Thursday, January 19, 2012

Should the City Move Election Day?

As far back as I can remember, elections have been held in May in League City. However, there is a recommendation by the League City Charter Review Committee to move the city election to the November ballot with other state and federal elections.

A recent state law, and language in the City Charter, would now allow the City Council to move election day by ordinance. This means that this years election could be moved to the November ballot if City Council approves a proposed ordinance during the month of January.

If approved, citizens of League City would be able to vote at any Galveston County election site. The efficiencies of combining our municipal election with federal, state and county elections could save tax payers thousands of dollars per election as well as increasing voter participation by making it much more convenient and easy for voters to participate. If approved, voters would no longer face the frustration of going from election site to election site trying to find their correct voting location.

There are some Council persons who don't support this measure and have publicly stated their apprehension about this proposed change. Councilmen Becker and O'Keeffe went on the record during yesterdays Council workshop with the Charter Review Committee saying that they were not certain they would be supporting this ordinance to change the municipal election from May to November.

Mr. Becker said that he was not certain that uninformed voters would be a benefit to the election process in League City. Mr. Becker said that he was of the opinion that the current approximately 2000 voters were informed on the issues, but if 18,000 voters were to participate, he was not certain they would be educated on the issues that surround an election. I am anxious to hear what your thoughts are on this issue.


Chuck DiFalco said...

A few points here.

(1) I am in favor of moving League City elections from May to November.

(2) I am NOT in favor of moving the election by Council ordinance. This is another issue that the citizens should vote on via referendum. We need to be moving more toward direct democracy by the people. Yes, that means telling our elected representatives to stand aside.

(3) The risk of uninformed voters participating in city elections is greatly exaggerated. The reason is that the straight party button on the ballot doesn't apply to (by law) non partisan city elections. That means if you want to vote for a city council member, you still must make a directed, deliberate action to do so.

Chris John Mallios said...

Maybe Mr. Becker should give us a list of individuals who he feels are “educated” on the issues enough to vote. That way we could stop all the “democracy” stuff. I wonder if Mr. Becker works for homeland security?
Also what is the deal with 4 year terms? Been there done that. Can you imagine what could have happened if Jerry Shults had another year? He could have sold the Hwy 3 bridge as well as made the gulf freeway bridge a toll bridge.

Morgan_Campbell said...

I'll go ahead and repeat my comment here too.

The comments of Dennis O'Keeffe and Dan Becker smack of elitism. ("I have some strong concerns about people being qualified and informed on who they are voting for and what they are voting for.") One of the reasons so few people vote in the local elections is the inconvenience of multiple elections. But lets get real here - city council candidates have a much better chance of being elected when they have a smaller group of voters to appeal to. As a matter of fact, it's rather disturbing to me that someone can be elected by appealing to a particular church congregation than the general public.

It is offensive and ironic that O'Keeffe would suggest that the efforts of this committee be undermined by placing the item as a referendum on the next voting ballot when clear monetary savings can be accomplished by combining the election cycles.

Joe said...

I have a worse scenario CM, what is you would have been elected? Whew now that would have been a disaster. I think you are nuts if you think for one second we are in a better position now than we have ever been in. Our City has always been screwed up. At least Schultz and Harrison had the education. More than I can say for the dropouts of you, TR, and TP.

Joe said...

Oh Mr. hyphenated name, good one, you sure got me there. Is that all you have? Did you go look at the election sign in your garage to get the spelling right?

P. Moratto said...

"Amen" to all of the above except for Joe The Malcontent.

Chris John Mallios said...

Well hey there Joe. Still angry that we know who you are eh? Oh well such is life. Joe tell me what did I ”drop out” of? LOL …. I will say this Joe you are entitle to your opinion and it is a good thing that you have a forum to voice it in. Which is more than I can say for your “friends” who will not let you in the front (or back) door. LOL. Have a GREAT DAY !! Glad you feel like you belong !

Joe said...

CM know who I am? You have no idea who I am and thats what kills you. You lost, your brother lost, heck your whole darn family has lost. LC has told you over and over to get out we don't want your input! You are a nut.

Joe said...

oh no, what is this I hear is on the agenda executive session? Another City Manager fired?

Morgan_Campbell said...

Wrong again Joe.

Joe said...

wrong again Mo, stay tuned its about a racist comment in an email. Do your homework.

Joe said...

Mr. hyphenated name where are yooouuuuu....was I right? Come on just say I was right? No City Manager, No Police Chief, No Public Works Director? Where have we gone? How is this any better than when JS Or JH was Mayor? Moral is an all time low. We knew it was a matter of time before Rich was exposed he makes no bones about his feelings,

Chris John Mallios said...

Wow Joe a lot of sour grapes eh? LOL and yes Joe I do know who and what you are. And Joe for the record I am not dead. Joe I never lost a race for Pct. Chair, (in over 25 years and 12 elections) Jeff won 2 council races. I am proud to be the chairman of our city ethics board (something I have supported for years) I am involved in the 50th celebration of our city. I enjoy writing columns about our city history. So tell us Joe what do you do for our city? I guess now you will talk about my momma eh joe? LOL
Joe your moral is at an all time low because you cannot do as you used to. It appears you have a tough time pushing your weight around now and your political cover is gone. Got to do the job now eh Joe? Still ashamed of what you say and are afraid to use your real name? I understand Joe. That is why we all find you the center of entertainment. Every Village has an idiot Joe, and we accept you as ours !

Joe said...

sticks and stones CM, Sticks and Stones. Having you over an Ethics group is..well... a laugh in itself. loosing some traction aren't you?

Chris John Mallios said...

No Joe I wouldn't say so. But glad to have calmed you down.

P. Moratto said...

A few years ago we had some character here from the east side who threw his hat in the ring and then pulled it out real quick. No, not the ex coach from CCHS. Don't remember the dolt's name, but his photo showed him at the bottom of a staircase that was more interesting than he was. One of his chief (or few) claims to fame was that his wife of X number of years was a "hottie," remember? Who was that guy, and why does Joe remind me of him?

Morgan_Campbell said...

Here I am Joe! Guess what, Joe? He wasn't fired! That makes you...WRONG AGAIN!

Joe said...

I don't even know who that is Paul? Give me a hint? Did he run for Council or Mayor? If you want to know who I am just ask CM he claims to know me? BTW he does he just can't make the connection.
Morgan, wow you are on top of things and the Giants won the superbowl! SO tell me Morgan should he have been fired? CM? Paul? Chuck?

Joe said...

well the email just went out. RO is out, so now what? We are better I guess still right? You guys are nuts, well I guess you know that already.

Chris John Mallios said...

Joe, I guess they don't tell you everything....... R.O. out ???? No he is now in a position where it doesn't matter what anyone says about him.

Tell us Joe what do your sources say about that ? LOL !!!!