Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Forum Tonight

If you are looking for information on the candidates running for office, drop by the city council chambers at 200 West Walker tonight and listen to what the candidates say about the issues that affect our city at the League City Chamber of Commerce Legislative Affairs Committee Candidate forum. Or if you are not able to be there you can watch it live on channel 16. It starts at 6pm.


BHL said...

How long did this last? I started watching online, and then it ws dinner time. When I done (@6:43), it appeared to be over.

Perhaps the format needs to be changed as it leads for well written sound bites.

P. Moratto said...

I didn't get enough advance notice to get down there. Don't get 16, and didn't know it is on-line. What's the URL for on-line?

I would like to see these issues added to campaign debate:
Every new proposed city project with an outside vendor or beneficiary must be submitted in the form of a contract which shall include (a) a final price tag (and final means final); (b) a deadline for completion, with unseverable penalties for overruns; (c) a sundown clause after which the city may abandon it and demand a refund and/or surrender of assets equal in value to the city's investment.
Projects previously proposed and rejected shall not be reconsidered within two years without compelling new reason.
New taxes and tax increases rejected by voters shall not be reconsidered within four years without compelling new reason, and shall not be enacted without voter consent.

Marc Edelman said...

I knew Chris had a connection to communist China, now I have some proof. Read the post above comrade.