I saw
this on the front page of the daily news. King Maker? LOL no don't think so it's more like King Faker. Oh what a tangled web we weave...... Gives a whole new meaning to the term "Family values". I guess, like other politicians before him on both sides, that is what happens when you have been in office to long.
LOL is everyone still afraid of this fool ?
amazingly quiet.
Same thing at the so-called "LeagueCityHistoricDistrict.com" website. It's a virtual morgue.
Unlike a BBS or blog, comments are not published unless they are preapproved, which may explain why there aren't any. Or maybe nobody is even looking at the site.
These desperate losers in our recent de-annexation from the HDC are still in denial and trying to hang on to us. They pompously refer to our neighborhood (Township & 7th) as being "in" the back of "our" neighborhood. They make wild and unsubstantiated claims about "commercial" development back here on the creek, but fail to show any (beyond their own paranoia, at least). HDC has become a laughable characterization of its former self, and is taken less seriously each passing day. Sad end to something that began with such a noble vision.
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