Below is an email I received last night. I asked permission to post it on this blog. I have received such permission but did not ask for permission from those others who had been listed to receive this email. So that I could get this information up on the blog in a timely manner, I have deleted the other names from the list. I am not the only person Mr. Phalen emailed this to.
Chris John Mallios
From: J Phalen
Sent: Thursday, April 23, 2009 8:42 PM
To: Mallios, Chris John
Subject: clarification
Hello all!
Many of you may have heard of the “incident” Wednesday night at the Center Pointe HOA meeting. Today, I have heard of a couple of embellishments to the story, so I thought I needed to send this email to return to the facts.
As many of you know, Mayor Randall has instituted a program of direct contact to the citizens of League City through visits to neighborhood HOA meetings. It also presents a great opportunity for candidates for office to meet with groups of citizens. Wednesday night’s Center Pointe HOA meeting was no different. Six of the seven candidates for City Council were in attendance.
At the conclusion of the meeting, Mike Lee and I were chatting and were approached by another (opposing) candidate who said (paraphrasing) “Y’all will pay for what your campaign supporters are doing”. Mike and I were wondering what had stirred him up when Mr. Cones placed his hand on my chest to turn me to face him squarely.
Camera in hand, he took a picture of my homemade “Mick Phalen for City Council” nametag, saying “Ethics violation, ethics violation”, and walked off with his partner. I thought nothing more of it, other than it was weak, rather silly, attempt at intimidation.
Later, having found out that another of my opponent’s supporters had threatened a friend, I decided I would file a police report, only to put the event in the public record. I also requested that no action be taken against my opponent. While some have suggested that I allow the complaint to continue, I will not.
I will win this election because League City citizens deserve better representation than that given by my opponent over the last seven years. I do not care to win it by stooping to his level.
Mick Phalen
Mr Cones placing his hand on Mr Phalen, although not illegal is definitely unprofessional and childish. He completely showed disrespect for Mr Phalen, and his action is often representative of of extreme arrogance.
We need grownups on council, not children who will continue to play games.
I can understand Mr. Phalen's decision to make this incident a matter of record, and I must say that I admire the fact that he will leave it as just a report and take no further action. That tells me that Mr. Phelan feels as though he can stand on his own merits, not some political tactic or ploy, to get elected. I believe it says a lot about his character.
The last thing we need in our City leaders are people who let their anger direct them, or resort to intimidation tactics to get their way. I agree with BHL…. We need grown-ups on Council. After this incident, and seeing a more angry and bitter side of Pat Hallisey through his blog entries during the last election….. a Cones/Hallisey combination on City Council, in my opinion, could be explosive.
We need civility and respect to reign on City Council.
The Ca$H boys are desperate.
BHL and Maureen:
I too read Mick Phalen's comments. It is refreshing to have a mature candidate willing to over look the disrepect Council member Cones frequently exhibits. He is a bully.
Council member Cones sent an email (12/11/08) to the Mayor, staff, and council members, calling the Mayor a "Hillbilly".
The same day (12/11/08) Mr. Hallisey sent an email to Mayor, staff, and council members, calling Mayor Randall, "an embarrassment"; and a "crook".
This is the level of civility Cones and Hallisey will bring to city government.
See to review the emails.
sit here and can not believe some of the behind the scenes that tc and ph have been involved in. Makes you wonder how tc got this far without anyone saying anthing. individuals like markie mark are being very quite about this, so makes you wonder when they come out of the closet and defend the cash boys. If the case involving mr. phalen did happen, TC's should be held accountable. in fact as a public offical, he should be held to a higher standard. i am sure tc's employers would not be too happy about his behavior. it's sad that it has come to this and yes, it appears they are getting desperate. pat, put the bottle down and talk to us. tc, put the anger aside and talk to us. ed, put the . . . . . ., well never mind ed, we don't need to hear from you, your spokesmen will do the talking for you.
wise one, could not located ph's email. where is it?
Someone was kind enough to share with me and others last night some information that helped us understand the current situation.
A half-truth by definition contains a deceptive element,is biased,or is incomplete in telling the "whole" truth. In politics the presentation of a half-truth is usually used to force a defensive response or explanation.
At the center of all of this is information that has been made available to the public by various means.
So far, the response seems to be to shoot (or threaten prosecution of) the messenger, without addressing whether the information is factual.
After seeing and hearing some of the history of Pat and Tommy last night, we were left to conclude that the only real truth here is that some candidates have been stripped naked by facts that cannot be adequately rebutted.
We will be voting accordingly. We all paid special attention to the mention of "the club" in the message below.
-----Original Message-----
From: Pat Hallisey
Sent: Friday, April 24, 2009 9:00 AM
Subject: Lets clear this up right now.
Mr. Phalen,
Somehow, truth and integrity seem to be something you don’t understand, and when you step up to tell the story, telling half truths is the same as lying, in my book.
What I said to you both, was this “I told you both I would hold you accountable for the actions of your campaign supporters” appropriate legal actions are now being taken for you , Mr. Lee and others. I hope that clarifies what you think I said.
Now Mr. Cones never touched you, Sir that is a bald faced lie, he did take a picture of your illegal badge. Appropriate legal actions will be filed on this issue as well.
NO one threatened you or Mr. Lee, only a statement that you must be accountable, which by all appearances you do not seem to want to do.
You will not win the election because people at the club and all over League City see you for what you are. Someone who is not accountable for the action associated with your campaign. Arrogance and anger are not proper qualities for leadership.
Our candidates have nothing more to say about this alleged incident. We will not be distracted by someone's fantasy rendition of a chance meeting at homeowner’s association meeting. When candidates resort to mud slinging, fantasy renditions of casual interaction and trashy newsletters, it tells me they are morally bankrupt and have no issues to stand on. These slimy tactics are somewhat effective because people like to believe bad things about people and then talk about it. I hope you will consider the Ninth Commandment; Thou shall not bear false witness against thy neighbor. Our candidates could publish literature that discuss and attack Mr. Phalen personally, but we will not. Remember we are not the candidates that are attempting to hold people up to public ridicule with headlines from over zealous newspapers that were later retracted because they were untrue, statements taken out of context, half truths, and fantasy stories. Hallisey and Cones are issue based candidates. Have you asked yourself why Hallisey and Cones campaign materials simply address the issues? Why are the other pieces of literature from the opposition attack pieces?
We will stay focused on the issues.
Mr. Edelman,
Where you there? Did you see what happened? Did you hear Mr. Hallisey’s rant? Did you witness Mr. Cones’ actions? Also Marc “our candidates” who’s candidates Marc? Yours and “the clubs”? Or is it the developers? Marc, the ninth commandment? Give me a break my friend. It seems to me that the issues of honesty and integrity have been removed from your brain. The Newspaper you address appears to me to be factual, backed up by articles printed in the local newspapers. Please tell us what newspaper stories “were later retracted because they were untrue”. It is my understanding that Mr. Phalen and Mr. Lee had nothing to do with that paper. So why attack them? Is it because “your” candidates cannot justify their voting record? Or justify their personal actions? Or is it that they just wish not to be held accountable or responsible for their statements on your blog when they call the citizens names under their own name and also under an anonymous blog name. Marc, you said many times that you do not understand why your name has been included in campaign hand outs. But yet you state “We are not the candidates”. Do I need to draw you the picture?
Was it a “chance encounter” that Mr. Cones took a picture of Mr. Phalen’s homemade badge? No it was not. Mr. Cones had a camera and, it appears to any open minded person, had planned that out. So who is telling the truth Marc? Or is Mr. Cones a paparazzi photographer just trying to get a picture of the famous Mr. Phalen?
“your” candidates cannot speak to the issues of Honesty and integrity. It’s funny how you must be their mouth piece because Mr. Cones and Mr. Hallisey cannot speak for themselves. Funny how Pat was not at a loss for words on your blog last year. You remember the rants don’t you? You should you removed them to protect” your godfather”.
You consider telling the truth an “Attack” piece? Do you consider your godfather pat’s threats that “appropriate legal actions are now being taken for you, Mr. Lee and others.” a way to work together to resolve differences? Is this how we expect a person who wants to represent the citizens to resolve our city problems? Please Mr. Edelman tell us all how “your” candidates have been attacked? Be specific Marc. Here is your chance my friend.
So let’s stay focused on the issues. What about the developer money Mr. Hallisy and Mr. Cones have taken? What about Integrity? Is Mr. Hallisey’s calling other bloggers a piece of _ _ _ _ Integrity? Is that what we want representing the citizens on our city council? Is Mr. Cones AAA (aggressive, angry & arrogant) manner (to say the least) what our city needs to be able to come together and work our differences out? No sir it is not. But we can start with those issues if you wish.
Well, well, well. Cones has finally shown himself to be the person he has long been rumored to be: a big bully.
Staff at City Hall whisper this in the wings, but fearing for their job and their well being, say nothing.
Mick Phalen was there, and speaks with first hand knowledge, and I believe him. He is honest and his actions display integrity.
An attack by Hallisey has no merit and reflects his true character - an angry egomaniac.
JUST SAY NO - more Cones and Hallisey. Together we can defeat both men at the polls.
As an aside, did anyone see Cones' mailer? I find it amusing that he takes full credit for the increase of sales tax revenue, and takes full credit for performing other truly amazing feats!
Ah ha, but I also saw what was missing! He did not take credit for Big League Dreams or the longhorn cow museum. After all, he has been their biggest, most ardent supporter!
Nor did his mailer divulge the tens of thousands of dollars of taxpayers' hard earned money on his frequent trips, criss-crossing the country!
Could it be that he is forgetful? Perhaps he intentionally left that information out of voters' view.
Personally, my vote will be for honesty, integrity, and progress. I sincerely that you and many others will join me in voting for Mike Lee, Mick Phalen and Phyllis Sanborn.
A Hallisey Fallacy?
Pat's advertisement I received in the mail today touts "Pat's goal is to represent the Citizens of League City".
Pat's own words from Marc Edelman's blog post last year:
Pat Hallisey said...
sorry one more thing.
Will Glen Cove ever go away.
Lordy its a neighborhood issue and dispute. It hardly affects all of League City.
Lets get past all this.
Tuesday, June 03, 2008 6:17:00 AM
Is his advertisement the truth or a half-truth? Did he leave out the word "All" for a reason?
It is the donation of large campaign contributions by developer interests (most of them from outside League City) to certain candidates and the subsequent favored treatment given by such council members to those developer interests that is THE central issue of this election.
Don't waste your breath trying to distract the conversation with empty rhetoric about "issue based candidates" while addressing not a single issue yourself, let alone addressing this most critical of all issues.
But then it is the candidates that you refer to as "our candidates" (presumably the Ca$H Boys) who are the ones who have taken the money, so it is not surprising that you and 'your candidates' don't wish to discuss this most important of issues.
What I am really curious about now though is, who is the implicit 'we' in your reference to "our candidates"? Is that a reference to you and your developer friends who have bought and paid for these candidates? And why do you refer to them in the possessive sense? Are you finally admitting that these candidates will belong to their special interest donors, just as we all fear?
(The hypocrisy of your appeal to the 9th Commandment is so staggering that I shall address it via private email. I mention it here only to let others know that it has not gone unnoticed.)
Jeff Hagen
well markie, tc may not want anything about this, but will he talk to the investigators when they come knocking? "Our candidates have nothing more to say about this alleged incident." You're such a good obedient puppet, see you next time with more news from "your team."
Dear Chris
“”Also Marc “our candidates” who’s candidates Marc?””
I am glad you asked that question Chris because I forgot to mention it.
Our Candidates, Luanne, I and the rest of the reasonable minded and good citizens of League City is who Pat, Tommy and ED are vying to represent. Our candidates will represent all the people of the community at all times. Especially when we face uncertain economic times we need candidates like these three. We need experience and decisive leaders. WE DON’T NEED LEADERS THAT HAVE NO IDEA WHAT TO DO.
You all just keep on flailing about, with your fantasy web sites, fantasy newspapers and fantasy stories filled with half truths and untruths. Page 8 of the publication says the website and paper are making a public service announcement. Is that true Chris? Are they making a public service announcement? If they are then I suggest they read the laws regarding PSA in printed media. Of course when I ask you about these publications and website, you know absolutely nothing about it.
Our Candidates will remain focused on the real issues of the community. Not the made up fabricated issues by you and your group. Maybe we should change this town's name to Fantasy Island.
PS I have no dog in the fight other than my desire to have our leaders deliver good government. I thought you and I just disagree what people can deliver this goal. Is it possible that it is something else you and your group seek? Is it power and control through electing people who will then be beholden to you? Hmmm, I guess you all are just attempting to cut out the middle man, the evil developers.
Chris it is you and your group that drew a line in the sand and have made this simple political process into destructive war of lost friendships and meanness. Some group in the shadows who thinks like you and yours drew first blood. Why is it like this Chris?
If Tommy and his friends are so keen to "represent all the people of the community at all times", then WHERE IN THE WORLD WAS HE WHEN THEY REMOVED OUR BRIDGE??!!
He had all the time in the world to meet with the developer who would benefit from this and to find the sneakiest way to move the change in the city's plans through council without any of us noticing, but by his own admission he made not the slightest effort to contact anybody affected by the loss of the bridge to even let us know of this reversal of the city's promise let alone seek our opinion.
Given his history in this affair, there is absolutely no way that Tommy can lay claim to "represent all the people of the community at all times"! Such a statement is so ridiculous and such an outrage against truth and decency as to have no place in civilized behavior. You might as well start telling us the Earth is flat; at least that would be a slightly less incredible claim.
If you want to admit what sort of government Tommy represents and tell us that we should all accept the benign dictatorship of our would be developer overlords, then fine, I could at least respect your integrity for admitting who you and 'your candidates' are. But no, you now what to wrap yourself in feigned indignation and deflect attention from the truth with your twisted words. You are succeeding only in making it clear to the public that you and 'your candidates' fear the truth and the only campaign 'issue' that you can stand on is to attack those who would tell the truth for doing so.
Tommy and Pat have demonstrated by their past actions that they are not appropriate representatives of the people. They do not need to be involved in city government. As their friend, you need to tell them so rather than destroying your own credibility in your vain effort to prop up the farce that their continued participation in city government has become.
It is wrong to expect the citizens of League City to continue suffering bad government merely for the sake of your friends' egos.
Jeff Hagen
Now, now. Chris, you and Jeff shouldn't come down so hard on Marc. "His" (that is, the Ca$H Boys Club) candidates really do want to address issues. So what if he misspelled i$$ues? You're just nitpicking.
Those good old boys really, really do want to represent all the develo... I mean specia... no, I mean out-of-tow... the citizens, damn it.
If Wise One noticed the kind of names the Ca$H Boys have for our duly elected officials, I notice what that means they think of us as well. So is it any surprise that their friend and admitted supporter Jim Nelson has been yukking it up with his friends, telling them he feels "fortunate" because many homes on the west side got flooded recently?
What I want to know is what could be illegal about a handmade name tag worn at an HOA meeting. But I think we can see where this is going. Another Hallisey Fallacy.
Marc, please. Don't embarrass yourself by saying more. "Your" boys have the good sense (most of the time, anyway) to try to stay under the radar this time around. That's your cue. You've dug yourself in far enough. Now just put down the shovel, and back away slowly.
You never said if you were there or not so I am sure you were not. You only know what you have been told to say. Your candidates have shown they do not represent the citizens only the developers. I notice you failed to list any article that “were later retracted because they were untrue”. So I guess you have no such proof and you are misleading the citizens. I notice you had nothing to say about Tommy “Paparazzi” Cones and his “Chance encounter”. Actually Marc you failed to discuss any of the issues. All you can do is spout the same lines over and over. Did you answer the question about the threat of taking everyone to court? (I understand Kneel Baron is working overtime for PH and TC.) But let’s not take my word for it let me post Mr. Hallisey in his own words. (reprinted without deletions of the profanity so no one can accuse me of “editing” someone’s words.) This is during the time Mr. Hallisey was in the process of being appointed to his city job.
Pat Hallisey said...
Mr. Beverlin I have no clue who you are but if you worked for me and put my company in the position you put Goodman, I would have fired you immediately.
I also hear you applied for a job in League City and there were problems with that. Geez you are just mad at the whole world aren't you?
Every one seems to know about you and your Father. I guess your reputation preceeds both of you.
You may rest assured I will not have the pleasure or desire to know you. You guys are sick-o's
And Meyers you piece of shit, I left your message on the other thread.
Saturday, June 07, 2008 1:00:00 PM
Pat Hallisey said...
bhl, you are the same piece of shit as Meyer.
Saturday, June 07, 2008 1:01:00 PM
Pat Hallisey said...
Hey beverlin, I dont run any city in the shadows, never have its not my style. YOur are just a nut!!
I may not have been elected but at least I had the courage to try you chicken shit piece of crap.
Every bit of this will be going to your boss and if he wants your sorry ass, I doubt if he will every see any business from League City and we shall see who knows who at HGAC. Since you seem to think they all laugh at League City for not having the big picture. I would say you just cut your sorry nuts off asshole
your a dumb ass.
you and meyer want to be smart asses good luck
Saturday, June 07, 2008 1:12:00 PM
WOW !! what great moral character he has. Threatening people's jobs, touting his good old boy connections and how he will use them to attempt to destroy a citizens for voicing their opinion. Yea… a real winner. LOL. There is plenty more where that came from. But as I stated before and you never answered to, it was deleted off your blog by you to protect your Godfather. How long are you going to clean up and take the hits for these guys?
Mr. Cones has a track record of voting for his developer contributors and forgetting about the citizens. He and his deposed friend Jerry Shults together worked for the developer to mislead the public about the bridge in the Glen Cove Subdivision. If that was all he had done it MIGHT I say MIGHT be forgiven but let us continue our Tommy review with trash gate Big League Dreams as well as gun range gate. All these have shown a total disregard for the truth and allowing the citizens to have a voice in the process. Heck in the trashgate ordeal process was not even considered. Big League Dreams he did not and would not allow the citizens to vote on this 24million dollar expenditure of our tax dollars. He talks about traffic but continues to vote for developments as quick as he can. He has been on council for seven years and has not been able to do anything to ease our traffic situation. Funny how every time he runs for office he claims traffic as a major issue, yet has done nothing in the last 7 years on council about it except to increase it.
Thanks for the advice Paul, I will take it under advisement.
I had a conversation with xxxxx xxxxxx who lives in your neighborhood this morning. She called Houston Community Management and they told her that Terra Bella Maintenance was the contractor for landscaping in your Lakes of South Shore, and when she called the company phone number, Mike Lee is who was talked to. I believe this is against the law since he is a elected board member, whose fiduciary responsibilities are to manage the associations money. I am pretty sure this will be going off to the District Attorneys office for review.
Hallisey, ahh, I mean Striaght Talk, you have been listening to Kneel too long. All hot air.
HOA's are private enterprises. Board members can and have served as vendors for their own HOA.
Desperate aren't we.
straight, and while you guys are at it, also don't forget to file the ethics complaint against phalen. ME, Mrs. ME, TC, PH nor Mrs. PH, will file a complaint. mrs. glen is right, they are getting desperate and all hot air. Don't forget early voting begins tomorrow.
Let's not forget how the boy has treated the mayor.
From: Pat Hallisey []
Sent: Thu 12/11/2008 10:10 PM
To: Chris Reed; chris samuelson; Jim Nelson; Mike Barber; Neil G. Baron;; Tim Paulissen; Tommy Cones
Subject: point-counterpoint, you decide
Incidentally, Janice was working and so informed the Mayor two weeks in advance. Debbie Groce was ill. Now who do think the resolution was for Tony Randal like she was doing something important or the those that put the event together? Well obviously it was not the volunteers of League City Proud .
What an absolute embarrassment this Mayor is.
Did you know she tried to pad her own pocket with FEMA, not only her but her father in law and husband. WE have not had a crook like this one since Joe Lamb, who was indicted and convicted of taking what did not belong to him and have the City pay his bills.
Is this leadership Mr. Pat?
and more
From: Tommy Cones
Sent: Thu 12/11/2008 4:59 PM
To: Toni Randall; Neil Baron; Chris Reed; Csilla Ludanyi; Paula Walker
Cc: Jim Nelson; Phyllis Sanborn
Subject: RE: Proclamation for League City Proud
Please get your facts straight. Over a week and a half ago I contact your office and ask that the proclamation wording be changed because you had Mrs. Hallisey as the one being honored, not the membership. I stated to Csilla to ask you to change the wording because Mrs. Hallisey did not want to be honored alone. The request was way before any agenda went out, but unfortunately you continued to have the agenda published with Janice's name on it. The correction was made on the Supplement Agenda. Days before the Council meeting you were ask by staff to postpone the item until the January meeting, so that we could gather all of the volunteers to come to the meeting. But, again you refused. Again, at the council meeting, I stated that the President of the organization was sick not Mrs. Hallisey. Since you don't know anything about the history of League City, let me explain. It's been 11 years, not 9 years of this successful festival and parade event, which Mrs. Hallisey and myself are some of the founding members who started the festival.
It was a total embarrassment on your part, that you insisted that the proclamation be read without any members present. You could have taken m any of the accolades for the event and had a positive image for the City, but instead you acted like the typical "Hillbilly" you are.
"We need experience[d] and decisive leaders. We don't need leaders that have no idea what to do."
Well, after yesterday's mail I now have the full set of Ca$H Boy trading cards to enjoy. That and watching the chamber forum rerun got me to pondering a couple of the candidate bios a bit.
On the one hand, we could vote for Mick and his decades of experience managing mulit-million dollar budgets for a vast corporation and his experience teaching university business classes.
On the other hand, Tommy is a fireman. I have all the respect in the world for firemen, but I tend to think they serve best in the fire department. To be fair, his trading card does cite his service on city council, so I suppose we should give him credit for all his years of experience accepting campaign contributions from special interests.
Hmm. I say let's trust management and oversight of the budget (one of council's most important jobs) to a budget expert.
Hey, how are those anger management classes going?
Mr. Edelman,
You are too funny !! How would anyone but you know how Mr. Hallisey, Mr. Cones and Mr. Kneel Baron are doing in their anger management programs? I hear all three have had their little fits of rage within the last week. So I guess they are not doing too well.
Couldn’t help but notice you gave up trying to spin for your boys. All spun out I guess.
Straight Talk,
What happened cat got your tongue? Going to the DA ….Hmmm sounds like the same old song of intimidation, bullying and misinformation that Hallisey, Baron, Cones and Stations are relying on in this campaign. Kneel Baron is trying to be the next Onzelo Markum.
Someone asked me if Pat Hallisey had been displaced from his home by the hurricane or flooding. I said no. He sold his home many years ago. Then I was told he is telling individuals that he lives in an apartment because he was displaced by flooding. I started to laugh and told them that it was not a fact unless his pipes burst in the house but that should not displace a person from their home permanently. My goodness what type of information is flowing out there?
Chris, please post or forward me the name of the person who told you the incorrect information about Pat's residence. I would like to speak to them. Many thanks,
Here is a bit of Wisdom for those who are willing to listen:
When one has demeaned others, does he acknowledge his errors and ask forgiveness or does he simply ignore and go about his business?
The one who can not ask for forgiveness is the same who does not forgive, but hold grudges. Anger is at the root of many of his actions.
It is on record that Mr. Hallisey is running as council based on his experience, it is also on record that Mr. Hallisey has insulted a number of us with profanity. There is only silence coming from his mouth in this regard, yet he continues to promote himself as someone who conducts himself professionally.
He has not fessed up to his actions, yet asks for our votes trying to convince the populace that he is running for reasons other than a grudge against our mayor. This is vanity and foolishness.
Clear Creek Village held a forum for the candidates. Mr. Pat Hallisey continued with his public insults regarding the Mayor's leadership abilities.
His berating comments left no doubt his reason seeking election. Revenge.
The cry for "issue based candidates" is embarrassing:
Pat Hallisey's past experiences have been exposed to the voting public for 16 years, translating to 5 unsuccessful political campaigns.
Cones: Help traffic congestion?
That song is 7 years old.
Ethics Reform: With the "alleged" TEC violations, who is listening?
Station: One flea dip won't do it.
Closing comment: Cones stated at the forum "it cost $30,000 to run an election". Mike Lee, Mick Phalen, Phyllis Sanborn (and a trip to Disneyland) combined have not spent any where close to that amount.
Hallisey spent over $60,000.00 when he unsuccessfully ran against Tommy Frankovich, (who spent approximately $5000.00)
Informed voters will end the days of Developer paid for election.
Interesting info Mrs. GCR. What exactly did Hallisey say?
Why would “you” want to speak to them? Are you now speaking for “your” candidates? No Marc I will not expose that person to the way “your” candidate “talks” to the public. When are “your” candidates going to speak of issues instead of trying to divide the city and tear down the Mayor? Is that the best they can do?
You are so correct. But Mr. Hallisey does not get it. Never has, never will. But he will try and drag any and everyone he can down with him. If he can’t control it, he will try to destroy it. Actions speak louder than words.
Mrs. GC Res.
I have been told a similar story about last night. Seems to me the CaSH boys have run out of things to say so they are now attacking the Mayor. I wonder what other divisive tricks they have up their sleeves?
Re: Hallisey home site
The county tax office has no property tax records for the past few years for ANYONE named Hallisey - not his name nor the name of his wife nor daughters.
How can he possibly relate to those of us who are home owners? He does not have to deal with property tax increases, paying property tax bills on time, increasing water, sewer or garbage bills, much less home repair due to flooding!
He himself lives on the East side, at Signature Point Apartments.
He certainly does try to convince the unsuspecting voters that he has experience! Personally, I do not want, not do I believe our city needs, the type of experience he displays that he has.
babs, you might be on to something. I think TC should ask for an investigation as to whether PH is a resident of LC and thus eligible. Can PH prove he's a resident of LC? Afer all, was it not TC who asked for the same type of investigation on a former council candidate a few years ago? Yes, TC and PH supporters do have short memories.
markie, have you had a chance to ask TC about his party affiliation? From what i understand, TC is evading the issue.
A new low in League City politics happened at FM 270 this afternoon when a gentleman holding campaign signs for Mike Lee and Mick Phalen had an object thrown at him. It is my understanding that the gentleman holding the sign was hit. I am reminded of the statement that Mr. Hallisey shouted at Mike Lee at Center Pointe and he clarified in an email posted on this blog “What I said to you both, was this “I told you both I would hold you accountable for the actions of your campaign supporters” What actions is he talking about? Is this violent action a way of being sole judge and jury and holding Mr. Phalen and Mr. Lee “accountable for the actions of your campaign supporters”? I would hope not. I believe Mr. Hallisey and Mr. Cones need to publicly and personally (not using mouth piece Marc) condemn such action.
It's been a long time, but I've come out of hibernation from the long winter, after losing my tree to IKE.
I see I haven't missed all the good mud-slinging going on in this election.
Marc and Chris are still having their "love-fest" and Pat Hallisey is still addicted to running for the next policital office like a junkie looking for the next fix. I think I will call A&E and see if I can nominate Pat for the next episode of "Interdiction"
And Tommy Cones and company are going to be starring on the upcoming season of "Dancing with the Stars" as I see he is tap dancing his way to BS in this election also. Perhaps we can find him a spot in the Obama Administration under the Treasury Secretary, as he sure is finding alot of money from contributors but is wasting alot of taxpayers money on stupid crap.
A fellow nut of mine said it best, the last two city elections have began to reshape the good old boy system in LC, and the third one will be a doozy! All incumbents will be defeated, and perhaps we can finally get some people in charge with some sense instead of the idiots who are sitting there now, wasting money on dog parks, red light cameras, and allowing subdivisions to go in unchecked while the rest of us sit in traffic or have our streets flooded due to poor infrastructure planning.
Marc, as good a guy as you are, you are on the wrong side of this one.
And Chris, you and Marc need to hold hands and sing "Kumbaya!"
Hey Nuts, so good to see you back!
We've all been missing you. Did they give you FEMA tree?
Glad to see you aren't going to miss the last dance with the Ca$H Boys after all.
I wouldn't miss this one for all the nuts in China!
FEMA wanted to give me a trailer or some motel vouchers, but being the crafty nut I am, I found another tree to stash nuts in!
So my question at this point is:
How much money will Pat and Tommy spend to keep a non paying council position?
and is addiction to running for elected office a certified mental disorder, or is it the onset of dementia?
Well, Tommy's calculations seem to work out to about $20 a vote. I wonder what rate of return he figures on getting for that?
Conehead to Station Hallisey. Conehead to Station Hallisey. Come in, over.
Station Hallisey. Cannot read. Phalen radiation belt too thick. Lee static bank wiping you out. Try increasing modular cash level. Over.
Conehead to kkk Sta... kkk ...
[zip. bleep.]
if anyone has the CaSH boys recent financial reports, sure would be nice to make them available on this blog or LC X files. After all, candidates are all in favor of transparency.
Right on target, Conehead just does not get it.
Ed has been busy calling around town "I not connected to Tommy Cones and Pat Hallisey".
Hallisey continues to burn bridges, something he does best.
Welcome back. You are correct. Marc is on the wrong side, and way over his head.
Kneel's friends in G.C. will gleefully watch Jim and Mr. Democrat drift into the sunset.
Mrs. GCR, wasn't Ed's name in the list of people who gave a fair amount of money to Tommy and wasn't he listed as a sponsor of Tommy's and Pat's parties? How does that count as not connected to Pat & Tommy?
Reading this banter makes me wish my subdivision would be annexed by Friendswood sometimes.
Geez I know there is a ton of problems in League City. I have watched this since I was 6 and seen the city grow.
The back and forth he said she said crap on this blog is well childish and some of that is going on if true stinks of school yard bullies.
For me I can only judge a book by what is written not what is thought to have been written. I can tell you that Mrs. Cones voting record and donors do leave me to think he is the wrong person for the job.
I think we need a group of people that are adults and not children playing adults to run this city and restore the principles this city was founded on.
For Mr.s Edelman
I had a lot of respect for you at one point back when I was coaching your son in baseball. Now with what I see here I hope you would go back to taken the high road again and stop being dragged out on the the school yard.
I had meet you and supported you for mayor and found you very likable and caring but again the same thing lets keep this on the high road and stop all the childish games.
If you have cold hard fact then post them if not then keep the name calling to your self.
Thank you from a long time League City resident.
I just read a rather pathetic e-mail that Kneel-Bow sent out, pleading for votes for one of the Ca$H Boys that he bows and scrapes to.
Defending his grand dog park fiasco, the grinning grench brags that its inflated $400,000 budget was slashed in half by the mere cutback of half of the eight acres of fencing and engineering fees and a single bathroom.
It seems to me that if that's all we had to forfeit in order to save $200,000, imagine how little we would lose to save the remaining $200,000!
The trees were already there, and didn't cost us a dime. Mister Bow Wow can't point to anything else when he asks critics to go see for themselves what we are getting for $200,000.
Am I the only sane...?
Astute readers may have noticed that the message count on this thread actually dropped and messages seem to have disappeared. I called Mr. Mallios earlier this evening to ask what is going on and here is what he told me.
Most of them were some author deleted messages that he cleaned up, but one was a post by JC League that contained a false accusation. Apparently the ever so tactful Mr. 'League' made accusations that Mike Lee is improperly running his business office out of his home. Mr. Mallios decided to investigate so contacted Mr. Lee and visited him at his office. It turned out not to be in his home at all, thus disproving the accusation.
What was it that was said on this blog recently about being a false witness?
Personally, I think Mr. Mallios was too kind to Mr. 'League' in removing the evidence of his loose and foolish tongue.
Jeff Hagen
I think I understand you, sweetie.
"For me I can only judge a book by what is written not what is thought to have been written."
Does this mean the dog park, like big league dreams, was reduced for quick sale to the public?
What do the closing comments say about the ethical conscience of the author?
The only link left to a questionable past is Tommy.
It's time to finish the job and vote for Mick, Mike, and Phyllis!
From: Neil Baron []
Sent: Wednesday,April 29,2009 5:24 PM
To: (deleted)
Subject: Dog Park Progress and City Elections
Ladies and Gentlemen:
I know it has been a long time since you have heard from me but so far things are progressing well with the League City Dog Park. If you drive down Walker Street between FM 96 and Highway 3, essentially across from the police station you will see where crews have been clearing the site. I estimate they have salvaged 50 very nice mature trees including numerous impressive pines, a large magnolia, numerous oaks and several other trees that I am not enough of an arborist to identify except to tell you that they are really nice and they are not tallows.
The cost for the project remains on target at $194,000.00. I know a number of people have been spreading false and malicious rumors about the cost of the project so I want to take a moment to put out in writing the exact status relating to the cost of the project. You are welcome to share this information with anyone and you are also invited to provide my personal cell phone number to anyone who disputes these figures.
For those of you who were at the public meeting that we held you will recall that a lively discussion ensued which resulted in the park budget being reduced from approximately $400,000.00 to approximately $200,000.00. We did this by removing a bathroom facility, reducing engineering fees and we decided to fence in approximately four of the eight acres leaving the remainder for further expansion.
Council approved the expenditure of $194,000.00 on October 28th, 2008 for Phase I. There is no approved budget items for the construction of Phase II and frankly unless we do decide as a city to authorize expenditures or are able to raise money as a private organization to generate expenditures for a bathroom facility the only additional costs will be fencing in the remaining approximately two acres which might run $25,000.00 or $30,000.00. That will be a bridge we will have to cross with council in the future when the park usage justifies the expansion.
In the meantime, I am very encouraged by the project. The park is well situated on the curve of Walker set back from the street. It looks to me like the piece of property is going to be beautiful when the trees have had one to two years to grow unencumbered by all of the undergrowth and tallow trees that were choking them prior to the good work done by the city parks department.
I urge you to email or call other council members and let them know how pleased you are with this project. I also urge you to visit the site yourself and take a look at the trees and visualize what the project will look like when complete. If any one complains about this project to you suggest that they call me or that visit the site themselves.
Now, on to the other reason for my email.
(voting info deleted)
I am asking you to get out and vote for Tommy Cones for City Council. Councilman Cones supported the dog park and incidentally has taken a great deal of unwarranted criticism for it. Additionally, Councilman Cones has worked with me on my proposed ethics reform policy and has supported every parks project that I have been working on including the Butler Longhorn Museum, the Hike and Bike Trail System and the Eastern Regional Park. Mr. Cones is our most experienced council member and I am personally asking you to vote for him. As usual my personal cell phone number is 281-910-0108 and you may call me at anytime with any questions.
Thank you
Neil Baron
914 FM 517 Rd W, Suite 242
Dickinson Texas 77539
Office Number: 281-534-2748
Cell Number: 281-910-0108
False witness?? Who is Mike Lee? Show me where Mr. Lees company has a tax account in the City of League City, The County or the schoold district for the year 2008 or that matter? I would be satisifed if I could be shown that this candidate has paid his ad valorem business taxes to League City. If he has not, than the citizens need to know he is not paying his fair share as a business for which he has gone on the record saying that businesses need to take up the larger share of the tax burden. Does he mean businesses other than his. I have looked for tax records in Galveston County in his name and his business name. The only tax record for him is his wife for their home. Nothing else.
If Mr Lee has a tax number, I would be satisfied to know the number and that it exists
Also State Comptroller says
Collecting Tax
You should collect state tax, plus any local tax (city, county, special purpose district or transit) on the total charge for these services.
Here are some examples that should help you decide which of your services are taxable. Of course, these examples don't cover every situation. If you have a question, call us.
Taxable Services
Planting, transplanting, relocating and removing indoor or outdoor plants
Identifying, preventing or curing plant diseases
Pruning, bracing, spraying, fertilizing and watering plants
Planting, mowing, trimming and edging grass or other ground cover
Planting and maintaining flower gardens
Trimming, spraying, and maintaining trees
Nontaxable Services
Mowing pipeline or highway rights-of-way
Trimming trees away from power lines
Harvesting, cultivating, mowing and fertilizing farm or forest land
Mowing cemeteries
Does The Comptroller have a record of sales tax payments.
Is Mike Lees company payin 1% tax to League City on his company revenue.
I found NO PROPERTY TAX records for Hallisey.
Yet he claims to be a homeowner?
No busines tax records either.
Oh that's right - there is no personal property tax due if there is no inventory or assets.
Nor is there tax on intellectual (if there is any!) such as a teacher, lecturer, designer, etc.
ha ha ha
"False witness?? Who is Mike Lee? "
Better yet, who is JCLeague. Oh wait. I know that one....
Note: I don't know much about Mike Lee's business, so I could be wrong about the following.
It was my understanding that the Terra Bella Group was a commercial landscaping-design company, not a physical landscaping company. I would imagine the actual landscaping is contracted out, so the contractors would be the ones paying the taxes.
I don't see anything about selling design services in here... but I could be wrong: could probably apply the same concept to Pat Hallisey's wedding-coordination business. I guess we can find his tax records for developing wedding photos, no?
"Examples of taxable labor include developing photographs, producing artwork, printing, calligraphy, custom sewing or tailoring, catering, and assembling products such as toys, furniture, or equipment." haven't had enough coffee to dig deeper, but I think this is worth thinking about. :)
Richard M.
Question: If a boy and a girl get married in Arkansas, and later move to California and get divorced, are they still legally brother and sister?
Is it legal to "coordinate" their wedding in Texas, and not collect and submit a tax on said dubious "service," if Patty Melt does not actually "marry" them?
"Marry," in the church or casino sense, donchaknow?
JC League,
My wife believes I should leave your post because it shows that you (or your candidate)have no idea what you are talking about. It speaks to your (or your candidate’s)inability to discuss issues in the campaign and only reinforces the fact that what you (or your candidate)cannot control you (or your candidate) will attempt to tear down. It also reinforces your (or your candidate’s)tactics of dealing with the public and shows what a poor representative you (or your candidate) would be for the people.
What kind of consultant is Hallisey anyways? I can't find any mention of any real consulting business on the web. Makes me think he doesn't really have a business.
If I was in the consulting business, 1st thing I'd do after developing my marketing presentations is get a good website running.
My answer would be that they're recognized as brother and sister in the regions where such laws applied. :)
- Richard
I think it's one of those "word of mouth" kind of businesses, know what I mean? Ca$H under the table, no paper trail, no taxes, no shirt, no shoes, no problem...
Sources for research of companies are Secretary of State and dba filed in county of business location.
Home office business-use computers, furniture, and equipment are also taxable by all taxing authorities.
ph is the only individual who has been an consultant for several years and no one seems to know the name of his business and does not advertise. Makes you wonder how he and janice are in business? hmmmmmmmmmmmm
Word up. Jennifer Wycoff just resigned without explanation. Neil promises to investigate.
Source: Thayer Evans' League City Blog
Well Mr. 'League', you said Mike Lee has his office in his home and Chris Mallios says he doesn't. One of you has to be wrong. Since Mr. Mallios actually visited his office, I believe him.
I will restate this for you folks that are slow on the upload. I AM NOT PAT HALLISEY! WHY DO YOU KEEP INSISTING THAT I AM Give the man a break these are my thoughts.
Rich he cuts grass he cuts the grass for subdivisions. He was a financial advisor before we all know that business went bad with the market collapse. He provides a taxable service Mallios visited his office. Really where is it. A search of Harris County Brazoria Chambers County Galveston County results in no Terra Bella Group Terra Bella Mike Lee or Alita Lee except for 1 homestead in Galveston so I will ask Mr. Lee again to prove his business is collecting the proper sales tax for State County and City. Lets just forget about ad valorem taxes for now. As a candidate he should be held up to scrutiny for his business practices prior to his election instead of after his election because if he is not paying the city sales tax his statements of business should carry the tax burden are fake. Unless he is one of those politicians that thinks taxes are for other people.
Fake? Fraud? Now THAT is the pot calling the kettle black!
Imposter is my title for you!
People who were at the Republican Women's candidate forum are quoting you as saying that you support Mayor Toni! And that you would be polite to others on council. HA!
How about your buddy Cones claiming to be A REGISTERED REPUBLICAN FOR THE PAST 12 YEARS!
I say to you, "Get a Life"
Patty Melt, I don't know why we bother with your nonsense, but let's run it back to you again so you can hear what your psycho-babble sounds like to others.
According to you, there is no listing in at least four counties for this TBG "business" that Mr Lee supposedly runs. You apparently skipped city records, which could be the only ones applicable.
Either way, what name do you think any TBG "statements of business" (whatever that means) or tax records should appear under?
I see no burden on Mr Lee's part to show tax records for a "business" that you are unable to find or prove exists.
All of this amounts to feeble, desperate, last ditch crawfishing in the final days of a typical Hallisey Fallacy smear campaign. The next in a long line of resounding defeats at the polls shall be your fate Saturday. Goodbye and good riddance -- again.
Pat Hallisey has some problems. He, Tommy Cones and Ed $tation just can't be trusted. We need councilmembers you can trust. I wouldn't trust the Ca$h Boy$ as far as I could throw them.
You can trust Phyllis, Mike and Mick. That fact has been shown and known.
You have to send Ed back to SSH for a drink, Pat back to Pattyland make up lies to send out and Tommy on a vacation with Nick Scotto.
Jennifer Wykoff leaving the museum in one day. Word at city hall is city administrator said resign or be fired.. I haven't found out why but it will come out. Heard Chris R. had been trying to find some reason. Guess we can ask Mr Reed...Probably or ask Mr. Hallisey..he says he knows everything, may not be the truth but he knows. If they don't well just make it up - Seen that first hand. Make it up and send an email and call it true. I would love for you to have to take a lie detector test - don't think you would or could pass.
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