Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Who’s on first?

The discussions have been going on for a few months now and a few names are beginning to emerge as viable candidates for our city. Do you have any suggestions of who should run and who should not? It has been said that Tommy Cones is thinking about not running but we know that is a smoke screen because just like his embarrassingly beaten idol and worshiped leader Jerry Shults, he has no choice. He MUST run because he has too many promises to keep to his good old boys. Marc Edelman was spreading the rumor that he may run but why replace Tommy with a Tommy clone? Is it important to elect individuals who will work with our Mayor to move our city forward or should we reelect the two that continually try to obstruct our city’s progress for the sake of personal power, more roof tops and personal “pet” projects? Lastly what about attorneys on council? My goodness it seems that they are all the same. (Yes I do know a few good ones) They tell you what they think you want to hear to get elected and then they make concessions for the chosen few and not for the good of the majority of the city and the citizens just to get their “pet” projects approved.


Casey Montgomery said...

I would sort of like to see that guy that walks down the street in drag screaming at unknown entities in the sky....I would definitely support him. We need an outside the box thinker like that on council.

Chris John Mallios said...

Hey Casey good to hear from you. I take it that you are not running this go ‘round.

Casey Montgomery said...

Good Morning Chris,

It's good to talk with you, too....of course, that was an attempt at humor...but it would be funny wouldn't it? I would never miss a council meeting if he were to get elected!

I appreciate the inquiry regarding me running this year. As I stated before, I don't think I would be doing a service to the City if I were to run this year. My time is so limited right now that I don't think I would be as effective as I would like. You guys would be on here screaming about me not making all the workshops.....

I am definitely looking to support the best candidates and hopefully some good people will emerge to choose from. And I appreciate those that have asked me about running again...but like I said, the next time I run, I want to make sure that I will be able to put the required time and energy into the job. See you later.

Casey Montgomery said...

Is it true that Marc might run? Man, I have been so out of the loop. If he runs he definitely has my support....come on know Marc's a good guy.

Chris John Mallios said...

In my opinion there is no doubt that Marc is a nice person and does well with his business. Unfortunately I believe he has shown he is not an independent thinker and he takes direction from Mr. Cones, who told him to shut down his blog and radio show. He has a habit of telling people to their face what he thinks they wish to hear and runs away from confrontation. Marc was more concerned about his godfather being removed by the mayor than the bridge give away in Glen Cove. He is not what our city needs at this critical juncture. We need people who will work with our Mayor and not be obstructionists. We need individuals who will place League City first before their personal wants.

LC Confused Party said...

Chris, you mean we need mindless drones to do the mayors' bidding, not cerebral thinkers like edleman. Who are you taking your orders from? You have no mind of your own, so whose mind is dictating this crap.

Chris John Mallios said...

LC Confused,
Your name says it all. I take orders from no one (except my wife) and I do not give orders. Mindless drones? Give me a break. That is what got us into this mess. It’s called doing the will of the people. Change is what the citizens voted for and that is what they should expect. I voice my opinion and you may call it crap if you wish at least I have the fortitude to use my own name while you must hide because you are too ashamed of what you say and lack the conviction for your words. I understand your loyalty and I respect that. If you consider whining about his godfather losing a politically appointed city job a cerebral thought than I truly do understand why you are confused.

lcpd said...

cjm, i say we go back to last 2 years or so and see who would be good candidates. i would begin with you, AP and casey. you can go 3 for 3. come to think of it, i can't remember any other candidates. oh yeah, there was that guy tibia or was it his wife who was running? TC will run, his ego, as is with godfather PH, is too big for him not to.

Wise One said...

I attended the PZ meeting Monday night and chuckled when 2 Tones escorted his developer friend to his seat. Their development was on the agenda.

I guess a $5000.00 political contribution; a trip to Rome; expensive bottles of wine; more political contributions, etc. can motivate one to miss a Monday night football game.

Harry out.

LC Confused Party said...

Chris your words are a rambling distortion of any semblence of a reality. You are a person in need of serious help. What the hell are you saying? Who are you saying it about? Onzelo Markham said it best, you are in desperate need of meds.

Paul Smith said...

JC Confused Party aka LC League & many others...
As a political sniper you are weak and gutless. Using your real name might add a scant of creditability. Mr. Mallios appears clear and consistent on his observations.

Wise One,
I concur with your observations about Mondays P & Z meeting.

Cypress Bay Section 2 was approved. There was no opportunity for public input. Why does the city send out notices of such events and then state there will not be a no public hearing?

I think P & Z members should have attended council meeting or reviewed meeting minutes on River Bend Project. At least the group should consider residents comments and concerns on this project. I failto understand why there is such a disconnect between council and P & Z. I actually feel sorry for the developer caught up in this mess.

Issues about River Bend project not discussed in P & Z meeting: 100 year Flood Hazard Area, Floodway, and impact to upstream neighborhood (Clear Creek Village)

One final observation: I salute the residents of “The Wharf”. Great turnout and participation!

Chris John Mallios said...

Thank you for the kind words. There is merit in what you say.

Wise one,
Did anyone notice if he laid down on the water puddle so his friend could step out of the car without getting his shoes wet?

LC Confused,
I can see where the term “will of the people” has confused you. Is it not in your vocabulary? LOL isn’t it telling how you must resort to the old “if ya can’t control them then call them crazy” routine. You see how far it got Mr. Markum. You lack substance (if any) in your argument, you cannot defend the good old boy position and therefore you must resort to name calling. Get the thumb out of your mouth (or rear end) get over your hurt (whatever it was) and do what is best for our city. As my father used to tell me the measure of a person is not the difficulties they encounter in their life it is how they work through them that makes or breaks them.

Mr. Smith,
Thank you for the kind words. As always you are right on the mark.

LC Confused Party said...

Chris I knew your father and your mother. I would say neither of them would be proud of your mindless, irratic, inconsistent, insincere, vengefull behavior. Yor own personal record of job terminations from various govenrment employment speaks mountains about who you are. The fact that people with sense who get close to you soon leave the fold because they see who you really are and don't like it. SO as far as credibility goes, any readers here who give you one shred of cred, need to learn about your history, I say from 16 years old until present, you have been a troubled nere do well.

Chris John Mallios said...

LC Confused/Pat,
You were acquainted with my mother and father. You did not know them. My mother schooled you on LC politics. As you grew in popularity you changed. She was well aware of what you had become and was very disgusted how you turned out. (if you remember she told you that to your face, of course you probably blocked that out. Or is it that you still hold a grudge?) My father used to say you were the perfect example of what greed and a big head will do to a person. They were very disappointed in how bitter and aloof you had become. They would be very proud of my stance on the issues of the city and the fact that I do what is best for the citizens and the city and expect nothing in return. Can you say the same? Of course not you expect something for the support of your dwindling base. As for credibility heck Pat you could not produce enough votes for Jerry to beat me. You had your time and now it’s over. Like I said before Grow up and get over it. Follow your faith my friend it’s times like this when you need it the most. If you need help and guidance I am always willing, as any good Christian would be, to help you find the path to inner peace. As for nere do well, I live in the same house (paid for) I grew up in. I take care of my in-laws, who live with us and I babysit my granddaughter. My daughter lives in the house we used to live in and own. I have the love of a great wife and family, I am at peace with myself and my maker and I am blessed with the friendship of many. If that is nere do well I’ll take it over what you have any day.

RBoone77573 said...

MOnday P&Z saw Scotto escorted in and out with Tommy Cones. I guess Tommy has to protect his interests?

Also, speaking of jobs? Does Hallisey have one?

Mrs. Glen Cove Resident said...


Good question, but I have a better one! Who was ??
-a college drop-out
-a 20 yr. lacky for a local banker
-terminated from LC Parks Dept.
-terminated from G.C. Parks Dept.
-terminated from a water district position
-terminated from a "consulting position with a bank"
- was terminated after 3 months selling homes
- has lost 5 political campaigns

LC Confused Party,
People in glass houses should not throw stones, should they ?

BHL said...

I think we should all simply ignore Pat and his multiple personas. It's obvious (and sad) that being a political troll is all that he has left of his existance. By responding to him, we are only enabling his current psychological issues. If we ignore him, then he has nothing left to feed him externally and as such we will have to turn inward and only then can God reach his heart.

BHL said...

On the original topic, as much as my coworkers and my wife's family (ya'll know what she thinks about the subject) want me to run, I am way too busy trying to return us to the moon and like Casey, if I can't do the job right, I don't want to do it at all.

In regards to Casey's man on the street, what ever happened to "Nuts"? Now there's somebody I could vote for.

Unknown said...

You guys are looking for folks to run and support in this coming election, but look what happened last year---you elected Democrat Baron, who voted to keep Reed and Gregg, but now thinks he knows more than our highly-paid Gregg! Just look at him--six months into the job and with his "party" behind him, he has put his finger into every pie in town and is trying to run everything in the City! This instant gratification(dog park) guy thinks his "interpretation" is superior even to our City Attorney Gregg!!

You did really great electing Randall, a no-party candidate. Local elections are not supposed to be effected by Party lines, but Baron made no secret to his Democratic standing, and now watch him go!

LC Confused Party said...

First of all I am not Pat Hallsey.

2nd "I do what is best for the citizens and the city" How conceded you are to think you soley know what is best for the citizens and the city. This says it all.

3rd "I live in the same house (paid for) I grew up in." Left to you by your parents because you were incapable of earning a living.

Mrs. Glen Cove Resident said...

Let's stick to the topic. Good candidates for the May election.
2 Tones has had 7 years to fulfill his campaign promises.
League City is worse off today because of 2 Tones' voting record.Let's just stick to the facts.

We should not make the same mistake twice. Do not endorse the first warm body to sign up, as we did with Neil Barron. He fooled us all with his lies about civility and ethics reform and passed a $300,000 dog park.

League City has been blessed with the Neil Show. Mr. Barron is a lawyer; a council member ; the Mayor Pro tem; the Mayor; the city attorney; Mr. Democrat; Mr. Dog Park; and anything you want him to be when he wants something. Council members and the Mayor don't need to show up on the 13th. The Neil Show will handle everything.

After Mr. Barron re-writes the City Charter, President Obama will be calling him for advise ............'cause he is the hardiest working person in (not only League City) all of Galveston County.

Thank you Mr. Barron, how did League City ever get along without you?

Chris John Mallios said...

Please do not group all democrats in with Neil Baron. Most of us look out for the best interest of our city. Mr. Baron does what is in his best interest period, much like Jerry did. In my personal opinion he would deal with the devil if it got him an inch further. But please remember he is only one vote. He needs the help of Tommy “two tone” Cones and Jim “a sleep at the wheel” Nelson and Chris “the obstructionist” Samulson. It is politicians like Mr. Baron that give the democrats a bad name in our city and county.

The citizens have an opportunity to help the mayor out and elect those that will move our city forward. When Tommy and Chris are removed “Big deal” Neil will not have the majority he needs to continue his BS. Then maybe he will run for county office, be defeated in the primaries and then he will be out of the picture.

Mr. Baron should read the city charter and quit trying to “interpret” it. Our city is a strong mayor form of government and the mayor has the power to do what needs to be done without some minor league lawyer trying to interpret every step. He is a legend in his own mind.

Patty melt,
I know who you are so don’t feed us the BS. You are incorrect about my parent’s home. You need to do your research better. So please speak not of what you do not know. And I have always done what I feel is in the best interest of the city without expecting anything in return. We all know you cannot say the same Pat. Got anything else to say then grow a pair and call me. 281-332-5870. Or are you too afraid to speak to me?

RBoone77573 said...

Calling all Citizens! Get rid of Cones in May. He has always put the citizens second. He is a user and thinks he has done us a favor by voting not to increase our water rates. Look at his record on non-election years. Voted against tax decreases. Voted for subsidizing every developer that asked knowing the impact it would have on our existing residents. Does anyone know how many homes Cones has approved. Tuscan Lakes, Johnson Development, All the Bay Colony MUDS, Westwood, Marbella, Brittany Lakes, please fill in the blanks. How many homes total? It has to be in the 40,50 thousand range?
Fill me in and fill in the citizens. I got my tax bill. I am wondering what it would be from the School District with out all the new schools they had to build because of the out of control growth. Growth is fine as long as you manage it and budget for it. Cones says load the wagon, we will worry about the horses when that problem occurs. No more Cones, Baron

LC Confused Party said...

okay local yocals, you can blame TC all you want for the growth but there some realities you are missing.

Tommy Cones did not do anything without 3 other votes

Blaming Tommy for growth is blaming Tommy for the cold front moving through tonight. It is dificult to just say no to legitimate developers who own land and want to build. Muds and Tirz allowed the city to provide infrastructure without taking on the debt on the cities balance sheet.

You can beat Tommy up here all you want, but the fact is you all elected and support a GED mayor. She has no clue about the business of the city. It is a shame that you all feel it necessary to keep league city politics a blood sport. Let the games begin.

Mrs. Glen Cove Resident said...


It has been repeatedly stated to ignore you, but you Are the comic relief we all need now and then.

Your ghost writer did a fine job with your damage control letter. We know it was not you. You can not spell. You cannot complete a sentence without spewing your hateful thoughts and comments. People know you.

You are finally correct with the statement that 2 Tones is just 1 vote. Correcto commando, as was Tad Nelson, as will be 2 Tones, Samuelson, and Jim Nelson next year.

Greed driven, developer paid and bought public servants will be voted out of office.

No one is beating up on 2 Tones. He accepted the trip to Rome, paid for by Scoto the developer; he voted for 28 housing develepments out of 30 presented to council; he voted for 3 tax increases; he voted for a trash contract that increased the trash collection fees; he was investigated by the DA; he spent over $5000.00 of taxpayers dollars to ski in Colorado, watch a space launch, and tour Washington, DC; he demanded soda be purchased for council meetings costing taxpayers $5000.00;he voted for a $379,000 Dog Park; he voted for a $22 million dollar Dream Park; he voted for a $1.7 million unsucessful museum; his comments to the media about the Mayor are an embarassment; walking out of council meetings; etc.

2 Tones' 7 years on council is enough. His voting record tells a story of greed and selling out the public.

The voters removed Jerry Shults and Tad Nelson. They will boot out Tommy Cones and Chris Samuelson this year. Jim Nelson next year.

Shutting down and internet radio show and a blog cannot save Tommy Cones.

Chris Samuelson is not worth anyones' time. His voting reord; attendance record, and the creme de the creme comment regarding his absences is priceless.


Chris John Mallios said...

LC Con aka Pat ,
Local yokels ? Wow so now everyone who does not agree with you is a local yokel? I guess if we keep this up soon we will all be branded unpatriotic or worse…. Communists!

A logical person would laugh at your poor argument of one vote. Mr. Cones controls the vote of Jim Nelson that is a well documented fact. Apparently Chris Samulson could care less what happens in our city. Remember he stated being a council person ranks near the bottom of his list. Mr. Baron and Mr. Cones are cut from the same greed woven cloth that is motivated by what is best for them and not the citizens. There are the 4 votes that are controlled by Mr. Cones so who are you trying to fool? Remember Mr. Cones is motivated to assure (in any way possible) that the development continues and the citizens pay while the developers play. Why does he take $ 5,000 from a developer, (not to mention other things) whom he escorts to P & Z? By his own actions and voting record we can all see that it appears he is in the pocket of those that give to his campaign and not the average citizen. Mr. Cones had an opportunity with his block vote to do what is best for the citizens, like building roads, improving aged infrastructure, instead he used that power and did what was best for himself and those that kiss his ring.

Enough is enough. Mr. Cones and Mr. Samulson must be replaced. Let us continue the house cleaning by voting out these two and place LEAGUE CITY FIRST !!

Paul Smith said...

Ms. GC Resident and Mr. Mallios

Soon citizens will be put first and others will be a bad memory just like Jerry Shults.

By the way, Glen Cove HOA has a new board of directors. Congratulations to all.
Scott Freudenburg is the new HOA President.


Anonymous said...

With all this ABC talk, I can't help but share this:

Enjoy! :)

JCLEAGUE said...

ANGLETON — A Dallas developer settled Monday with two Brazoria County business owners in a defamation lawsuit that involved what he called false statements the two Freeport businessmen put on Web sites and advertisements regarding who really initiated eminent domain proceedings in the Freeport marina project.

Well Smitty, once again you spread inacurate information.

Paul Smith said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Paul Smith said...


You said “Well Smitty, once again you spread inacurate information.”

January 5th Under heading of “Mayors Recap”
I said “See Southwestern Seafood vs City of Freeport. I believe the latest City offer to the plaintiff was $360,000 to cover legal expense and drop the plaintiff’s federal lawsuit.”

I suggest you read the article and do some more homework before questioning the accuracy of my comments.

The article you cited is about a defamation lawsuit between a partner Royall) in the proposed private Marina and the Gore Family the owners of the Western Seafood. The city was not a party to this lawsuit.

“Freeport still has a pending eminent domain lawsuit to take property from Western Seafood and Western Shellfish for the Freeport marina project. Attorneys for those companies, owned by the Gore family, discussed a settlement with the city’s economic development board in closed session during a regular meeting Thursday.”

“Royall also filed a defamation lawsuit in November against the author of a book about the city’s use of eminent domain, the book’s publisher and the Galveston County Daily News. Royall argues Carla T. Main’s book, “Bulldozed: Kelo, Eminent Domain and the American Lust for Land,” contained inaccurate and defamatory statements about him.”

In your spare time you might read “Bulldozed…”. Or better yet, you might want to follow what has happened in the Porretto case. Give me your email address and I will send you the Appellants Brief that went to the First Court of Appeals. The dismissal of the case by the district court was over ruled by the Court of Appeals.
“In 2005, Judge Susan Criss ruled the state and the park board had sovereign immunity, meaning the governmental entities could not be sued without their consent.

On appeal, the family won the right to pursue its takings claim.”

Please share this with your employer. I am sure he would like to know.

P. Moratto said...

So much commentary (and distractions from PH), so I'll be brief. Thanks to Mrs GCR, CJM and PS for your thoughts and information.
ME and Mrs GC have made good points about haste to get rid of bad guys making us elect clones. A rather organized and dedicated group of us were so eager to get rid of Harrison that we barely looked at Schulz, and then we were forced to look at him for the term. Ditto Keeney. Paulissen has been more our luck than our smarts.
Mr Absentee Samuelson will be easy to beat, while Mr Cones will have to be dragged kicking and screaming. But let's look a bit closer at the guys we have waiting in the wings, and ask what we know about and should expect from them.

BHL said...

good comment Mr. Morrato. Be sure and add Neil Baron to your list.

P. Moratto said...

Yeah, Big Deal Neil too. What a forked tongue that one turned out to be.