Saturday, February 5, 2011

Councilman Tim Paulissen Announces Candidacy for Mayor

Timothy (Tim) Paulissen, longtime League City resident and business owner has announced his candidacy for Mayor of League City in the May election. Having lived in the Oaks of Clear Creek since 1994, Tim has been on City Council for 5 years this May.Tim has also served on his subdivision's Homeowners Association Board for twelve years, serving as President for nine years. “I have really enjoyed working for the Citizens of League City and the residents of the Oaks of Clear Creek." "I have learned a lot about working with the City. I’ve learned what the priorities of League City Citizens are.” Said Paulissen.

Tim's recent mailer that I received today reports;

* he voted against drilling oil wells in neighborhoods.
* Voted against the AmeriWaste trash contract 3 times.
* Voted against taxes increases

For more information you can visit Tim's website


BHL said...

I also note that Tim indicated (in his mailer) his decision to run for Mayor was based on his view that our leadership has moved away from good financial conservatism. He cited spending on "feel-good" projects as the catalyst.

Personally, I wish Tim had gone into specifics about what he viewed as such expenditures. While I have my own thoughts as to what Tim was speaking of, I may only include some projects and not others. I am certain that Tim will elaborate in the days ahead, thus giving the citizenry a chance to decide if someone else's feel-goods are someone else's needs.

Hang on to your hats cause this one should be an interesting ride.

BHL said...

On a similar note, just what role would the mayor have regarding expenditures now that the City Charter has been amended and we now have a real City Manager form of government?

Joe said...

Exactly, at least TR has learned not to poke her nose in our daily business anymore, and here comes ken, oh I mean tim trying to go back to the same problems we had before. Oh and didn't he vote to approve the budet which included the City party?

Anonymous said...

It is kind of interesting that someone who operates in a Council position on a daily basis would somehow believe he can make a big impact in the ceremonial position of Mayor. The Mayor RECOMMENDS appointments to committees and attends ribbon cuttings and other social events. The change to a Council-City Manager form of government takes away all forms of power and the Mayor doesn't even get a vote. The best place for politicians, like Paulisson, who change their opinion according to the direction of the wind is out of government. They cause confusion because of their constant shift in direction and opinion and increase the amount of effort that it takes to make change happen. They also tend to represent a small minority of complainers instead of the vast majority of the population.

Anonymous said...

One more thing....I would love to know how much Mr. Moody is putting towards Paulison's campaign. The Galveston Daily News story about the Christmas party smelled like politics to me. Didn't the City spend more per person last year at one of his establishments? Hasn't the City been having these events for decades? For those who have watched the backscratching that has gone on for years, keep your eyes open. I'm betting there will be more mud slinging, all in a effort for political control. Thank God the voters choose to change the form of government because now, the city has a chance to thrive.

BHL said...

Sounds like mud is already being slung...