to the next level for no reason at all! Was it I demanded respect? was it the arrogant tone? in the words of our Mayor,,,Come on makes ya kinda think... I like ya'll!!! yall are fun!!!!

P. Moratto said...

Tim, I think I decoded your cryptic post properly. At least this part seems to be supported, not disputed, by Chris himself. You have the face of a friend of Chris Mallios in a book, right?

Tim Holloway said...

Hey P.
We are done here! we are moving to the next subject!

Unknown said...

I'm reading everything,hon.Upstairs (next thread up) Timmy's talking about his coconuts :)

Must be a guy thing ya know.

I bet he can't wait for the Scottish Inn to open up. I wonder if they can give him a discount on that hourly rate?

Generally speaking, I think it's the ones who have to put their coconuts on the table in here, that have the most knowledge about shortcomings, insecurities, and puppets (or other toys).

Timmy, darling, the city is not crippled. It doesn't even have a limp. It just needs to be tidied up a bit from your boyz party.

The reason we support the mayor is because youse guys never remembered to put the lid down.

Ida, the action here doesn't match the dream. Remember you can lead a schmuck to the well but you can't make him think.


Unknown said...

by the way, Timmy, respect is best served earned.