Sunday, May 1, 2011

Anonymous Author Outed ?

Saw this in today's Daily News. Thoughts anyone?

Now this is in today's (May 4, 2011) Daily News. Any thoughts on this situation ?


BHL said...

Well if it's not true then Mayor Toni just committed slander and the GDN libel. Let's see if Forrest sues... or not...

Place your bet folks!!!

Morgan_Campbell said...

It is perfectly legal and ethically appropriate to research and publish the ownership/registration of any website. Credibility cannot exist without accountability.

Anyone who thinks anonymity is a "right' on the internet probably ought to stay off the internet.

Marc Edelman said...

the andersons are just a shill.

Morgan_Campbell said...

I guess being a political shill is the new "running on a slate". It takes a special kind of stupid to do either.

Joe said...

Come on? Really? you know Kosty Clown is behind this. BHL you are such a loud mouth. That's not slander, where did you get your law degree? The point everyone seems to miss is that there is no denial as to the facts posted on the site? Just a general statement? So prove the points not the website owner.

BHL said...

Joe, if you have no proof of Kosty's involvement you've just committed libel. Don't take my word for it, look up the definition.

As for the facts, I have challenged some of the statements on LCV and my posts were deleted. One would think if I was wrong, then the author would be more than happy to show me the error of my way as opposed to trying to "erase" me.

BHL said...

It keeps getting better.... Pass the popcorn.

Marc Edelman said...

"That is not my smoking gun in my hand."

Whose is it?

"I don't know, I gave it to somebody else."

Why is it in your hand?

"I don't know anything about it!"

BHL said...

Are you familiar with Agatha Christie's "The Uninvited Guest"?

Marc Edelman said...

No sir, I do not, please tell me about it.

BHL said...

I don't want to spoil it for all here. Check with the library for a copy. You can always google it if you want the spoiler.

In short, things and people aren't always what they seem to be.

Morgan_Campbell said...

It's always interesting to me when political candidates promise to cut your taxes and reduce governmental spending. They rarely give you a glimpse into their personal sensibilities because that would conflict with their scorched earth, cost cutting promises. But every politician has a sacred cow and now we know where our "League City Watchdogs" would not reduce spending and that's the League City Animal Shelter.

I am an animal lover. In fact, I own the maximum number of animals permitted for a single family home. Every one of my animals is either from the League City Animal Shelter or a rescue organization.

It is a sad consequence of the economy that greater numbers of animals are abandoned or relinquished to shelters but with fewer dollars to go around, there can be no sacred cows during tough economic times.

Joe said...

Morgan, that is a sad and very good point I think this also applies to our Parks and other areas that we take for granted.
BHL, where did you get your law degree? My comment was not libel, to say the someone is "behind" something? What does that mean? I wish her good luck, and I would love to see her on the stand as a witness!

BHL said...

li·bel   /ˈlaɪbəl/ Show Spelled
[lahy-buhl] Show IPA
noun, verb, -beled, -bel·ing or ( especially British ) -belled, -bel·ling.
1. Law .
a. defamation by written or printed words, pictures, or in any form other than by spoken words or gestures.
b. the act or crime of publishing it.
c. a formal written declaration or statement, as one containing the allegations of a plaintiff or the grounds of a charge.
2. anything that is defamatory or that maliciously or damagingly misrepresents.
Oh Joe - Mock me for not having a law degree if you want, but this stuff is also taught in Journalism, (one of the last things a newspaper wants is to get sued). Your petty insults betray you. We all know that your words were meant to be derogatory. I must compliment you on your spelling though.

BHL said...

Posted on LCV: What does a 2007 council meeting have to do with 2011 election? We all love animals, but there has to be a balance. The unanswered question is "why" did the city cut off ties? It would help if you offered a comment from FLCAS. As is, there is simply a lack of information. Is money the only issue, or is it a problem with space. The last time I was there (a couple of months ago) the facility was over run with kitties.

What would you propose as a solution, "no-kill", 10 day period, one month? So I understand you have it out for Toni, fine. What are the positions of the other candidates?

Watchdog or rabble rouser? Let's see if this one stays posted.

Morgan_Campbell said...

@BHL - If you posted anything, they no longer remained at 1:58 pm.

BHL said...

The sad part is that there may very well be some valid issue regarding the animal shelter (in fact I know there is) that is getting lost in the noise generated by LCV. By deleting posts instead of having open dialogue, the hosts are stifling any possibility to have any level of meaningful dialogue. So we end up with something that resembles a witch hunt instead of truly trying to make LC a better community by dealing with the actual issues.

BHL said...

my post is there (under the animal shelter controversy), and they provided an appropriate response. Based on my understanding and the provided response (which is public record), it appears that Jez and Bittner have taken a hardline - this is the law, no ifs and buts - instead of trying to work out any sort of meaningful compromise. Indeed, my take is that it's ridculous for those two to get involved at their level when the Animal Shelter director is fully capable of working out reasonable agreements regarding the management of the facility.

That said, the ploy of pulling on heartstrings of animal lovers and tying it to Randall is a bit of a stretch. After all, first they accuse Randall of spending money like a liberal, and now they accuse her of being heartless like a republican (in Dem speak) in order to not spend money.

Like I said before, the real issue will get lost in the LCV noise.

Morgan_Campbell said...

@BHL - Thanks. I read the post and believe I have a reasonable understanding of all side. With that said, Tony Randall has become League City's George Bush. If they don't like it, she did it.