Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Third Annual League City Candidate Forum in Glen Cove Park

As of the close of candidate sign-ups this evening (Monday, March 8th), Tim Paulissen has signed up to run for reelection to Position 6, but JIm Nelson is not seeking reelection to Position 7.

No other candidate has signed up to run for Position 6, so Mr. Paulissen will be unopposed for reelection.

Joanna Sharp, Tim Holloway, Tommy Garland, and Chris Stevens have signed up to run for the open Position 7 seat, which will be the only race to be decided this year.

Once again we will hold a Glen Cove candidates forum in our park to give the residents of Glen Cove as well as our neighbors in nearby communities an opportunity to meet all of the candidates in an informal and intimate setting. All five candidates have agreed to appear.

Any interested persons in surrounding neighborhoods and throughout the city are also invited to join us in meeting the candidates at this forum.

What: Meet the candidates for League City offices

When: Sunday, March 14, 2010

Where: At the Glen Cove park (north end of Glen Cove St., on the lake)


(A notice of rain-out location will be posted if necessary)

Time: 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM

The following link goes to my personal blog posting of this event, which has downloadable invitation flyers for this event, maps, election info, etc.

Please try to car pool as parking is rather limited.


Congratulations to all the candidates for entering the race and thank you for agreeing to attend this event.

Jeff Hagen


Chris Stevens said...

I'm looking forward to it! This will be the first chance for all of us candidates to come together in public and present our ideas for League City.

So let's go have some good clean fun and keep League City moving forward!

P. Moratto said...

It would be helpful to hear the positions of the viable candidates, namely Ms Sharp and Mr Stevens.
With nothing more than a name so far, it's possible that Mr Garland won't even measure up to "spoiler" or "dark horse" in this race. Get out the binoculors; can anybody see him yet?
Hopefully, the top two contenders will square-off, step up and take solid stands on the hard issues.

For example, the winner of Mr Nelson's slot needs to tell us if s/he intends to hold the line on Nelson's anti-smoke measure. If so, tell us how the ban has stemmed the tidal wave of people in LC dropping like flies from second-hand smoke; how it has helped business in LC; in other words, how it has delivered the goods on its promises; etc.
Pasadena revoked their ban in only a couple of months. When tourism started drying up in Kemah, they relaxed their stance. Most folks in Galveston are simply ignoring theirs. What will LC do?
I want sunset clauses. I want budget limits. I want project deadlines. And I want real teeth in them, like PENALTIES for those who fail.
I hope concerned citizens and voters will come to the forum armed with serious questions, and that candidates will be ready to answer them.

Anonymous said...

If anyone happens to video any debates/discussions, I'd be more than happy to put them up on YouTube.


Anonymous said...

Off topic, but I feel it's something that might need to be posted in another thread.

I found a link to a survey the city put out online, asking for feedback on "Where do you hang out?"


Jeff Hagen said...

Thanks Richard. It is my intention to attempt to record video again this year. Help getting it distributed will be great.


BHL said...

"Tim Holloway said...
I am sad to say. I was the only Candidate to show up for the ballot drawing. Its the little things that make a great leader."

Actually a great leader is able to 1) discern what's important and what's not, 2) decide where and when he needs to get involved versus delegating as greaty leaders recognize they can't do and be everything, 3) listen to input and weed out the noise, fluff, and junk to determine what's critical.

Ballot drawing is definitely something a great leader does not need to be involved with.

Morgan_Campbell said...

Does anyone know why it takes 4 paid staff members for a ballot drawing?

BHL said...

"1 person who is the City secretary
and the other 2 who had to represent Joanna Sharp and Chris Stevens. The other as a witness??? Tommy Garland's Wife was there representing him. I met her and she was a very nice lady!"

That wasn't very professionally stated. I forgot #4 of a good leader; doesn't make stupid comments about other people because he/she always takes the high road.

It's interesting how you earlier trumped yourself up as being the only candidate to show, yet are now noting that Garland's wife was there as well as managing to insult 3 staff members.

Thanks Tim for revealing your true self. Shoot first, think later. No thanks.

Joe said...

Thanks BHL good comeback and I agree who in the heck cares who comes to the draw?

Tim, I am still waiting on the details of your background? I know the rest because of their websites etc.. still waiting on yours...

Tim Holloway said...


Since you like to quote the Bible.

I like it where is says: God uses the Humble man.

So thanks for the class of humility!


Tim Holloway said...


Have you picked anyone to vote for yet? So out of the other candidates have you seen anyone worth backing your support for? lol.... Why don't you share who's Website you like the best?...lol

Joe said...

Is anyone else but me curious why Tim avoids this. I make that request on a serious note? I am interested in knowing more, but I just here what you post on the blog, and thats not probably a good idea of who you are. or at least I hope not.

Morgan_Campbell said...

For Tim Holloway-

Why are you removing your posts?

BHL said...

Tim - I see little in your comments (now deleted) that indicate a knowledge of true humility. The truly humble would not delete their comments, but rather acknowledge their mistakes in the open, ask forgiveness, and seek to change their ways. Anyone can toss out a scripture here and there, but not everyone chooses to walks the entirety as some foolishly choose to deny themselves and wilingly ignore certain facets.

I know that I have fallen short here and there and will very likely do so in the future (although this is not justification for doing so), and I am thankful that we have a loving God who shows me, sometimes through others, where and when I step off the narrow path.

A truly humble man asks God to show him why he made those mistakes with the intent to depart from those ways and not repeat them.

Given the comments you made about two of your candidates, I'm watching to see what attitude and actions you take forward. But I'm not really the one who counts here. I only say this because I believe that I am my brother's keeper and that means offering encouragement and guidance when needed, but rebuke as well when appropriate. Beyond that, God is watching too and he's the one who really cares about what we both do and say going forward.

Jeff Hagen said...

Now for a last minute surprise!

I'm going to attempt to do a live video broadcast of this year's forum over the internet. I've never tried this and have no experience at it, so no promises. If it works, enjoy it, it if doesn't, well you got what you paid for. ;-)

If this works the way I hope, just go to the following link:

It won't have anything at first, but I hope to go live around 4:00 this afternoon. You might have to click on the little refresh symbol at that time. I won't have any means to get live feedback, but drop a note if you want to let me know how it went for later.

If you want a free hot do, you'll just have to show up in person though. The weather is perfect today.


Joe said...

Dan Becker is an idiot? I don't think I seen someone so foolish that thinks they are so smart. It seemed to me that Joanna just kinda hid, Timmy rambled on and on. Chris and Tom I was most impressed with Chris because of his hard nose answer several times about trash and campaign finance. Tom because he seemed to be more in the know about municipal government.

Jeff Hagen said...

Thank you everyone (and especially the candidates) for participating today! I think it may have been the best attendance yet.
Due to a technical glitch of my own making, I have a bit of work to do to get the video out, but I'll try to get it out as soon as I can.
Did the live streaming experiment work for anyone? Fail to work? Worth trying again?


Marc Edelman said...

I watched the Forum and it was pretty good video. The audio could have been better. Great effort.


Morgan_Campbell said...

I watched the video. The wind made much of the audio next to impossible to hear but thanks for providing it.

Did I hear Tim Holloway say something about starting a safe house program? What for? I cannot find a website for him. Tim, can you elaborate here? Anyone?

Joe said...

Morgan-Campbell, nice of you to notice this also and he only says "I have police background, private eye background, sales"...but we never hear where. He avoids this by saying he only wants to discuss issues. THEN he claims to know me and that we talked on facebook. I have this strange feeling that he's either someones ploy, or we are going to be info some funny background updates.

Tim Holloway said...


I have a website.
All my information is there.
Its www.tim-holloway.com

I have all the information about the "safe house program" there as well.
Tim Holloway

Morgan_Campbell said...

Tim, thank you for your web address; however, I was unable to find any mention of the safe house program on either page of your website.

I noticed you have quite a sophisticated campaign contribution payment system on your website. Does this mean you will accept contributions from anyone?

Tim Holloway said...


its still under construction and more work to do on it. I have the Donation button on there so I can have friends and family give. No I wont take money from intrest groups. Just friends and family.
Thanks for asking so there is not a misunderstanding.

Tim Holloway said...

Its all there now. Thanks for you patience!