Thursday, December 31, 2009

Extreme Makeover

In the Daily News it was noted that a TV Show called “extreme makeover” is coming to Galveston County. Anyone interested in volunteering goods or services for this project can contact Mayor Randall’s office at City Hall. The number is 281-554-1000.

Also this notation from the December 24 Houston Chronicle about a past chapter in our city was brought to my attention and I believe it to be note worthy to our citizens.

God Bless our City and citizens and to all of you I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas and will have a safe and Happy New year !!



Looks like sour grapes to me.

It was not good enough that Mayor Randall force Reed from the position but not she is involving the County Attorney to investigate Reed for wrong doing.

It looks ripe for another Law Suit against the League City and possibly the Mayor herself and an increase in the Tax Rate for next year.

Stay tune for the local saga of League City against the State of Texas next.


Another discussion point.

Golf Carts

According to my Insurance Agent, Texas State Law indicates if Golf Carts are driven on public streets, they need to have their own insurance and are to be driven by legally licensed drivers. No unlicensed drivers driving on public walkways or roadways!


Bay Area Citizen Chris Reed

Chris John Mallios said...

In my opinion Mr. Cones (who was removed from office by the citizens) has the least credibility and makes a very poor mouth piece for Mr. Reed. Having been on the P & Z during the zoning of our city I can tell you without reservation, that in my opinion the zoning of our city was done so that some could gain an advantage. I believe ALL public servants should do what is in the best interest of the people they serve, not a chosen few, regardless of the consequences. We all make our own choices in life. Ms. Chambers made hers, Mr. Reed made his. As I have said before. Our gain is Nassau Bay’s loss.



I hope that "no" additional litigation comes from this that the LC Tax Payers end up footing the bill.

The ballot box is always one measure how the citizens feel about their representatives, but in many cases, once an official is elected to office, that official does things that the electorate never envisioned that person would do. Thusly, the next time an election is held, new faces appear and old ones fade away.

The next election will see if the citizens are happy with the way the council is handling their affairs and they stay in office.

As far as removing Cones from office, the citizens decided to vote for someone else, to bring new blood and a different approach to council.

BHL said...

"As far as removing Cones from office, the citizens decided to vote for someone else, to bring new blood and a different approach to council."

That's putting it mildly.