Sunday, May 9, 2010

League City 2010 Council Election Results

Tim Paulissen wins reelection to place 6 in a landslide victory of 100% to 0% against.... no opponent.
Congrats all the same Councilman Paulissen!

Joanna Sharp - Dawson wins election to the place 7 seat currently held by Jim Nelson (who is retiring).

Despite the crowded four-way contest with no incumbent, Joanna took it outright with no need for a runoff. (To be fair, it was really a three way race with Chris Stevens having withdrawn to endorse Joanna, but due to timing issues his name was officially still on the ballot.)
Congrats Councilwoman Sharp - Dawson!

The final numbers are:
Joanna Sharp - Dawson: 55.9%
Tommy Garland: 30.4%
Tim Hollway: 10.3%
Chris Stevens: 3.3%

The total turnout was 2,892 votes in the place 7 race.
With such a complex field of candidates, it is noteworthy that the winner took this race almost two to one (1.84 : 1) over the second place finisher. A remarkably strong victory.

As usual in recent history, precinct 5 (the east end) had by far the largest turnout. There is something surprising in the details though.
Looking at the vote totals, early voting continues to gain popularity with slightly more than half of the votes coming before election day. This trend held across precincts 1, 2, 3, & 4 which all did more than half of their voting early. The noteworthy exception is precinct 5, which actually saw more votes on election day than in early voting. Not sure it means anything; the statistic just catches one's attention a bit.

The official results summary can be found on the city web site here:

and details here:

Jeff Hagen


Tim Holloway said...

Congratulations to Joanna Sharp Dawson! She ran a great race!


Tim Holloway

lcpd said...

yes, congrats to Joanna and her supporters who did a remarkable job. However, i am still confused at tim h's initial gung ho attitude at the beginning of the race only to see him go into hiding.

Arlo said...

Congratulations to Joanna Sharp and Tim Paulissen. "Good government prevails".

I guess "the other blog" just could not muster up the strength to post the results of the City Council race.
It is interesting to note they found the time to daily blast their lies and half truths about boycotts, signs, museums, and other unimportant trivial nonsense. They only convinced 879 voters. They are down 200 votes from the Cone's election. Do we see a pattern?
I am looking forward to next year's election.

Elaine Kosty

P. Moratto said...

Yeah, looks like somebody got "trounced" and "squashed like a bug." Ooh, did I say that again?

Tim Holloway said...


Let me help ya with the confusion. I didn't go into hiding. I took a job with a huge furniture store as the G.M.I have been working at least 14 hour days. So I did slip off the radar cause I was working so much.

BHL said...

Seriously if you are working that much, you should have been open about it and dropped out. City Council is a "full" part-time job and if you were unavailable during the campaign becuase of your job, the situation would have kept you largely unavailable to adequately perform as council. No one would have benefitted, including yourself.

Hope the new job goes well. Take Care.

lcpd said...

TH, i agree with BHL. However, i seem to recall that it was you who made a blog entry and stroked yourself for being the only one to show up for the name drawing and indicated that YOU would be accessable to the public-if you got elected?
Politics 101-NEVER make a promise you can not keep-especially on a blog. SERIOUSLY !

looking forward to LC election 2011