Tuesday, September 21, 2010

What a difference a new administration makes.

The Mayor and Council should be commended for their work on the budget ! It is truly different then the “last minute” budgets of administrations past. One must recognize the efforts, professionalism and just plain hard work our great City Manager, Marcus Jahns has done and is doing for our city. He has assembled a team of professionals who care about our city but understand making every tax dollar count.

Even the Galveston County Daily News stated “ The budget the city council in League City adopted ought to be a model for cities in Galveston County.” Click here for the full story.

So are we moving in the right direction? Is this administration better than the last or even past ones?


Chuck DiFalco said...


Lower tax rate, performance goals, Ok, nice. Better than before, but I still wouldn't give the League City budget officials an "A". Two things bother me. First, the part of the property tax rate that's for debt service is just over 20 cents per $100 valuation. This number is the highest of any city in Galveston County. Also, the budget has this rate going out for DECADES. A better city future requires declining debt service. Second, there is $1 million for "economic development." For what, and/or who exactly? This pot of money reeks of a slush fund for developers, reminding me of previous administrations.

Morgan_Campbell said...

This is off topic but important to anyone who blogs.

There is a growing area of legal specialization whereby attorneys and law firms are purchasing the copyrights to a newspaper's articles with the intent of sueing anyone who republishes those articles or any part of those articles on a blog. This is accomplished with the use of a web crawler that scans the internet for word groupings. Lawsuits are being filed without warning. See righthavenlawsuits.com.

Chris, I know it would be extremely tedious to comb your archives for any copyright infringements but as the blog host you should do whatever you need to do to protect yourself.

Fair warning - no more copy and paste from published materials.

P. Moratto said...

That $1-mill slush fund for developers is not the only one either. Looks like they've got loot spread around in more than one pile so it doesn't look so bad:
