Friday, July 3, 2009

A Developer’s Point of View About Dog Parks

I recently received this email. Clearly, it was widely circulated. I have NOT included email addresses.

The email originated from a local developer and list of recipients was lengthy. It was sent to all city council members, some to personal/business addresses and other to their city email address. It was sent personally to Neil Baron, Jim Nelson, The Halliseys, Tommy Cones, and Marc Edelman. The email was also sent to numerous individuals at the Galveston Daily News and many others I will not list.

I have respect for most personal emails. However, it is clear this is not a personal email. The entire text (without signature) follows:

League City imposes a $1,000 per lot Parks Fee for every building lot created by Developers. Looking around the City you can imagine how much money has been received from this requirement. This “Fee” was created to promote and build public parks for “ALL” League City residents to enjoy. This imposed fee is in addition to the required park areas that developers need to create within their projects as well. This administration and the past election cycle has demonized developers. But the fact is that Developers have improved the life styles of all League City residents. League City residents have a right to know that Developer money (and a lot more than $200,000) is sitting in this dedicated fund waiting to be used for Park areas only.

What is wasteful of our tax dollars (and something every League City resident should be deeply concerned with) is that fact that this Dog Park has already been researched, discussed, voted on and passed. Back tracking on this issue when City council and staff should be focused on flooding, traffic and other serious issues facing this City is the real waste of money, time and energy. The losers here will not be the “dogs”, it will be the people of League City.

Embarrassing for League City, yes but also down right disgraceful.
end of email

My favorite comment is “But the fact is that Developers have improved the life styles of all League City residents.”

What do you think?


Costello said...

Was it from the same developer who can't get along with any of his neighbors and gave all developers a bad name in League City?

Chuck DiFalco said...

Over the past 10 years, more than one property developer has threatened the property values of homeowners and bulldozed the quality of life here in League City. We don't live in unincorporated Galveston County. We live in a city with legislative and executive powers. Like the Woodlands, we need to tell property developers what to do, not the other way around. I don't care "what the market will bear"; I don't care that 5 years ago the demand was for subdivisions and big box stores, and now it's for apartment complexes. If the developer doesn't want to build neighborhood friendly projects, in accordance with our zoning laws, then we will find another one who will. We're in no big hurry to concrete over what's left of League City.

Marc Edelman said...

The content of the letter is correct. You keep using the recent flood to further malign developers. Chris, developers did not cause a flood, bad engineering at the city did. All these sub divisions should be tied together with adequate drainage. If adequate drainage is not available then nothing should be built. It is the municipal government's responsibility to provide and maintain for proper drainage. We do not operate with a master drainage plan that works. This is the fault of the city. Your posting it is an attempt to prove what? It is clear that the author has a good grasp on what is happening here in League City about a dog park. You will stop at nothing to enrage the community using emotional issues and employing the lesser informed to get their pitch forks and torches and surround city hall. These same tactics were used by Mussolini, Lenin, and the like. I only have one question, how did you make it rain so hard on April 18th?

I will not waste to much of time fighting your poor and circular logic.

Chuck DiFalco said...

I am not amused that you compared Mr. Mallios to Benito Mussolini. Il Duce! With my heritage, I demand to be the resident black shirt around here! Give me a break, Marc, stop with your hypocritical straw man sophistry.

Also, your continual ignorance about the mood of the average homeowner in League City amazes me. Citizens are ALREADY enraged. Brittany Bay, then central League City north, then Victory Lakes, then Glen Cove, then Clear Creek Village, then central League City south and the Landing (so many--have I left anyone out?). All these neighborhoods have suffered from concrete poured down by whom? Not the City Engineering folks! Sure in hindsight, they might have been more proactive and have adopted a more regional than local drainage viewpoint. But how is the Engineering Department going to deal with the mattresses and other junk I've seen appearing in drainage culverts? How is the Engineering Department going to unilaterally tear down flood-creating fences erected by developers? How is the Engineering Department going to recreate the now paved-over green space that used to serve as a safety valve, like a natural sponge, for biblical events such as Allison and the April rains? Your property developer apologies did not, do not, and will not serve you well.

Chris John Mallios said...

Mr. Edelman,
Once again you show your lack of detail or maybe it is ignoring the truth. I did not create this thread. Check the post my friend. So I guess using your logic the P & Z is to blame? So you are responsible? The author of the email has a vested interest in the dog project or its supporters.

Below is a reply to the email I received. I sent it off and the reply is there also. It’s good to see that when hit with the truth the developer decides to run and hide and wishes not to discuss anything further. I am sure they feel like they are trying to do what is good for our city, but the fact is they are not. They live in their own world and wish not to be disturbed.

Teresa Scotto []
Chris John Mallios
Fri 7/3/2009 2:00 PM

If you were an honest person, you would show all the others you have included on this email instead of trying to make it look like it was a private email……..

Please refrain from any future correspondence to me.

Teresa Scotto

From: Chris John Mallios []
Sent: Friday, July 03, 2009 10:39 AM
To: Teresa Scotto
Subject: Who has moved League City backward

Ms. Scotto,
Let’s be honest with each other. The “fee” paid by the developer for the green space is a cost of doing business. (as campaign contributions are) As such it is passed on to the one who buys the home. So the developer has done nothing except continue to put more concrete and residence in our city. As we all know it’s a business and you are in it for a profit and if there is not a market you would not be here building. I agree League City residence have a right to know what the developer has done for them. That is why the bridge deal in Glen cove came to light. That is why the fence situation came to light. There are some developers who are looking for an advantage any way to boost their profits. Those days are gone. Those enablers have been removed by the city voters and good individuals have replaced them. In past administrations the losers were the citizens of our city but now they are the winners.

Personal pet projects have no place in our city budget. The inability to be able to give a solid amount to be spent on a project and then ask for a blank check approval are over. You see the city taxpayers are the ones that ultimately pay. The “fee” does not pay to maintain the dog park and the estimates of its cost of maintenance have been low balled. Who pays in the end? The citizens not the developer. While I can appreciate and understand your situation, I do not believe what you are saying is fair to the citizens of our city. I do not doubt that you believe what you are saying, I just feel you should be looking at the big picture with an open mind. However, being in the business you are in how else would I expect you to view it?

You are correct some developers are embarrassing for League City, but they are also downright disgraceful as well.

Chris John Mallios

Chris John Mallios said...

Voice your opinion on the dog park. Go to and tell the city what you think.

Happy 4th Y’all !!! Baked beans, Brisket, Potato Salad and watermelon is on the menu for this afternoon. Y’all have a safe and fun day !!!

Marc Edelman said...

Chris, PZ does not over see the drainage. Once again I expose your campaign of mis information. You feed the less informed incorrect informatin and and leave them to do your dirty work. I never said you started the thread, I just made comment about your constant mis use of information, preying on the less informed citizens to do your bidding. You have become what you claimed you were against.

Marc Edelman said...

I respect what you have to say. However, to blame developers for building is like blaming dogs for pooping. The blame for recent flooding falls squarely on God for making it rain 5 inches per hour. The city is guilty of not maintaining our drainage system. Some of the flooding was caused by bad design by developers as in Claremont and the city for not designing an adequate drainage system to handle 5 inches per hour of rain. Certainly there is a lot of work to be done improving our drainage, and the city could have done better as development took place.

I have been asking questions of the city engineer in PZ meetings about the drainage issues. I asked if the city possessed computer modeling software to model drainage, I got 15 minutes of disjointed words as an answer. We can do better, but truly the April 18th storms were unusual and the badly maintained drainage in most cases caused the flooding that was avoidable.

Chris John Mallios said...

Give it a rest. Your credibility is zero. Can’t even admit you were wrong about the posting? Why address the statement to me ”Chris, developers did not cause a flood” grow a pair instead of trying to mislead everyone. I fight for what is best for the citizens. I have gained nothing from my battles. You well, let’s just say the developers keep you busy. We all know the truth. So go spread you BS somewhere else. To deny it is a lie and you know it. No one does my bidding. Unlike you I take care of what I believe in and do not compromise it for the sake of a few bucks. Talk is cheap Marc, actions speak louder than words.

Marc Edelman said...

P.S. Chuck, I refuse to be manipulated by mis information become emotional. If that constitutes "continual ignorance about the mood of the average homeowner" I am that. Frankly, I find it out of character for you to allow yourself to blame all developers for all flooding. You may not like developers, but you seem like somoene who relies on empirical data to base their opinions on.

Marc Edelman said...

You sir need to give it a rest. You haven't the slightest clue about me or my business.

You must think you are some kind of League City Super Hero.

"I fight for what is best for the citizens. I have gained nothing from my battles."

Chris you are a legend in your own mind.

Don't you dare insinuate I personally profit from my volunteer time at the city. I suggest you provide the proof of your accusation because you have crossed the line.

P. Moratto said...

Thanks to all of the above for voicing many of my thoughts. Marc, I was about to jump on you again, until you admitted, in so many words, that many of the city's engineering mistakes were made because of attempts by departments (badgered by developers' hired guns on council) to accomodate developer whims. That brings us back where we started, seems to me.
Some of the complaints about flooding have nothing to do with development, but with city misengineering and bungled maintenance, and their progress reports at the last few council meetings show they are working on the latter because the new council is showing ongoing interest.
BUT some of the worst cases of flooding are new, and are the direct and sole result of developments disrupting natural flood plains around them. What percentage of blame goes to the city for allowing it, and what percentage to developers is a rather academic argument now. Following the last two elections, we can hopefully kill both those birds with one stone.

Chuck DiFalco said...


I don't blame ALL property developers for flooding. Just the ones that build flow-blocking fences, raise up an entire parcel higher than the surrounding neighborhoods, and fight/strong-arm city staff over retention ponds and other drainage features. I blame other developers for other things: wanting partial bailouts, most famously MUD districts; constantly petitioning for neighborhood unfriendly zoning changes, about which I have a thick file on just one developer near me; asking for increases in housing units beyond what was originally agreed to in writing; bullying city council; and fighting impact fees so as to pass the buck to someone else. I've only known two developers -- Jack Lee and Victor Boutrie -- who as far as I know didn't try to pull anything, and that's maybe because they sold out before they were in a position to try. I don't want any dogs to poop in my back yard.

As far as getting empirical data goes, I don't have the time or the money to buy drainage software or commission flooding studies. However, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that many areas in League City are now getting flooded that never had that problem before. The Landing is a good example. It also doesn't take one to know that when developers pave over the entire west side of the city, the flooding will only get worse unless drastic action is taken now. I don't need a study to know that. You of all people should know that you can reach a valid conclusion without all the databases, fancy charts, and PhD types making formal conclusions. For example, once the multi-degreed economists proclaim the recession to be over, the stock market will have already gone up 50%. In fact, I’m about to get published a related investment article. The money-making investors know something to be true long before all the precincts have reported.

Chris John Mallios said...

Mr. Edelman,
League city super hero ? Oh give me a break ! I am just an average citizen who wants the citizens to be treated fairly. As for profit? My friend we all know the truth. As for legend, I am not trying to be anything just who I have always been. I have no business connections with developers nor do I profit from them. Crossed the line oh my goodness!!! I’m not intimidated by all your talk. So run and tell someone Marc!! Run and find someone who will defend your honor! You know where to find me.

Paul Smith said...

Thanks for posting the "honest" email from Teresa Scotto.

To find her support for Baron's dog park is most predictable.

The statement suggestiing developers like MB Harbour (Cypress Bay)are improving citizen's life style is too funny.

Just ask Teresa Scotto about her neighbors along Seminole Dr. (Glen Cove) and Tall Timbers (Marina Del Sol). How has her actions improved their life style.

I think the only life styles that have been improved are developers and their friends, family, employees, and contractors. Don't foreget those that received political contributions, as well as the attorneys, project engineers, and their media consultant.

Finally, Teresa Scotto has decided to voice her opinions. Nick Scotto has been vocal for years telling "Friends" what he plans to do to Glen Cove.

Marc Edelman said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Marc Edelman said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Marc Edelman said...

Yes Chris, I know where to find you. At home and unemployed.

bevery mallios said...

Marc: I don’t respond very often, but your last post demands a response from me. It would seem to me that you feel a person has no value unless they are “employed”. Does it really just come down to money with you? I challenge you to spend one week in the “shoes” of my husband. I challenge you to put your life on hold to care for someone who is not able to care for himself/herself. And I am not just talking Monday through Friday, with weekends off. I am talking seven days a week, 24 hours a day. There are no vacations. Out of respect for the dignity of my parents, I will not go into any detail about the “job” that Chris does, but you can bet your bottom dollar…. It is a “job” that few people would want, let alone have the concern, compassion, love and patience to be able to do. So while he is not “employed” and does not receive the monetary compensation due for the “job”, the value is greater than someone such as yourself (obviously) could ever grasp.

BHL said...

I have never said this about anyone...

You're despicable.

BHL said...

I think we've seen from marc that it is about money.

His justification of high $$ development to bring in more taxes to fund the services that we who don't live in high $$ development pay for in total was more than enough for me to realize that somewhere along the way Marc became elitist.

There've been other comments along the way, but that's the one that really stuck.

In the end, it's not the size of a man's bank account that matters. It's the way he conducted himself and held his friends and others accountable for the way they conducted themselves.

Chris John Mallios said...

Time to blow
Little joe
Use a verifiable name
And don’t be someone’s hoe

In other words if ya want to be a tough guy you must use your real name and be able to put up with the consequences.

Babs said...

It's CONCRETE - and too much of it - that is to blame for recent flooding.

Our valuable coastal prairies are quickly disappearing.

There is little left to absorb the water. We were warned.

Chris Stevens said...

I have been reading a lot of this debate with great interest. One of the mistakes I think proponents of this park have made is to call it a "Dog Park" at all.

It should have simply been called a "Park" for any and everybody. Every park has certain features that make it unique. This park would have had or will have fenced in areas that allow for safe exemption for pooch owners from the leash laws and water amenities for dogs to drink.

I am far from "for" the project. However, I think that the portion of costs that are specific for dog amenities should be separated from the costs that would be incurred at any park.

You guys are also very foolish for not making a loud and obvious point that the park will probably be used as much if not more by people just looking for natural place to walk/run as it will be used by dog owners.

That's my two cents worth today.

matt said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Joe said...

Whats up Chris thought you didn't censor posts? Thats ok, I have a whole bunch of info that everyone will be interested in that I just got my hands on, I think a few things even ol' Bev may like to see? I'll have some of it dropped off to you. I let a little slip out at a time.

Chris Stevens said...

Joe, What ever you are thinking, think twice. Be sure you like the road you're traveling.

P. Moratto said...

Skunk of The Day Award

Skunk of The Day goes to parks board member Carrie Ferguson, with supporting cast members Mize, Palmer and Hamilton weighing in against the will of the people and voting "for" the grand half-million-dollar-plus Neil Baron Dog Park.

Carrie is a true master at skunking real science and inserting junk science in its place. Here's how she did it. Is this slicker than owl spit, or what?
You take a telephone poll in which 2979 people voted yea or nay.
Never mind that 2778 of them voted against the dog park. You take 2095 people who did not vote at all (for whatever reason), including 60 who voted no opinion, and you do some prestidigitation and transform these non-votes into "yes" votes. Now you've got a somewhat equal number of yes and no votes, meaning no consensus. Voila.
Now that you've trashed one of the two real polls in which the people said NO!, and ignored the other one because you "didn't know about it," you need a new poll.
So, next, Carrie called up all the apartment dwellers, who are (a) transients who don't pay taxes and who will cheerfully take anything you give them because it's "free," and (b) have way more dogs than average citizens, and no yards to run them in. What do we know they will say?
In summary, the will of the people was snubbed today. Only Joanna Sharp and Tim Knopp voted against the grand Neil Baron & Pals Dog Park.
Folks, get out Tuesday night for the council showdown on this.

Chris Stevens said...


4873 Phone calls made: July 6 & July 7, 2009 Calling Time 10:00am-8:00pm
A phone list of League City voters was compiled from the 2007 City Council Election; 2008 Mayoral Election, and the 2009 City Council Election. The list was de-duped. The automated calling system was programmed for a random calling, totaling 4873 calls.
Automated Phone System used:
PC Windows XP Pro / using Octopus Xtreme Auto dialer/ 4 lines with voice board
• Pre-recorded 30 second message with 5 second connect. Message: As a taxpayer and registered voter in League City we are asking you to participate in an informal survey. Do you support spending $194,000 dollars from the Park Dedication Fees to build Phase #1 for the pending League City dog Park? Please press #1on your phone for “Yes”; please press #2, if you do not support the spending: or #3 if you do not have an opinion. Thank you.

Data software program tabulates calls:
Hang ups- 1751 (less than 10 seconds)
Wrong numbers/ fax (did not connect) – 83
#1 (yes) 201
#2 (no) 2778
#3 (no opinion) 60

Chris John Mallios said...

Who cares Joe? You are afraid or embarrassed to use your real name and we all know Joe talk is cheap. You and your boys have been talking so long about “doing something” it makes me laugh. Give it your best shot my friend. Your cheap talk doesn’t intimidate or worry me in the least. Stick to the thread or stop posting.

Marc Edelman said...

Dear Beverly,
To quote your husband, "Don't take it personally, it is only politics" It cuts two ways. Sorry to have offended you, but you have to know Chris has a sharp tongue. It sure seems like you guys get a little sensitive when the sword cuts at you. If Chris is going to dish it out, he and you better be able to take it.

It is not only about money, but the trap here is that is how Chris likes to frame me in that way. I work hard and constantly to keep many employed and living in a decent standard of living. Chris makes some harsh personal attacks. I just stated the truth about him. I guess when you hit a bell, it rings every time.

Unlike you, I use my real name; I challenge you to do the same.

It seems easy to make those kinds of comments you make from the cloak of secrecy, I don't believe you would be quite so bold if you used your real name, who knows maybe you would.


BHL said...

You should've been at the Parks Board meeting. When I spoke people famialiar with recent blog discussions recognized who I was.

There are those that have come to know me by my words. My words are either true or false, accepted or rejected (not everyone accepts truth). There are times where I have disagreed with Chris and times where I have agreed with him, just as I have done with you and countless others.

Why should my name or lack of name mean anything to you? It's not a person's name that matters. It's the weight and truth behind the words.

If Chris has managed to frame you in a way that's incorrect, perhaps it's because you have presented an appearance that allows for such. It's certainly an appearance that I have seen at times, more oft than not in recent.

Just something for you to consider...

Chris John Mallios said...

Mr. Edelman,
What is it about my personal situation that bothers you so? Does it bother you that I am able to stay at home? Does my standard of living bother you? My personal home situation is none of your business. I would not bring up your personal home situation.

Just because a person chooses other priorities besides employment outside the home, that you feel are not worthy or meet your standards, does not mean they are not worthwhile. Using that logic all home makers are unemployed and have no value, all retired individuals are unemployed and have no value. Anyone who does not meet your employment standards have no value. And you call yourself a Christian? Marc you need to get your head on straight. Politics is one thing, personal is another. They are separate Marc. You want to talk issues then talk issues but just because you cannot defend your political position I don’t think you should resort to personal attacks. I have never attacked your home situation. Try to be a good Christian Marc.

Chris John Mallios said...

Good job at the parks board. I understand you did very well.

BHL said...

Thanks Chris, but I didn't do as well as I would have liked to. I wasn't able to cover all my talking points within the 3 minutes.

I got about 2/3rds of the way down when time expired. Last point before concluding would have been to suggest taking a new survey of the user community... Ask the dogs what they think?

Conclusion, it's not about the dogs it's about the owners.

I don't know if I'll be at council to speak on Tuesday or not yet. If so, I'll definitely refine my points based on some of what I heard from the pro-camp (and leave out the dog survey joke).

Marc Edelman said...

Oh Chris, I don't care about your personal situation. You know that I have just been exposing you for the malcontent, disingenuous, babbling sort you are. How about you never mention my name again, and I will offer you the same courtesy. I offer you a mutual non disparagement agreement, accept or reject?