Friday, August 5, 2011

Mr. Campbell's link

Mr. Morgan Campbell listed this link on the last thread. I guess he would like it to be a thread of it's own. It is an interesting story.


Jeff Hagen said...

Mr. Mallios, would this not be an appropriate item for your ethics committee to investigate?

I have long suspected that something like this was the case - assuming the Sea Breeze article is accurate, it is fascinating to see the truth finally coming out at long last. It would be even more fascinating to see what could be uncovered or confirmed with the investigative powers of your committee.

Jeff Hagen

Morgan_Campbell said...

I hope that the editors of the Seabreeze have done the right thing and turned these emails over to the D.A. Mr. Polanco's alleged participation and cover up must be investigated.

Chris John Mallios said...

As long as the situation involves those who are within the scope of our responsibility as outlined by the city council ordinance, any item that is brought to the attention of the committee in the form of a written complaint will be investigated

Morgan_Campbell said...

Do I need to write that letter?

Chris John Mallios said...

According to the city ordinance Any committee member who writes out or files a complaint is not eligible to vote or discuss the complaint with committee.

Chuck DiFalco said...

This is juicy material, but is it real? How did this periodical obtain those emails, or is it just second hand information? What is the connection? Why now, 5 years later? Who is "gator"? Where are the emails? Someone else telling me about them is not good enough. I need to see them myself to believe the assertions about who wrote what when.

Chris John Mallios said...

Considering the professions of the individuals, who are allegedly involved in this situation are, I would venture to say that a paper publishing such information would more than likely have the backup documents in their possession prior to publication.

Morgan_Campbell said...

Don't underestimate this paper; they have been first to report a lot of important area news and they have been reporting on Glen Cove since the day the trouble with the bridge started.

P. Moratto said...

Gator is editor and possibly publisher of the Seabreeze and Night Moves. He has been in the business a long time and, like Morgan says, his reporting lives up to reputation, as does his paper. If he says he has the e-mails, I believe it.
But the city doesn't have to wait for this to unfold. In the interest of fairness to the GC community, the city might take sworn depositions or call a grand jury to get testimony under oath and on record, and then proceed with settling the bridge matter regardless of how criminal charges may or may not take place.
I have asked mayor and council to consider this course of action. My letter is available on request.

Joe said...

If this turns out to be true Jeff I think you owe some apologies to others?

Joe said...

If this turns out to be true Jeff I think you owe some apologies to others?

Jeff Hagen said...

How so, Joe?
I have said since the beginning that I believed the city was complicit in the alteration of the disposition of the HL&P canal properties and interests from the original donation to public ownership to private ownership. If this story is true, that is indeed exactly what happened. (Keep in mind that the bridge property is a separate piece of property that lies between the two adjacent canal properties and was itself never owned by either the city or the power company.)

On the contrary, you & your friends and a long line of other folks owe Glen Cove a very great deal of apologizing.

But your confusion is hardly surprising - it's been obvious to everyone all along that you don't have a clue what you are talking about.


Joe said...

Jeff, I love the way you say "everyone" Do you really think "everyone" supports you or even thinks your stories have a hint of truth? Come out of the closet Jeff quit hiding (no pun intended).

Jeff Hagen said...

Joe, you really are amazingly dense. This story didn't come from me, it came from 'Gator' at the SeaBreeze. Did you forget to read the original post?

So how about answering the question I asked. Or backing up your new assertion.

And how about revealing your identity.


Marc Edelman said...

Jeff, when is the new court date on this issue?

Joe said...

Jeff, I never said you wrote the article, unless you are "gator". I will reveal my identity reveal your gender preference. Oh and I thought Arny P. was your friend?