Sunday, May 15, 2011

The people have spoken

Congratulations to our new Mayor Tim Paulissen as well as or new council members Dan Becker, Dennis O’Keefe and Andy Mann. A big thank you to Mr. Anderson and Mr. Maldonado for getting involved in the process. A special thanks to Mayor Toni Randall for leading League City out of the Abyss that previous administration put us in. God Bless League City !

For final unofficial totals click here


Morgan_Campbell said...

It appears that there is continuing sentiment from the November elections to oust the incumbents - and that isn't necessarily a bad thing. To those newly elected to represent League City - congratulations! You have some big shoes to fill.

Joe said...

Ding Dong! The Witch is dead. Which old Witch? The Wicked Witch!
Ding Dong! The Wicked Witch is dead.

Joe said...

Where's your bridge Mayor? You had three long years to get it done? You had your own attorney? Where's the bridge Paul, Jeff? Any idea?

BHL said...

Joe, you should consult someone about your inability to let go and not mock (i.e. being both a sore loser and sore winner). Give Jesus a call. He's available 24/7 free of charge.

Jeff Hagen said...

Joe, the bridge is coming soon. The courts move slow, but they are moving along. Interesting you should ask just now - on Thursday morning (May 19th), the 14th Court of Appeals issued a ruling rejecting the city's request for a rehearing on the court's decision from earlier this year to return the case to trial. (This request for rehearing was one of the items council authorized their lawyer to do after loosing in the CoA.) That's twice now that the 14th CoA has ruled against the city's claims.

This latest news from the court does not appear to have been picked up by the press yet, so you may not have heard of it.

I don't know how long it will take the court process to play out to the end or if the double loss at the CoA will put enough pressure on the city to finally negotiate an acceptable settlement before trial.

Jeff Hagen

Morgan_Campbell said...

It must suck to be Nick Scotto right about now, with his family's business filing for bankruptcy and all.

Wall Street Journal

Morgan_Campbell said...


Chris John Mallios said...

After it is all said and done the League City Tax payers (Thanks to Jerry "I'm the most conservative candidate" Shults and Chris "i don't know what to do so I will do what I am told" Reed)will make sure Mr. Scotto does not live under a bridge !

Chuck DiFalco said...

I thought Mr. O'Keeffe ran a clever campaign. For example, his "no red light cameras" sign near the intersection of I45 and FM518, ground zero for camera tickets! However, I was surprised that he got a majority of the vote with 3 candidates running. In this town, it's hard to get more than 50% with two choices, let alone three ;-) He had many attractive slogans on his campaign signs. I liked them all. The real test of his leadership will occur when he must cast a vote and two or more of those promises conflict with each other.

Joe said...

Ok Jeff lets make a bet, I say in two years I'll be on here sayings, "so Jeff where is your bridge?" There will be no bridge, and there will be no payout now that we have a new Mayor. And who cares about Shults where is he anyway? I was a Harrison fan! Oh and hey Jeff are you and Paul still buddies?

Joe said...

Oh and speaking of voters have spoken we, the voters, spoke against you Mallios a few years ago right? wow can you imagine if CM was elected, we would have been worse off than TR.

Joe said...

Ok Jeff lets make a bet, I say in two years I'll be on here sayings, "so Jeff where is your bridge?" There will be no bridge, and there will be no payout now that we have a new Mayor. And who cares about Shults where is he anyway? I was a Harrison fan! Oh and hey Jeff are you and Paul still buddies?

Chris John Mallios said...

(Sung to the tune of “Hey Joe" with Apologies to Jimmy Hendricks )

Hey jo where ya goin’ with that road kill dear in your hand ?
Hey jo where ya goin’ with that road kill dear in your hand ?
“I’m goin’ to the maintenance barn to skin him just as fast as I can”.
I heard ya got caught and you blamed it all on the other man and that ain’t too cool brother

Jeff Hagen said...


Like I said, I'm not going to hazard a guess as to how long it will take the courts to finally sort this out. But they have clearly recognized the legitimacy of our complaints and ruled in our favor against the city twice now. I'm not a betting man, but I see that you are. I wonder what other home owners are making bets?
Are you still buddies with Crockett?


Joe said...

Sorry CM you got the wrong guy, I still work for the City and not in that dept. Jeff no I don't know a "Crockett"?

Jeff Hagen said...

Joe, are you sure?

Chris John Mallios said...

I am sure it was a case of mistaken identity. LOL !!! My knowledge of the incident is firsthand. I am familiar with all who were involved. Don’t they call you “Mr. Tibbs” or is that a line from a movie. Could be a misspelling, thought I could be wrong.

BHL said...

If Joe thought Toni and her changes were a pain, just wait until Tim takes his conservative ax out.

Jeff Hagen said...

What's the matter Joe, no time to play?

Too busy shopping for a new boat? A canoe ought to just about do it.

Or does your boss not like it when you post on blogs during working hours while identifying yourself as a city employee?
See above:
" Joe said...
[...] I still work for the City and not in that dept. [...]
May 25, 2011 12:45 PM"


BHL said...

Let's be fair now. It is possible that "joe" was on his lunch break. I don't know if LC has policies regarding personal use, but I believe usage would not include matters related to local campaigns (which Joe's pre-election comments could be construed as in violation.)

Jeff Hagen said...

Just a question BHL.

Although I'd speculate city policy frowns on publicly commenting about matters of litigation involving the city when identifying one's self as a city employee, regardless of being on the clock or not and regardless of using work or personal assets to make such comments.

Or perhaps they don't mind. 'Joe' doesn't seem to be saying much more about it though.


P. Moratto said...

I don't think we need to feel too sorry for Nick. I'm sure that Roman Delight will keep him from having to sleep under a bridge. Maybe he can set up a cot in the back room, and offer round-the-clock deliveries.

Joe said...

Boy you guys are way off but I love it. I told you before I don't work day shift. And Rainbow Jeff I'm too young for Miami Vice. You are also mistaken we can dabble in local politics by policy, just not on duty :). Fools fools if she was so good why did the people vote her out!

P. Moratto said...

A lot -- if not most -- of our gripes were (are) not Toni's fault, but they're gripes just the same, and they get taken into the ballot box. We are pissed about water rate hikes (yet we elected the guy who shouldered us with them). We are pissed about red light cameras (which can be fixed, but they're not). We're pissed about extravagant staff parties left unaccountable. We're pissed about Pat Hallisey's Proud, and about Butt Lick Museum, and a stolen bridge in Glen Cove. We're pissed about [whatever], and we take it to the polls. What else can we do?